Bowie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-12

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BOWIE FORM CHART. BOWIE, MD., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11. 1917.- Priace Georgel Park. Ninth dav. Southern Marvland Agricultural At— ciatlon. Byrteg Meeting of 12 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, K. C Smith. Presiding; Jadge. Josepii A. Murnhy. Starter. A. B. Hade. Racing Secretary. Joseph M Lennan. Racing starts ai :::30 p. in. Chicago time 1:30 B. m.. AV indicaies whip. S spurs. It bUaken, Fig-liies in parentheses foUowing the distance of each race iiidicat" date, trade record, age of horse and weight carried. * Indicates apprentice allowance. Q i K O 1 first RACK— 1-2 Mile. April 8, 1918— 48%— 2— lit:. Junior Pane. Pane 8888. O-WtlUl 2-year aMw. Mafcteaa. Allowances. Xet value to winner SF.O: second. 8MB: third. $.- 0. Index Horses AWtSt % .. : Str Kia Jockeys Owners Kquiv. tdds B— *t 82437 «VD3GINIA YELL w 110 4 r." 8*1 1*1 A Collfaaa J P Jones MS -KB IRISH KISS VIM 1 2 U 2" T McTag-tO H Browne 1005-100 83478 HOPE w l 7 :: and I" :i * J McTactT Clyde :x -V0 GOLDEN GLOW wnlio , 4- M 4- F RobsonH P AVhitnr-y 165-191 32440 LADY MOORE w 107 | 1 8J .V- J Connors E AIcBrhie 1S8S-M0 MISS PBBSP w 110 5 ti 6 C J Batwell W* S House fi;;60-100 Time. 242. 50V5. Track good. t intituels paid Yirginii Yell. .30 straight. 84.50 place, 83.89 show: Irish Kiss, .20 place, .30 show: Hope. S3. 30 show. Ei;iiivaler,t hooking odds — Virginia Yell. 2f" to 100 straight. 11:.", to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Irish Kiss. 2ti0 to 100 place. IBS to 100 show: Hope. 89 to 189 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Plaudit — Alary Scribe trained by L. W. Garth: bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 2:29. At ] ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. VIRGINIA YELL was shuttled back bnt saved much ground on the stretch turn mid. passing IRISH KISS, was going away at the end. IRISH KISS, under hard urging, displayed excellent speed, but tired in the final eighth and probably was short. HOPE displayed gameness under punishment and would have been second in another stride. GOLDEN GLOW raced extremely wide for the entire way. MISS PEEP was not Barueeered with. Overweights — Miss Peep, 3 pounds. QOKQO SECOND. RACE— 5 1-2 Fnrlongs. April 2. 1917—1:07—3—100. Meadow Purse. O— dOO— • Purse 8899. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner S4.»0: second, 00: third, $.- ■ Index _ Horses A Wt St K 2 =4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32442KING HEROD wb 115 1 2 21 11 l3 T McTasftG H Browne 210-100 8MSB1 HY ANNUS w 115 4 4s 43 3« 2* E Haynes T Clyde 1110-100 88148BOMNTB WITCH wu 110 I P V 8*131 F Rob sonll P Whitney 65-100 82598 *N. K. HEAL w 115 5 SH :!• I1" 4-" J McTagtJ F Cleaver 2S20-100 821S4*CAPT. FREDRICKS WBltf 8 and« 5IU u" 5* A Collins R M Small 21G15-100 89178 JACK DAWSON will 7 0° 6,u G G R C WattsA Johnson 371*0-100 32454 STAR SAPPHIRE w 115 6 7 7 Pull.up.T PartonMirasol Stable 240G5-100 Time. 24. 49, 1:01, 1:97%. Track good. S2 mutuels paid. King Herod, straight, 88.59 place, S2.10 show: Hyaunis, 81 00 place. S2 20 show: Ronnie Witch. 8— 10 show. K.iuivalent bookhng odd-- King H.Tod. 21tt to lot straight. 75 t i 100 place. 5 to 100 show; Hyaunis, 159 to 100 place. 10 to 10O show: I.oanie Witch. 5 to 10O show. Winner-Ch. c. by Colin — Acolat trained by D. R. McDann 1; bred in Kagland bv Lord Clonmellt. nt to post at 2:.".s. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driving. KINO HEROD responded qaickly when called on in the homestretch and. easily passing the leader, wi 11 In a canter. HVANN1S raced under pressure for the entire v.ay and stood the final drive gamely BONNIE WITCH showed her usual brilliant early speed, but quit badlv after going a half mile S K REAL finished resolutely. STAR SAPPHIRE ran away a mile ami a half before the start and was pulled up. QtyKQQ dll IH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. IS. lOltl— 1:20— 2— lie,. Purse SHOO. 8-year-O -£f tJ tj€j obis and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner |1B3; second. .Slot; third. 889. Index Horses AWtSt jj _ 3, str Fin Jockeys Owners E.|iiiv. Odds Strt 32484*SLEH1V SAM wu I 88 2 1 1 1* 1- B KoonnC X Uarke M9-M8 32493s JOE FINN WB7113 G 7 •- ::L 2- R McDotu P Bweaaey GO-ltB 38482 AHA ANNE a .lio 1 2- 2: 21 3 V Robson W Walker 7:»n-lftfl 3-M." ." -Al.STi wit.". Ii; 7 S S 7 4— L Mink E M Fine 745 100 32597* BROOM CORN WU IMS 8 Gi 41 4 5 W Collins F J Coleman 2505-lmi S2481*ENCORE wa 5 MS :; P :: 5 S* J Petz p. h Rice SMS-MS 31724 HIKER W a M8 :• !» 7- V 7 J Lirever W C Cappa M829-I49 81 947* SMIRKING w 1: 4 ins 5 4 51 V 8,# J McTagtH O Red well 1720-100 88771 JKRRY .IK. w 4 HI 4 E] !• 9 !• T Par* ton J C McK.-ever 17829-M8 Time. 2425, 48«i. 1:1430, IM%. Track good. 2 mutuels paid. Sleepy Sain. 812.98 straight, 88.58 place, 83.49 show; Joe Finn. S2.70 place. S2.3t sho« ; Aila Anne, S7 0 sliow. Baahraleat hoakiag odda Bbmbw Sam. 881 to loo straight, ir, to lot place, 70 to 100 show Joe Finn. 89 to 100 plan. 15 to KM show: Ada Anne 2tt0 to UK show. Winner— B. g, by Tony Ronero -Tres Joli tnfased by C. N. Darke; Bred by Mr. F. J. Pons. Went t«. post at 3:33. At Beat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv"; sec. ml and third driving. SLEEPY SAM raced into a long lead after entering the homo-Ci tch am! was eased up at the finish. JOE KINN .is vhen a bungling ride. _et with repeated laterfereace and finished with a rush wh.u he secured a .bar course. ADA ANNE ran well and outstayed ALSTON. The tatter saved ground on the turps and closed a big gap. Scratched 32223 Caelic, 113. OrtPTO/l koi ryh K.; 1:1 1-16 Miles. Nor. 25, 1915— 1:48—4-114. Pane 8889, 3-v,ar-t* dS J *-* O elds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 8459; s. read, .slOO: third, *.".0. Index Horses AWtBt % -.-, -, Str Kin Jo.keys Owaen E.,ni. OddsstrTt 88483 JESSIE LOI7ISE wa 4 MB 2 I— 1— 1] 1- K j WllliaanJ M Booker iTto 32458 ROT AL METEOR wa 9 117 1 .p 3* :: 2- V T M.Tagt.l.l Mabon Jr 680-100 32519 QUI EN SACK w ■:, ;ii 2- 2* 21 ::■ :;- W Ward .1 D Miaick S77S-M8 82484 SPECTRE w .: » 8 5" 4—41 K 41 A Collins J Byer 17 inn ;;-»4!« HARRY LAITDER WB 7 Ui 5 G fi G 1, .V R M, ■! ,, tt.l K Sweeney 1225-108 SS511*PIN MON1 1 w 5 114 2 4* :.■ 5* El 8 K Tapttn P L Short 62U-100 Tine. 25. 51, l:IfK, 1:45%. 1:58%. good. 82 mutuels paid, Jessie Louise, 85.90 straight. 84.00 place. 83.40 show: RotbI Meteor ELS* nl-ne " si. 711 show: Qulea sale-, gis.10 show. Equivalent booking Jessie Louise. I!.", to 109 straight. 180 to 100 place, 70 to 188 show- Rural Meteor. 193 to loo place, 135 to 100 show: Quien Babe, 795 to 100 show. Winner-Ch. m. by Marts Santa Bailie Mc trained bv G. Heunessy; bred by Mr Baaford C Ivne Weni 1.. post at 4:00. Ai pool 1 mtaate. Scut gaod and slow. W01: handily: second and third driving. JESSIE KollSK. well ridden, t-.ok the lead quickly, withstood repeated challenges and outstayed ROYAL METEOR when the linal drive en ROYAL METEOR was saved in the early rnnbing and moved up gamclj under punishment ill the homestretch, but could never get to the leader QUIEN sari: raa forwardly for the entire rare and may hare been short. SPECTRE was forced to race w4de all tii way. O ST PT *_ ST Ml 1 1! HACK-6 1-2 Furlongs. Nor. 18, 1919—1 9—2—118. Pane 8889. 3-ye.-,r-O-iOOU Oldo and upward, laiming. Net value to winner 8459; .second. Slot; third. S50. Ind. Horses AWtst :, i_. ", BtrPla Jikeyi Owaen Equir! odds str7? S84B1SANXIETY wa 5 112 1 ll 1 1 ll 1 R McDottP W Cotaaaan M95-M8 S227SLITTLE NEPHEW w4U5 :: 1 .. 2i V 2 W McKTxieJ A Strode ., 1 . 32482 TALEBEARER ara 6 115 i l! 2 V V J Williams. M Rook, r 110-100 324!i LANTANA w3 us 7 5 t ; A- w Collfaaa H J Kennedy 2715-M8 32597PARLOR BOY w 1: nils 5 7 G- 5- 5- E Taplin P L Sborl 665-li0 3IKJ WIZARD wi: till 2 4" V 6s 8" J MT.igt D A 0*Mean -»r i:*i 31113 DEVIL FISH WB 5 111 G n1 7 7 7 T Par:..,- J M Bbnmer 8BS-1M Time. 84%, 48, 1:M%, IM%. Track pood. 2 mataeta paid. Anxiety, 822.19 straight. S7.50 ptace, .s3.30 show; Littl- Nephew. 84.88 place, S3 10 show : Talebearer, 82.49 show. BquiTak n booking odds- Anxiety, Hit., to loo straight, 275 to loo ptace, 65 to KM shear I tttta N-phew. 110 to loo place, 55 to too show: Talebearer, 2.1 t-. loo show, V.inn.r — ill. g. by Electioneer— Little Km trained by K. Masaate; bred by Mr. A. R. Haacock. Went to post :.t 4:85. At peat 1 atinute. start ...m and slow. Woa easily: secoad and third driving. ANXIETY, hard ridden, came around the leader with ■■• rash on the last turn and drew away int.. a good lead, to win easing ap. LITTLE NEPHEW -t a fast early pace and. after being passed. In id OB gana-ly and outstayed TALEBEARER in the final drive. The latter was bard riddea tor the entire way but could never get ap. PARLOR BOY ran poorly. LANTANA showed speed Scratch ■■■! -324. .2 Royal Interest, lis; 83442 Lucille It . lift OO Qs-i SIXiH RACK -1 Mile ar.d 20 Yards. Not. 30. 1915—1:43% 4 MB. Purse scon. OiiuOU 4-year lldl and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 8150; second, 5199j third, 859. Index Horace AWtsi , £ ■■. str Kin Jockeys owners Bqalv. Odah; Btr*t S2519xEGMONT wEMS 2 2- 2 2* V 1 T Par* ton G E Phillips 65-M8 •;-,ii: X HIGH HORSE ara 4 MS 1 1" 1- V 2 l" .1 McTag*tH G BedweU 2W-100 83484 LYNN w4MC E 8 8 8 V V D Stirling J A Gibson. M85-M8 33497* PAGE WHITE a ■ E M 4 4= 4 Al 41 4:t J Per. B B Rice 8800-191 32597 "sa I N" wa 8 Mi 8 ■- - V 8 E] R Sobel E K Bryaoa 1289-108 32485-PAULSON w IBM 1 :■- 81 8" ■■ 8 .1 Dreyer i: Hanlei 2729-M9 Time 25. OC. 1:17, 1:44V,, 1.4v--." Track good. 82 mu.iiels paid, Eg— oat, 83.30 atteicht, 82.59 place. .S2.3 show; High Horse. 82JN ptace, 82.48 ■hew; Lyaa, 88.06 show. Equivalent booktag odds -Egntont, 85 to 189 straight. 25 to loo plan, V- to loo show; High Bane 45 to loo place, o ;■ 100 show: Lyaa, 50 to 199 show Winner— Br. g. by Plaudit Nettie Dutchman trained by J. PbUlins; bred by Mr. J. Hal Woodford. Went to post at 5:02. t post 2 minutes, start v. o:i a, ... slew. Won easily; s, coad and third driving. EOMONT followed HIGH HORSE under restraint in th irly running, then drew away easily in the bomestretck and woa - his rider pleased. HIGH HORSE displayed the most early speed, but tared in the final eighth. LYNN was under hard pressure throughout and linishi d with a belated rush. PAGB WUITB ran fairly well. PAULSON trnit. Scratched 2,252 1 Ed Bead, 105; 32511 El Ore, 184. Overweights — Lynn, 1 pound. 3iy pr Q rj SEVEN r "ll I RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yauin. Nor. 89, 1915—1:48% — 1—107. Purse 8888. i_ " O 8 lyear-ohls ;.n i upv.aid. Claiming. Net value to winner ."0; If r sad. 8109; third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt . % ::-4 BtrPla Jockeys Owners Bquil . O.I. Is Strt 33498* *BOXER waSMS t 5 .; . 3 i":; W Collins W Walker 175-108 3 1559 MR MACK waaSllS 1 P lii 1 1*1 2s! P Rob sou L a Cappa 245-100 S3498 COSTDMBR w 4 112, 3 •! V A: 21 8" E Haynea K Harlan 855-100 3.iiK FONCTIONNAIRE a» I 11G 8 P 41 5- 4:l 4S L Mink U Shaw HBBi 189 !;.ol7B MARY WARREN a SMI I :; 8J 3] P 5 A Collins .1 McPheraon 13598-488 1 32599* • BABY SISTER w4M0 s 8 8 8 s r,- R Babel E K Bryaoa 305-100 32483 SONt; OP VALLEY WB8184 E 2" 2 2» 51 7- .1 McTagtE Tanaehdll 5275-M8 S2S96 PONTEFRACT waSIM 7 7 V 7 71 s J WilimrosJ M Booker 28S9-M8 Time. 2C. 51zi. l;17:s,, 1:41,. 1:4G. Track good. mutuels paid. Boxer, .50 straight. .S2.t!i place, 83.50 show; Mr. Mack, 88J8 place. 82.89 show; Costumer, 84.98 show. E.piivaleiu booking odds— I.oxer. 175 to 190 straight. 45 to 199 plate. 25 to 100 show: Mr. Mat k, 93 tt; 199 place. 40 to 100 show: Costumer. 199 to 1!» » show. Winner R. g. by Star Shoot — Cremorut trained by W. Walker: bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to iM.s-t at 5:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; Second ami third the aaaae. BOXER was outpaced in the early running Bad came wide when entering the hornet retch, but closed no rapidly under panishatlfai Bad wore the leader down la the dosing stritl.-s. MR. MACK, away i,.; A.iiilly. -it a good pace ami saved ground on all turns, then hung on gamely when challenged, but culil not withstand the winner. COSIIMKP ran well and outstayed IONt TIONN AIRK. The latter nut wtih early interference ami fcriahed well. BABY BI8TEB bad no chance from the start.

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Local Identifier: drf1917041201_3_1
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