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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Communications without names and addresses I I will not he noticed nor answered. No answers will i I be sent by mail and none by wile unless reply pre- i I payment is made at time of wiring query. . E. B.. Chicago. It was a winning transaction with no ground for argument. B. J.. Cincinnati. Ohio. liy Holly, the Valhjo. Cal . turfman died in lVIS. He was beat known through El Kayo and B-volver. C. S. F.. Chicago. Deposits last race was at i.iklawn. March 14. 191»i. and he was unplaced at five and one half furlongs, run in l: si:,. J. F. .. Chicago. 111.. Anaconda. Mont., raced in August and September. 1S9S. The late Marcus Haly "financed" the meeting and Ed A. Tipton managed it.