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W00DEINE STAKE VALUES INCREASED. Toronto Cup Will Have S7.030 AiMcd— Other Events Pioportionally Raided. Toronto. Oat,, April U. -The stakis to b. run bI the sprung inciting of the Ontario Jockey Club show a considerable increase ia the added money, though no new events are Included in the list that clos i oi the -eeoiid of next month. With the Ainvs Plate already closed with an increased value, there are eleven stake races to be decided. the richest being the Toronto Cap, with sT.ikmi in ndded money. The Cennanghl Cap, the Bendrie Memorial, the King Edward Hold Cap, the Wood slock Plate, and all other historic events find n plaei in the program, and Canadian -breda are especially well provided for. It is an Interesting feature, and far abend af conditions in Bagland, for Instance, thai an owner .nay make a nomination ii. nay race, even the ,000 Ti ronto Cup, for a five-dollar bill. The various events nm. open to ownen are ,-is faOowa: Toronto Cup handicap — 37,683 ndded; far three vi ir ..Ms and over; :i sweepstakes of WO each, .-."i forfeit; one mile and an eighth. The Coananght Cap handicap -33.008 added; a challenge cup presented by ii. -Id Marsha] his Royal Highness the Duke of Coananght, K. ;.. aad her Royal Highness the Duchess of Csamanght; for three-year-olds and over, the boaa fide property of Canadian owners, resident in Canada; a sweepstakes of 323 each. 33 forfeit: ana mile and a sixteenth. Valuable Hotel Gold Cup. King Bdwnrd Hotel Gold cap handicap -12,833 added: a rhaBenge cap, far three-year-olds and over: a sweepstakes of 318 each, •." forfeit: one mile and a unaitll Minto 32,833 added; fur tnree-year-olds and ver: a selling sweepstakes of 318 each, $." forfeit: one mile and a sixteenth. Willia.u liindrie Memorial Handicap Sl.Ollll added: for three-year-olds and over, fualed in Canadn; a ■neenstekes of 818 each. 38 farfett; one mile and a sixteenth. Woodstock Plate 88.338 added; far tbree-year-atda; a sweepstakes of 323 each, *". forfeit; aae mile and an eighth. Victoria Stakes 88,838 added: fur two-year-ulds; a swee-.istakes of SLO each. ;." forfeit; five-eighths. Juvenile Stakes L.IKKI added: fur two y .ar-uhis: a sweepstakes of 5 each. 88 furftdt; four, .ind a half furlongs. Coronation Stake: — SL.oOO added: for two-year-olds, f on Ind in Canada: a sweepstakes of 318 each, .s.~ forfeit, four and a half furlongs. su- t Railway Steeplechase handk ap |?,338 added: for fmir-yenr-ulds and over; a BWOep-stakes of 5 eaeii. 88 forfeit; about two and a half miles. The Woodbine Steeplechase handicap— ,000 added: ditanoo •••bunt two miles, v. ill he run un May 19. the ojieninu tlay. and I steeplechase will be run each day during the meeting. Lowest value af any overnight purse. $,S0l» added. In all races for horses foaled in Canada, five per cent of the first money will lie paid to the Canadian Racing Associations for the account of the breeder of the winner, as of record with that office.