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BRADLEYS CHOICE MAY RACE AGAIN. Entered Along with Old Rosebud and Others in the Frank Fehr Stakes at Churchill Downs. Old 1osebul and Bradleys Choice .ire the two great "comebacks" aaKNSg the sixty-siveu horses n ini"d for the Frank Fehr Selling Stakes at Chard ill !■".. us. provided they train up to the hopes of their owners. The reappearance of Old Rosebud his already been hailed, although it is yet to be demon-si. !cd whether he will stand the test of actual Bene racing once more. Bat the entiy of Kradh ys Choice in the Frank Fehr is the first intimation that the great splinter of season before last, which beat such baraea as iron Mask. Leocharea, Hodge, Chalmers. Ed Crump and Water Bhtaassa, is again headed in the direction of the winners line. He gave twelve pounds and a beating to The Orach r. tin- 101 » winner of the Frank Fehr Stakes, when the pair nut ye: r before last. Bradleys Choice has not raced since 1915. when i-e v as the property of B. H. Bradley. lie is bow in the stable of the well-knovn turfman J. B. B spess. who thinks weD enough of his rccov.iy to cuter him in this stake. Th" Frank Iehr Stakes give a good line on a class of horses that are aa the border line between stake banes an.i the best ci-iss of selling j Inters — at least hi the eyes of their trainers. The "gambling chance." which trainers take in "anything." such horses, specially three-year-olda, for a silling r.ici — i- made apparent by a glance at the entries. Ten Kentucky Derby Eligibles Named. T n of tin- three-year ol N Banted are candidates for the Kentucky Darby also. This is boI turpi when a recai iliilation shows that Bbaoat fifty per cent of the i-ont-sts for thfaj stake since its in SB|l III Sill Ml hi IMS have been won by three yi ar-olda. On tl.e ther hand, a look over the list of three-year-olds which have won the prize lines not reveal the name of nay that afterward got aw.y froai the better diss of selling plat re. The throe-.v ar-oHs n lined fir the Frank Fear Stakes are: Sol oiiscy, MoaotoBy, Maaiater Id. Peter Jay. Gallaat Lad. Geo . Live, i.utt -rseotch IL. Spring Wheat, Pearoa and Acabado, all in the Derby also, and Hgaaie D aler. Mys.i, I ell; . In mt use. Dt-"liss S.. I,ady B/jb, Fiz-r. Lie ile 1". I Uocion. Hemlock, Battle Abbey, Flash of Steel, Lady Kathern. Ccuaty Court. Langdi B, Highlan 1 Lad. Frank Coleman. I.asil. Felie-idacl. Faddy Dear, Passing Fanty and Opportunity. Other noted ra.eers ;f the mature division nominated are as follows: Itringhurst. Syrian. Marion Qooahy, Lady Kotha. J. J. Mardock, Grater Hughes. Tl sppold. Mary IL, Star Shooter. Sleeth and Jan. Straith. The.i there are Indolence. Margaret N.. Amazeai. loc kichoo. Iagle. BaCceaa, Stephen H.. Alfadir. Jim Wakely, Julia I... Jack ODowd, Able baraa. Dr. Uoore, l ob Hcnaley, Priace Albert. John W. Klin. Allien. i. Serifllaa, Blackie Daw. Thornhill. A ise Man. Impn Hire and Water Witch.