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LEXINGTON ENTRIES. Probabilities: weather cloudy track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentico allowance. First Race 3-4 Mile, 3-vear-ohls and upward. Selling. Track record: May 0, 19111:120115. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 28918 Miss Kruter 102 1:12 5 107.. 725 28918 Rlanchita 100 1:13 3 104.. 720 20403 Carrie Orme 511:12 4 105x720 2S137 Morristown 1111:12 7 1090715 2S010 Charmeuse 100 1:11 5 110X710 28110 John W. Klein . . .103 .1 :13 3 101X700 2891S Yaca M 100 1:14 3 9S..0S0 Miss Kruters last race was promising. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Argyle Purse. 2-vcar-ohls. Maidens. Special AVoights. Track record: April 21, 1914 1 :00 0133. 28919 .1. Rufus 112 1:09 112.. 700 28915 Penrod 10011:09 112X095 20307 Elizabeth Thompson 109.. 091 280051 Mouotonv 112 1:08 112X0510 2891S Schedule 109.. 085 27120 Precious 105.. 080 2891! Square Dealer 112.. 080 Philemon, b. c. by Peter .Miince l.ucasta 112 Sir Wellons. eh. c. by Jim GalTney Dinemock .... 112..... P.ii-riiian, eii. c. by Iolyniclus Shy Missie 112 Knebi-lkamp, eh. c. by .Marathon Animosity 112 fW. H. Raker entry. New starters would not have to be much to beat those that raced. Third Race 3-4 Mile. Mount Rrilliant. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: May 0, 1911 1 :12 115. 27001t Rringhurst 105 1:11 5 122 X 740 28212 Vogue 120 1:12 4 122X735 205811 Amazon 112 1:12 4 108X730 27002 John Jr 103 1:12 3 98X725 tW. H.. Raker entry. Rringhurst outclasse his opposition. Fourth Race 1 1-16 Miles. Ashland Handicap. 4-vear-olds and upward. Track record: May 1, 1910 1:44 5 100. 2SS903 Manager Waite ... 4 100X735 2SS94 Aldebaran 113 1:45 7 104X730 27442 Hanovia 100 1:40 4 100X730 2SS90 Dorothy Dean 100 1:40 7 100.. 725 Manager Waites recent race should have put him on edge. Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. 3- vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: May i. 19111:120115. 2S918 CASH ON DELIVERY 113 1:12 7 1040725 2S104 Luzzi 101 1:13 3 104.. 715 28000 Manasseli 98 1:12 7 104X710 28007 Rolala 104 1:13 5 104X710 2S91S HaPenny 107 1:13 5 104X705 275S0 Stephen K 112 1:15 3 10lX90 27140 Chief Rrown M..H2 1:21 3 101.. 075 Cash on Delivery has little to beat. Sixth Race 5-8 Mile. 2-vear-olds. Selling. Track record: May 10, 1910 5S 2 118. 28709 llingen 113 1:03 107.. 700 28101 Ressanta 100 1:02 100X095 28101 Deckhand 59 1:03 107 X 090 28424 Spring Wheat 1O0Sl:O2h 112.. 059 2S515 Helmets Danghter.lOOJl :03 100.. 085 2S919 Shiustone M 115 1:03 100.. 075 A mediocre lot. Seventh Race 1 1-8 Miles. Ashdale Purse. 4- vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: May 10, 19101:50 1114. 27811 Dowdy Howdy ...113 1:52 5 100X725 28852 Rooker Rill 110 1:53 4 112X720 28213 Charles Francis ...108 1:54 4 104 X 715 2S03S First Degree 114 1:53 5 100.. 715 28524 Galaway M 4 103X710 28524 95 1:52 7 103X710 Howdy Howdy races well when fresh.