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MUD MARS OAKLAWN GOING DOWNFALL AFIECTS THE TRACK CONSIDERABLY AND CURTAILS ATTENDANCE. Msric Miller Wins in a Canter— Greenwood First in the Feature Race— Onar Khayyam Shows a Capital Derby Distance Trial. Hot Barings, Ark.. April 7. A hard rata this ■Borntag eesuverted the track into a iiiiicIcIt state ■nd curtailed t-.,- atti-aaaani considerably The racing, however, was not ■rrlsuaU affected by the ehanue-el going and the- sport was interesting and closely contested throughout tin- aft 11 ansa In tin- ArUngtsa Hotel Handicap for a purs.- of *."• ;-«; ;»"."-.l triumphed over Little String, with rize-r following and Fair Mae- far back. The- winner was practleaUy neglected, being allowed to r-e-e-de- from favorite to the- extreme outsider. Lvke-s gave- aim a superb rich-, dourly outgeneraled Hanover on Little String, and winning by a scant ball length. Fair Mae- and Pteev were given considerable attention in the- race in a betting wav but the- Irish -on-d racer was l,op.l,-ss from the star; and brought up a distant follower. II. S. Ne winans Marie Miller shield a Btejlttag effort in the initial dash, which si„- woa with ruin uloiis ease, as an ove-rwhe-imiug favorite her recent conepi.-ror Cane- Ituu taking second place. Lady Worthtagtoa showed herself at home- in the Koine ami won the arcoad race somewhat easily from transport, with Cash on Delivery heading the othe-r K.I. Imce, a w.-ll backed "g tiling." scored a tacky victory in the- thin] from Ban and Stars with Hast] Cora third. The twenty fair luyera in line this afternoon had considerably th- best ,,f the- sptriilalln argument. The- betting continued steady throughout tin- afternoon. Trainer F. ]i. Weir will ship OM Eoaihai] elire-e-t to Loi-.isvii|,. where he- will be gie-n a special pre -paratioa with a view to his starting in tin- Ken-tacky Handicap a* Douglas Park. Omar Khayyam Works Stiff Mile and a Quarter. Trainer Charles Pnttersea gave- «. K. 1; |:j| lings crack three-year-oM Oatar Khayyam a stifr mih- ami a qaarter workout yesterday and the colt Impressed the watchers by his splrndia fashion of running and the- ease- with which he eov-oivd the- distance in i::0!».-. . lb- had his weight up. Pore I being in the aaaus*. His time bv fractions w.-,s: 24*4, ■"•».-.. 1:14%, 1:41, 1:S4 aaid 2:K V£ The- colt was easing up at tin- end. Ha will In- shipped with tin- others in tin- Billings and Johnson consignment to Ismwiilh next we-e-k an. I in- a starter in the Kentucky Darby ami other 11 h Kintne ky stake-s. Grant Hugh Browne sent a telegram hen- this morning informing horsemen not to ship to Devon -lure, as that trae-k would not be- op-neel until May 5. chiis. pita Gerald left for Mearahia tonight to spend Sunday with apt. .lames II. Bees. Ptoer and the- two-ycar-obl filly Eager Kate, a sNter to Fije-r. were bought by Larry Carey this me ruing at private terms for the Ke-verwyck Stables account anil will be- shipped to join the others in tin- stable- now at Le-uisvilli-. The- W. U. Mizc-11 and the Thornliill Stables horses were shipped ; e Havre de- Brace tonight. Andy Bmketeys horses aad rider Tretee also departed for the .same point tonight. apt. W. .T. Pn-ss departed for his home in Mont real tonight. His horse-s will be- shinned next week. The following horses were sol,; at auction in the paddock before- the raring began today: Cashup to .1. Williams. :s:;7o: .lim Winn to V. C. Dubroek. si:i »: Pluas.11 to o. M. Johnson, Mod. Lib. Byaa to Sam Louis, anap; Whirlpool to v. c. Data oik. ftl-W; Puaha t.. 1;. Huff, fluB; Lillian N. b. W C Data MLk, sin:..