Bowie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-11

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BOWIE FORM CHART. BOWIE. MD., TUESDAY. APRIL 10, 1917.- Pi -ban Geenee Park. Eighth day. Southern Mai viand Agricultural Association. Spring Meeting of 1L day-. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, E. . Smith. 1 residing Jadse, Joseph A. Murohv. Starter, A. i:. Bade. Barlaa Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:88 p. m. Chi. ago time 1 :!! ... nil. ladlcatei apprentiei- allmvance. QrtpTT O FIRST rack -1-2 Mile. April 8. 1888-48%— 2— 118. Purse 8080. Z-year-oida. O mk O JL O Maiii-ns. AlloA ances. Net value to winner 84W; ■eesad, 8100; third, 0. A ladea Hors s " AWtSt ■ x _ ", Str Tin Jockeys Owners lvj 11 iv. Odds Strt 32 48 7 -LA XI LUBBER will 1 B 1- i» T Par ton G H Browne FJ "-■ • 61NNY HILL a 114 4 1 2* r V Robson H P Whitney 265-100 ONIWARD wilt 2 r: *» :;- E T Clyde n loo CITRLIE LEYDECKERw lit G ", and•• 4*| J Conners E McBride 1585-100 AFRICAN ARROW wilt :: :; • :: V* J Bntwell G H Browne t LAUDATOR wlM I P l» c- .1 McTaa/tW Stockton 249V1M RABUNTA IL will 7 7 7 7 1: Mi DottW L Saunders G5G0-10U fCoapled in betting as G. II. Brown- entry. Tim-. 2;*i, 81%. Track h»avy. mutuels paid. L H. Browne entry, s:;.10 Mraight. S2L88 place. 82.10 show; Sunnv Hill v;- 70 place, 82.40 show; Oaward, $;!.:■ slow. Eniival lit bookiajc odds 1;. II. P.rowne entry. 58 to 100 straight. 1.7 to 108 place 5 to 108 ■hew Sunny Hill. : 5 to MM place, 28 to loo show : Oaward, 75 to 100 show. Winner — B. c. by Juggernaut —Mast Head trained by I. R. Mi Daniel; bred in England bv Mr 0 Hastings. Went to post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and Blow. Won easily: second .11. d third driving. LAND LUBBER was under slight restraint until after roandiag the far tinii. then drew clear when called oa and won easlas np. BUNNY HILL displayed exceHeat speed and went aroaad the leaders in the early running, then haag OB gameiy at the fiaish. ONWARD saved ground when coning into the hono stretch and gained steadily. CHARLIE LEYDECEER closed a biu gap and the race mIiouM im-prsre hiai. AFRICAN ARROW was eased ap wbea he tired. I.AlDATOR and RAB1 NT.v M. beajaa slowly and ran greea. Qt K "I Q B*CONB RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 2, 1817—1:07—8—100. Parse 8880. 8-year- QjdfloJ JL *J olds. Maidens. ABowaaces. Net v.iiur- to winner 8430; aecsad, 8100; third. 880. Index Horses AWtSt % % : St- Fin locheyg Owners BaaJT~Odaa Strt 32442 KALMIA PARK w 1 14 G -! 5- 2 V E Haynes R D E.TrT 24MMOI 30210 FLORA FINCH a Ml 7 G H 1 8* R MeCottW L Maupin 393 Mm 32142 BELLE RONALD . PB 1 I1 :;i. :.-; V .1 McTaa/t R T Wilson 65-100 SB4S8 SCARP1A II. a ill :: P. 2 2 4 N Huff E Arlington 1340-100 WIDOW BEDOTTB 1"! 2 P 1] 4i- ■, B Kopmr.E Trueman 4050-100 324!* JACK CABX waalM 1 0 S V V F Robson. E Davis 1170-100 20620 BUDDY w MS 0 7 7 7 . T Parton Mirasol Stable linieo Time. 25. 50. 1:04. 1:11%. Track heavy. 82 inutiieis pail. Kalmia Park. 8S0J*0 straight, 2.80 place. 84.80 show; Flora Pinch Sand8S 22.80 show : Belle R..nald. ..30 show. Baatraleat biM.king odds— KahHia Park. 2410 to kki straight, r 4." to loo place, MO to 188 aaew Flora Finch. ISO to 100 place. 49 to 1H show: Belle Ronald. 18 to 100 sheer. Winiier-B. c. by Singleton St. Kentigorna trained by E. II. Garrison: bred bv Mr. Robt Kellvl Went to post at 3:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: irriad and third driving. KALMIA PARE began slowly, but gradually improved his position and. passing the leaders in the final eighth, won with speed in reserve. FLORA FINCH began badly, but closed a big gap early saved ground M the stretch turn, and raced into the had. but tired when the final drive came. BELLI: RONALD came wide when entering the homestretch, but closed up Ml adilj and would have hoci second in a few more strides. SCARPLV II. and WIDOW BEDOTTE tired after alternating in setting the pace. Scratched— 25828 Mary Lydia. 109. 3t PT rt THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. Is. 1248—1:20—2—110. Purse Sioo. 4-vear- dM gj dg J olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 8480; second. .1M: third. 890. Index Horses A Wt St 1 -i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqaiv. Odds Strt S84B0*PRIM HARRY wa41M t ?■■ L= 1] ll T Parton W~Btraie 4S5-1M 32402 EDITH BAIMANN W 4 MSI 2 ■•, ■■ " 2* .1 MeTagt J Arthur 260-100 32455 LEOMA w 11 S 111 I 1- lh f :; F Robson W Skinker 1150-100 S24S4*BOB REDFIELD w I 10:1 I P 5 53 4" B Kopmi.J M Zimmor 390-100 32428 LADY LONDON WB 7 111 1 a= 4» 4» 5r- E Haynes W Smith 47-,-HKl 32173 SOUTHERN COLD w 14112 7 V V* V* 8» L link W F.nwiek 5825-100 30405 JAOKLET WB6U2 # t* »il 7- J Batwell S Pinkerton 785-100 lSSOStGRBNlDA w ? 112 8 S 8 8 S R MeDottJ E Behrens 22NO-10S fSout out in entries as Granado. Time. 2443, 494, 1:16, l:23Vs. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Prim Harry. ,vl0.70 straight. $." .10 place, 3.40 show; Edith Baumann 84.50 place ?3.80 show: Leoina. S0.10 show. Baarraieat bookaag odds — Piaai Harry. 435 to 108 straight. 155 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show- Edith Baumann. US to 100 place, 00 to 100 show: Leonia. 289 to loo show. Winner — Ch. g, by Sir Harry — Prim Alice trained by J. Phillips; bred in England bv Mr II Lambert 1. Went to post It 3:2S. At ixist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and tliird driving. PRIM HARRY ran in nearest early pursuit of LEOMA. then drew away in the homestretch and held EDITH BAUMANN safe in the final drive. The latter finished gamely under punishment, but could never get to the winner. LEOMA took an early lead, but tired badly after going live-eighths LVDY LONDON and JACKLET were eased aa in the homestretch. Scratched— 3247.7 Kyle. 100: 32470-Billy Oliver. 110. Overweights — Edith Baumann. 1% pounds; Lady London. 4. QORQl FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 2, 1917—1:07—3—100. Columbia Handicap. O afl •_# *mk X. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner §500; second 2.7- third. .-7. Index Horses AWtSt 4 » % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Euniv. Odds Strt 32494 ■HAUBERK w B .". 121 3 4- 4» V P J But well J F Sweeney 2xT-V0 32482 INDIAN CHANT WB4MS 1 1* 1 li 2* R MeDottJ W Bean aVMS 32429 SKILKS KNOB Willi 2 3 3i :; ::• L Mink W Feuehter 1880-100 32494 THE DECISION w u 4 107 5 21 2« 45 4s J MeTagt J E Davis 705-100 29321 TEA CADDY w 4 10* 4 5 5 5 5 A Collins AI Shea 2145-100 Time. 23«i, 49. 1:01%, 1:07%. Track heavy. - mutuels paid. Hauberk. straight, .70 place, J-2.50 show: Indian Chant. T S2.40 place. 82 "0 M show: Skiles Knob. .."»0 show. W Eiiuivalent lK»oking odds— Hauberk. 220 to 100 straight, 35 to 100 place. 25 to 100 show Indian Chant. 20 to UK place. 10 to 100 show: Skiles Knob. 75 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Martinet— Druid trained by F. Musante; bred by Messrs. Holland and Williams Bros. . Went to post at 3:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and tliird the same. HAlBKRK raced under liard pressure for the entire race, saved ground on the turns and outstayed INDIAN CHANT in the final drive. INDIAN CHANT rushed into a long lead in the first quar ter. but tired when put to a hard drive. SKILES KNOB was prominent from the start and held on gamely at the end. THE DECISION iptit. TEA CADDY did not appear to ran freelv in the going Si t-atche.l - 32494 Kewcssa, 123; 32420-Top o tli Morning, 12S; 31S92 Roscoe loose. 107; 32494 Dniiga Din. 100. QO RQel FIFTH RACE -1 Mile. Nov. 23. 19H1 -1:41— 8—114. Purse 1917.sh00. 4 year olds and O dfl *J £k dm upward. Claiming. Net value to winner - 0: second. 00; third. MO. Index Horses AWtSt 4 1; 4 Str Kin Jockeys Owners Egniv. Odds Strt 82507 FREDA JOHNSON w 6 107 1 2»k 2= 2- 2- 1" J MeTagt W C Capps 240-100 324833RICHRD LANGDON w 7 lit 3 i* ll li ]| 2* F Robson W Murray 10Q*10Q 30508 BOX.II BIBBS wn 12 110 2 P 2 3- 33 3 R C Watt.sJ T Temple 15555 100 SS483*CARLTON G. w M 114 5 7 5 4i 4s #»1 K Hajraee J 8 Ownhey 8M-M8 32509 AGOX sr81M i B* 7 J1 O1 I* N Hull J J Fa rod I Jr 3H6-MS 3248.VTOM HANCOCK WB3MB 4 4« 4- B V C- W Collins W Fcnw Ick 6816-146 29366 MAKSHOX wr. 7 110 7 53 «». 7 7 7 R McDottO W White 4755-100 Tim.-. 26%. 52, 1:19. 1:47%. Track heavy. mutnels paid. Freda Johnson. $»»..* straight. 33.18 place, ?2.*»0 sliow; Richard I.angdnn, .70 plate. .31 s!io ; Billie Hibbs. 1.30 show. Equivalent hooking odd — Freda Mhmm, 240 to 133 straight. B8 to 100 place. 4.". to 100 show; Richard Ullhl, 35 to IIKl place. 15 to 100 sli.iw: Millie Htths, 4i."i to 100 show. Winner —Br. m. I.y Badfsid Mill Matthews trained by .1. A. Sykes; bred by Mr. BL Gatewood. Went to post at 1:22. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won tlriv tnsi : second and tliird the same. FREDA JOHNSON was saved under slisht restraint in lie eailv running and. f tnishing gainelv through the homestretch, sot tip to win in the linal stride. RICHARD LANGDON raced MILLIE HIBBS Ainto defeat and lrew into a ■bar bad. but tired slightly. MILLIE HIBR8 ran well, but was tiring df/Anllr in the closing strides. AIM TON c. met with interference on the lirM turn. BF Scrat. lied— 32509 Peacock. 110. tiQKOO SIXTH RACK— 1 Mile, t Nov. St, l!tl - 1: 11— 0— 114. Purse 1917.sh00. 4-year-olds and O £t *J mk O ;i;:ward. Claiming. Net value to wimit r 50; second. SUM; third. 0. _Indcx Horses .UVtSt U -i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners KilTiiv. Odds Strt ~32493HCDAS BROTHER w 0 114 4 4 1 3« 2- 1" li J McTagt .1 Arthur 280 10« o2485-*lXX lTKTA nIM I 5- I1 ll V 2* R Bobel If Lee 240-1*1 33483 *FJCATIL DUSTER wb 1 112 7 6= 6- 3 V 8* B Kopmnli III malaa. 546-108 31493 WK1A5A wb 4 110 3 I" 3* V 4- 4 F Robson I , Hamlin I03-M6 3tS88*BRAVK w 1 110 E 5 6* 51 6*1 Sl K C WattsK Utter-back 8BB-M8 : 35©7*MALABAR wr. 5 312 I 7 7 7 t| i" W Collins B Mock SS-M8 22464 MATMB V. v4M 1 2i VI C 7 7 T Parton 1, A Bengal 4945-100 Time. 26, 51, 1:18. 1:46. Track heavy. IS mtitnels paid. Hildas Brother. 37.83 straight. .-S3. 30 place, .70 show; Ineaieta, SO. 10 place, .70 ■how; Feather Duster. .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds- Hildas Brother. 2S0 to 100 Ktraigh*. 05 to loo place, 35 to 100 show; In-quieta. 70 to 1H place. 35 to 100 show: Feather Duster. 100 to 100 show. Winner — M. g. by Hlues- Kucharee 1 trained by .1. Arthur: bred by Mr. J. M. Van tardea. Went to post at 1:54. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: sec 1 and third the same. IHDAS BROTHER, after being a lose con tender from the staii. responded gamciv when called on and outstayed INQITETA at the end. INQITETA raced into the bad on the backstretch. but her rider w.-s of little assistance to her when it came to the Baal drive. FEATHER DUSTER ran well and always feeM the others safe. WRLOJk shewed speed, hat iuit. Scratched— 3l:4!7 Pag* White, 112. QOr0/| SEVENTH BACK— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915-1 :4S— 4— 116. Pane 1917.sh00. 4-year-O Q*J £Ht ..ids and upward. Selling. V t value U winner 50; second. 0; third. -S50. Index Horses A Wtst 4 ia % StrFia loeheya Owaen gqajr. Odds strt 32498-•PROGRESSIVE wa 7101 4 2 I1 l I« 1- W Collins T Francis ""•::,-10 32498 Kil.DAV wCM 1 : 4 2*i VI 2*1 D Stirling .1 A Gibson 2M-1M :.M « DISTURBER w4W 2 4 t* 2- PIS* F RohsonC H Fountain 4W-1M S243S*PIERROT w 6 ill :. 1;- V 4- 4* 4:o R Ball A Lesaaaa OB-1M : •»483*I.AI_V SPIRlTUELLEw 6 luv | ft •* V V and B KopinnW Walker 24290-108 32485 *ED BOND w 4 1M 7 7 7 7 7 • N Huff W L Oliver 1O97O-10S 32 Hil-IXFIUKI. 11. wiHK, I 1» VI V il- 7 A Collins il G Bedwell Nw-IM Thne. 262. 52, I:1S%, 1:45. 1:5225. Track heavy. nmtuis paid, Pncressive, SaJM atrafcht, |2.«t place, S2.20 shew; Kibiay. sio.c.o place. .20 show: Distarber. .90 show. i: iuiv.tlent booking adds — PtO»reialW, 05 to 100 straight. 30 to M0 place, 10 to 100 show: Kildav. 431 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Disturber. 15 to lOO show. Winner— Ch. b, by Ceaarioa Star Cat trained by .!. Arthur: bred by Mr. T. ". McDowell. Went to post :it 5:32. At post 1 minute. Start r**d and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PROGRESSIVE raced DISTURBER Into defeat while rnaadiag the far turn and drew clear in the homestretch and. to make -lire, was ridden cut to the Salsa. Kil.DAV responded gajnely to punishment and easily disposed of the others. DISTURBER raced well, but tired and iust lasted lean rsinah t.. withstand PIERROTS ctuUteage. The latter finished close up. 1NITDK1. II. iptit after setting tlie early pace. Scratched— 32511 Flyinc Feet. 10S; 32492 Costumer. 112. 0»eiwefarhts -Distarber. 2 ponnds.

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Local Identifier: drf1917041101_2_2
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