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PROSPEROUS DAY AT BOWIE BEST ATTENDANCE OF THE MEFTINC TURNS OUT TO VIEW SATURDAYS RACING. Kewessa Prove:; Himself, a Capital Spring Racer in the. Military Bnadicap— Wood-tone Captures the Main Race of the Day in Easy Fashion. Howie. ||*.. April 7. Tl:. Hi* nutaranys ,-. , ■],.„ in Miiiyl.iiii this uriNM ;«;;i-.-i« f.-tl u big crowd l,. the Prince George course and they witnessed ~ood r;,,.. ing 1:1 which public fom « - fairij conspicuous. Kewessa, W. I.. Olivers oM campaigner, showed that lit- baa mm bark to the races as gaud as ever tins year w l:.-,i be repeated M-, victory uf Monday by winning t!:. Military Uaadieap .it five aad ■ half furtoaga from fair opposition. Tl Id banc ■hawed .ill his n— 1 • i J early ■peed aad at the end was going easily, while winning by ■ saf margin. The Derision, wed fancied, was away badly .md Called t be :i strnams f.i tor in the runniur The Prince George pane, which was intended ms the days feature, brought oat ;i fair field, with Woodward assigaed top weight of lio pounds. Be failed t eat say figure in the running, however, and finished next to last and will probably Improve by this effort. The winner turned 1111 in Wood-Ktooe, which displayed .1 good order of speed la lending throughout aad being niat by four lengths at ihe pad. There was soaae crowding on the first turn jin.l Woodward was the chief cofferer there frees, while Woodstone was away la froat and luckily escape i any laterferenci . The attendance, which was easily the largest of the present tee ting, overlooked Miss Kruter in the opener, which displayed suddenly unproved i.. in, in winning froni Joe- Plan and Gateway. Hke was ably rfcidea by Obert, who amde no mi take* tbronghoal the race. speculation was heavy tbronghoal the afternoon and the weather ami .1 decided tanprovement over that 1* j terday, altboagh lie- wind blew bard iit tunes. guahnsei Bide rf The DeeJstan Iuve-.t-gated. Jockey L. Ambrose •- called into the stand fallowing II. ride on The Decision in the third race, bal no artioa was taken by the stewards. Won! was Mreh ii ;:t the track thai .1 diaastroa lire bad wrought heavj damage :it Belmont Park, destroying stables and ther bnildings. Those bete were aashlr to learn the full extent of the dassage don.- and the heraemea anxioosly awaited farther ward. Latv Block was taken serionsly ill at the Harrington Hotel in Washiagton hisi night. Prank Bain, llorly Lynch and Kid Becbce wen arrivals from New fork. Kx-joeke: Carl Mitchell returned to Montreal upon receipt of news thai his brother was i!i. Word received Liter stated that his brother bad died. s. A. Clapton arrived from Hot Springs and snid that the J. t. Talbot berses woald arrive al Havre de Grace tonight, also those of Jules Gar-son, and the horses iu charge of John Powers, a hii b iacradea I. oebsres. ! lackey Mink Is to ride for the stable of Bd Trotter this year and will report to that horse-in. in .it Havre de tSrace. .1. A. d.i;. ton i. the i:i 1 — t to aanonnce that he Mill race on the Xew Tork tracks. He has eight fair platers in his care. Jockey .1. McTaggarl was in excellent form dar in*,- the aftemoou, piloted four winners bense and his followeis profited h.mdsonielv. Jockey Wakoff was Muepeaded for four days for trsasing in front with Merchant in the fourth race.