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, . ; - 1 j 1 - 1 I J ;. ? I - J FEW WIN THE DERBYTWICE ONLY DWYER BROS. AND GEO. J. LONG HAVE WON IT MORE THAN ONCE. Kenward Mr. Longs Derby Dependence This Year — Kathleen in Fine Fettle — Eleven Two -Year-Olds in the Long Stable. By . A. Borate. Louisville. Ky.. Fibru.iry 25. Ever sine-e tin-first running of the- Kentucky Derby, forty-two jrean ago tin- coming spring, only two stables have raceeeded in having the-ir name-s enshrine-d upon the pages of its hi-tory as having won the- race-on more than one occasion. These fortunat-- one-s are the- Dwrer Brothers, who won with Hindoo in lss] ;,,,! again in 1S90. when Ben Brush weui. Tlse- Ba-diforel Manor stable-, owned by Geo. .1. 1 . -ti r. the weU-kaowa Louisville breeder and owner was the otter one to score a double in tin- Ke-n-t n ky classic. In 1888; Azra scored for his owner, and in 1900. fourteen ye-ars later. Sir II11011. carrying Mr. Longs colors, triumphed in a good field. No stable- has sue-ceoded in winning the race more than twiei-. T!ie Dwrer Brothers have long sine-e retired from 1 •■•! ing. but George I. Leaf is still a patron of the ■part, actively engaged in breeding ami raeing horse-s iliel doing his full share in maintaining the ■port of kings in Kentuiky anel else-whe-re. The-record of Mr. Longs stable is one- of luleadM aehieve-ment and excellent juelgment; the result of steady application to all that goes to make the-speert Worth while. Ever steee his first sueeess in the Derby with Azra twenty-five rears agei. Mr. Long has given Kentuckys chief turf eve-nt his unwavering support, and seldom has a yinr passed that he has been without a candidate for the rich prize. It was not untill 1900 that he- succeeded in scoring his seeonil sue-ce-ss. this being with Sir liuon. which beat Lady Navarre and otiie-rs. The- same yi-ar Sir Iluon won the Latouii Drby anel Twin City Handicap, his record of money won as .1 three year-old being over 0,000. The following year ill luck attended the stable, when Are-it -. favorite in tin- race, was Withdrawn at the last mome-nt. owing to unfavorable track conditions. The stable hail better luck in 1908, when Sir Clcg-s finished second to Stone Street. Ralph Developed "Plugged" Artery. F-ur years later Free Lance was just beaten for third money when Worth proved the victor. In 1914 the stable had what appeared to be a strong candidate in Ralph, but the colt, after training Bcely for the- -ace. developed a "plugged" artery. which ■ n eluded his farther training. This yea. Mr. Long has named Kenward to carry I i e tors, and should the eott triumph on the after-aooa of May 12. his owner will have sameedwd in establishing a most enviable record — that of winning three Kentucky Derby*. Such an achievement would be a litting climax to round out a long anel honorable turf earce r. Kenward is a chestnut colt by Alvescot — Bash-ford Belle, anil was bred at the Long establishment. near this city, as are most of the horses that race-in Mr. Long-, colors. Tin- colts record as a two-year-oM is not what might be called brilliant, as he ween hot one race-, but steee east ring the three-year-edd stage- he has grown anil filleil out and de-e loped late «:!■ of the best-kwktee: Derby colts here. II" is as soaad as a dollar and is being given a careful course of training by Pete Coyne. Aside- from Kenward. tin stable- this year now in training at Churchill Downs comprises eleven grand looking two-year-olels and six older horses. Tin-star of tin- stable is the four-yenr-old Keithle-en. Wiener last year of tin- Kentucky Oak;, Falls City .;iid Quickstep haaedtcape. The fillys record la t year was nine races in twelie starts, ami this year she promises to duplicate that success, for she appear* io be- ill better trim than eve-r. She has been 1 1 tercel extensively in all stakes, her chief engagement at tin- Down-, being in tin- Clark Handicap. Ba hford Manor-bred Youngsters. Arrow and A i-li :. both tiree-yi-ar-olds. an- alea regarded highly by tin stable. They have heea both entered in the- Kentucky Oaks. Phocioa, Hemlock and Katabdia comprise- the remainder eef the staMei older eiivision. Following are- the stables two-ye ur-osda: Bay cede, by Alvescol .semprite. Chestnut colt, by Free Lance - Fe-elalma. Bay colt, by Free-. Lame-— Cutter. Fay ci It. by Free- L inee — Mytilc-ne. Bay ee It. by Ieinprouius — Bocma brother to Kathleen. Bay colt, by Bemarowlaa Belle Scott. Bay colt, by Bcuipcoutes Levia. Bay colt, by gempronios ratoaaa. Bay filly, by Bemprontea -Bashrord Belle sister to Ralph I. Bay filly, by femproates— Beats sister to 08-; testa. Bay cult, by Swe-c-p — Oceaa Blue-. The three colts by Free Lance arc the first progeny of that one i- noted racer. Free teuaee is now eight years old and he was retired to the stud with .1 splendid re ord. He- area the Latoaia Derby, ami is the bolder of the Chun-hill Downs track record feir one mile anil seventy yard . Ralph has also been :i-tiiiel te the- siu-1. ami i -; being be i to some- e f Mr. Bongs best mar.-s. The horse is now -ix years old. an I never faced tin- barrier aft r in- became a three-year old. During ins brief racing career in- area eight races, tected teg the Fort Thaasaa Stakes at l.atonia. All of tin stables horses in training arc doing well aader Pete Coynes watehfal eye, and ualess tin- unexpected happe ns. they will earn their share of tin- purses this year. The stable has si nr-ii from Corrigaa ami IfcKinaey, secoad call upon the services of Mack Garner, ami this boy will do nnsst of tin- stables riding this ye-ar.