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ALL OVER AT NEW ORLEANS FINE MEETING COMES TO AN END WITH A RECORD-BREAKING ATTENDANCE. Colonel Vennie an Easy Victor in the Rich Crescent City Handicap— White Crown Also Wins for Mr. Livingston. New Orleans. La., February 28. — Tin- curtain was rung down on tin* 1917 season uf racing under MM i luapieea .f tin- Boateeaa Mi-iis En It Association. with tin- iiiiisinii nf tin- fin.-ii r.ii-fs carded at the Fair Iraanda this afttmoen. Thia brought to a • I..--- what was probably the nm-t aaccca fal wtater meeting war ataged in this state, la view of the haulier tea— a eapt -rii-nced. ::ini this too. in spite of liin irultiis such ;is adverse weather Bad track conditions, it leave* considerable rooni for specula -1 ion ;:s to what it aright have ljet-n with more propit ions conditions. The palnaaaa.1 this winter has been much greater thaa in the pn ihiai years atoee the revival af t In* apart here. This has Im-cii liMiki-il upon as suff leant ■MMwer to those who have maili- strenuous, hut aa-Knreeaafal, efforts tor the sports- aappreaaien. All atteadaaee recarda for the track arete arefcea this afti-i-niKiii. with a gathering that tamed tin-full capacity of the huge pleat ami ovi-rflowcil la all iiirociion-. The jam in the grandetaad was so deaee that two-fifths of the spectators ware unahli- to get more than Oeethag glimpses of the raring. Par a getaway card, one of the beat offerings on a winter course was provided. It comprised eight racea, with the Crescent City llandical the outstanding feature. In this were entered some of the li sj here, hut a hard shower this morning, which lowed the track considerably, was responsible for si Mini withdrawal; from the chief race and ipiite a nanaher freaa tin* others. The absence of theee I maaV tor better sport, as. in its original form, the card was tap heavy. 120 entries being carded. Colonel Vennie Wins the Big Race. JiaTUeia Livingstons Colonel Vennie triumphed la the stake and added to his owners big win elaga lure the good sum of ,030 net that the wiaaer received. Colonel Veaajiea effort today was far aapertor to the showing he made in the Hex Handicap last Saturday. lie was prominent from the start and could have beaten his opposition at any distance. llanovia. Crumpy and Opportunity were nosi s apart for place honors. lathi J Crump again starred during the afternoon, for, in addition to riding the winner of fining race, he was successful on Hops and Wnde-worths Last. In addition to annexing the feature, the Livingston colors were also carried to victory by White Crown in the sixth race. A majority of the horsemen at the Fair Grounds signed a petition thanking Placate Frigerio for his many efforts in their In-half this winter. .Imlge Joseph Murphy will remain here until Saturday, when he will go to his home in St. Louis. Merman Conkling will depart for the east, where he will rest until the opening of the Maryland tracks. Secretary .loseph McLennan will remain in these parts a while and then go to Bowie, to assume his duties there in connection with that race nun-ting. Harry Fink claimed Cliff Field out of the last race tor ,450. He will be shipped to Hot Springs. V. Cahill claimed Miss Kruter from the fifth race for 51,550. The judges concluded their Investigation of the ride by .1. Kederia on Jabot at the time of his defeat and banned the following: "The evidence against J. Kederia is not sufficient to warrant carrying his suspension beyond the present meeting. Jockey McTaggart to Hot Springs. Jockey T. McTaggart has contracted to ride for Jefferson Livingston while at Hot Springs and second call has been given to C. V. Ink and tie- ether beraea trained by John Lowe. Jockey Lo.vdir will go to Ialm Beach, where he will spend a brief v. nation with his employer. K. It. Bradley, before returning to Hot Springs, for the racing there. Secretary A. It. Loudon of tin* Hamilton? track, who has iieen a visitor here for some time, will return to Hamilton tomorrow to give attention to preliminaries attaching to this race meeting. William liyan left lonight for Chicago, when In-will remain until the opening of tin- O.iklawn meeting. I-eo Mayer leaves tomorrow for Hot Springs. C. O. Smith and his part* will also go to Hot Springs tomorrow. Al Kirby bought Raggedy Man this morning at private terms. Whitey Beck hud his party "will go to Hot Springs Thursday. Sol Liehtensteiii and Pete Blong departed tonight for New York, for a brief stay before returning to Hot Springs. Frank Bala will go to California in a few days and remain there until the opening of the Mary laud season of lacing. Captain Iluhaine and Kdward Shevlin of the Iinkerton forces will go to New York tonight and later lie at Hot Springs for the racing there. The scarcity of cars to transport horses is giving the owners here much conceiUj, It is expected tiiat the Hot Springs contingent will clear from here by the middle of next week. J. T. Looniys colors alae scored a double during tin- afternoon when Twee and Wadsworths Last came home in front in their respective races.