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MANY YOUNGSTERS AT GRAVESEND TRACK. Nearly Every Str.blc Has Sonic Likely Looking Two-Year-Olds in Training. Sew York April -. — A large number of well bred. racy looking two-year-olds are being trained at tin1 Grave seed track. Hardly any of them will be ready before the .lain: ilea Meeting. Among the stables at Graveeend of more or less importance are: Park vale Stable Morris Wei ah, trainer — Bnglebert, eh. e, t, by Cains Orta; Penagh Maid, b. f. l. by Peter Pan Harbin I. ass; chestnut fi!l. by sir Wilfred. Carolina stable James Murphy, trainer— Nashville, b. c. :;. by Cyelades My Ki si. ; six t wo-yt ar olds. U. . Miller stabh — Little Nearer, b. g. 8, by Golden Maxim Lcon.illa. Sand Marsh, b. h, • , by Sandringham Marsh mallow. Broaklyn, b, e, :.. by Von Tramp llnnm Mn Photo, b. f. :;. by Uaagwm Snapshot. Daisy, b. f. 2, by Keep o*Day. Irish Harp. ch. !. •.. by llcGee- Ida Harrison. Irish Tom. ch. c. _. by IfcGee - irecocious. Lad] Lottie, b. f, 2, by Dr. Leggo Coma. Myrtle It., br. f. 2, by Salvado. Old Metal, rh. •. 2, by Yeorln-es Nanna. Piuses, b. e, 2, by "foorhees Prestene. Stamping round II.. br. f. L. by Textile BaaC-tissima. James B. Sheridan stable - K.sistid.. b. 1. I. by The Commoner Irresistible. Charmingly, b. I". :: by Cy, lades Allchsrm. Itose Finn. br. f. .i. by Dick Finm 1! Booe Mary. T«i;kling. eh. •. :, bj George K-sier -Twinkle o. W. Baaeh stable -Gloomy tins. br. c B, by Dgdea Happy Kate. Confiscation, b. f. 2, by brash Lad Census. Dust Pan II.. b. f. 2, by Sweeper — 1anshee. Little Hoy. b. c. 2, by Sweep Donno Mainona. Sweet Margaret, eh. 1. -. by Trap Back Bensnl