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GOOD WORK AT DOUGLAS PARK. Louisville. Ky.. May 22.--The track at Douglas Park is in the best of condition, judging from the time recorded in the work of the horses during the past week. Sunday the course was crowded and among the beat moves reported were Marion Goosby, mile in 1:42%; Viva America, three eighths in 37%; Grand Duke, half mile in 4S; Dengro. three-quarters-in 1:18; Premium, half mile in 49%: Queen Trovato, half mile in tit1.-,; Brownie McDowell, throe-eighths in 30; Yengheo. half mile in 49%; Prince lie rjnis. three quart* is in 1:17: Lee Skolny. throe -eiuartors in 1:M%; King Fisher, three-quarters in 1:15%; Butelur Boy. five- eighths in l:Ol: Fox Ridge, half mile in 49% ; Yiolct Bonnie, half mile in 47%; Stout Heart, three eniaiters in 1:10%.