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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Important reorganisations of the staff and methods of the admiralty will shortly ]»• put into effect for the purpose of meeting the submarine menace, according to the Daily Mail of liOiidon. Tho chang.-s are Iteing planned by Premier Lloyd George ta cell aberattaa with sir BMward Carson and the war cabinet. One rumor points to the early resignation of Sir Kdward Carson. The Times claims lo have authority to state that there is not the slightest difference betw.-.-n Sir Kdward and. bis colleagues, either regarding the naval policy or any other Issue, but adds:- "lie is being attacked on many sides for various motives, and, although nobody is more hardened to criticism, be may conceivably feel thai the work of the navy is prejudiced by his prominence in controversies with which sailors are not concerned." The Norwegian bark Thekla. safely in port at Copenhagen, owes her escape from sinking to the f.-o-t that the "warning shot" from a Cerman submarine smashed her lifeboats. This led the submarine commander to spare the vessel. Heres more bad news for bachelors and more work for marriage license clerks. Senator Kenyon leaf the Senate last week the conscription age limit must be raised to forty-five. "Any man who lives to be forty-five without getting married ought to be compelled to go to war," he said. War events summarized at European eapitols are as follows: Paris reports smashing of strong German counter attacks south of Maroiivilliers, with heavy losses for the enemy. Berlin reports repulse of French attacks east of Cotircy and in the Champagne. Constantinople reports retreat of Russians in Caucasus. Beeeaaay several villages formerly held by the invaders. Rioting ushers in May day at letrogrnd. Bomb kills general. Threatened strikes iu Germany and other European countries fail to materialize, Berlin says. A Simla dispatch says thnt subscriptions to Indias ■Bactal war loan exceeded 10,000.000 pounds. In 1915 India subscribed 1.000.000 pounds to the British war loan. In January of 1917 the British government arrangec the issue of a war loan of unlimited amount u» India, to be raised during 1817 and 1918, Chaacellor of the Hxche |iier Bonar Law later stated in the House of Commons that the amount expected to be raised in India was pounds. Demonstrations in favor of peace have been lit Id in both Berlin and Austria, according to advices from those two oountri.s. in spite of the censorship wlii.-h has been placed on news and information reaching the public. Iu Vienna, a large delegation of workmen are said to bare marcli.-d ta favor of early peace, |tiiting work in order to make the demonstration impressive. No news is now being sent out oflicially from cither Germany or Aus tria. A great mass meeting of peasants is announced to take place at Odessa. Russia, at the end of May. The immense importance of the future attitude of the Beaaaatry as the revolutionary crisis develops is perhaps scarcely realized by the outer world. The danger at the present time is not so much one of conflict between peasants and land owners as of anarchy resulting from conflicts among the peasants themselves for possession of the land. The Allied representatives in the Inited States, admit that unless the Inited States is willing to send men and ships at once to the Allies in France, the war may be prolonged indefinitely or even lost to the Allies. The large British army along the French-British line now numbers 2.000,000, with 3.000.000 in reserve in Knglund. England, afraid of the German I-boat menace, is holding those troops for home defense. General Obregon. one of the Mexican governments chief supporters, resigned his gaarttaa as minister of war Tuesday, a short time after President Carranza had lieen sworn into office. His resignation was unexpected. Industrial plants in the Pittsburgh district representing capital estimated at ISOO.OOO.OOO and employing more than 100,000 men, are at the disposal of the United States government for war-time needs. Twenty -five Norwegian vessels have been sunk by U-boats since February 1, the foreign office has announced. They carried food, coal und forage for Norway. The evacuation by the Russians of Mush, in Turkish Armenia, is announced by the war office. The town has been occupied by the Turks.