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PROSPECT PARK FORM CHART. EALTIMORE. MD„ MAY 25. 1917. Second day. Proapeci Park. Pair and Racing Associations Meet ing of 5 days. Weather clear. Prestdiag Steward, c. c. HaU. Presiding Judge. Al UVMon. Starter, Bearge T. Miller. Racing Bec-retary, W. B. NsnreiL 33212 Fir t Kaee About .". 8 Mile, pame 86 3-year aids ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner. 25; second, $..»: third. 5. lad. Hois... t. |.-i„. .lookov. 332*4 :. -i t p us ii r Grand 33I58 Napp.r Tandy Mfl gi Q Denaler 325X1 Pennyrock UN :; j Bauer 33085 -. i..rd. en i m 1 W Dunkinson 33158 Hweetcloverdala la:: 6* C Jackson 88182 B Oro 124 I P Hadeira Time. 1:02%. Track fast. muticds paM, Oct Pa, SI3.70 straight. .28 place. S3. Ml show: Nipper Tandy. .20 place, .80 show: Fenny rack, .68 show. Winner .1. I. Harris" eh. m. 7. by Aeronaut Sunrise trained by J. T. Harris. Went to post at 2:32. At post 5 minutes. Start 1 1 and Blow. Won easily: second and third dm iug. 33213 Second Baee About 5 s Mile. Purse 88, 4 year olds ami upward Selling. Net value to winner. S225; second. 1: third. 5. lad. Horse. wi. Fin. Jockey. 33266 Louise Gr • ■ las Ill Denaler 3315B*Remarkable to.; t t Jaekaoa 332*4 Stony Brook US ::. H Woods 33159 Highway N8 4 W licDerraott 33080 Piqintte 148 :". W Dunkinson 3iiC Stalwart Van W* ■ -"• .1 Gartaer Tom Lowrey 103 7 II Alex Time. i:Bl%. xrack fast. mutuels paid. Louise Greea, .30 straight. .44 place, .20 show; Remarkable. .20 place, .7* show; Bteay Brook. .68 show. Wiiti i- P. Delbairios eh. f, 4. by Transvaal Kathertee Moor.- trained by ». Smith. Went to past at 3:10. At post S minutes. Start good ami slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 33214 Third Baee About $ 1 2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year olds ami upward. Sidling. Net value to winner. 75; second. S75; third. 6. Did. Horse. t. Fin. Jock.v. 33126Etetteiable 110 1- C Jackson 33646 Presumption 124 V H Alex B312S1 Darkey it; :: n Woods 33088-;uiien Faiitam ■• 1 j Gartner Time. :2b*c,. Track fast. unit nils paid, Lstimable. .60 straight. .68 pbice; Presaaiptioa, .00 place, no show mutuels Sld.l. Winner J. R. Carlisles br. in. 5. bv Peep oDav - Estinate trained by G. W. Dodge. W. nt to post at 3:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 33215 louith Baca- 1 l it; Miles. Fane 8688. 8- ycar-ohls ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner. 75; second, 5: third, 0. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 33103-Littie Bactend lis V- II Alex 33103 Balgee lis t* C Jackson 33136 Lady Innocence 113 :•, P Madeira 83166 Tamerlane lis 4" W Dunkinson 33089 -Merry Lad IIS r. It Pickett Time. 1:524;. Track fast. mutuels paid. Little Faglaml. .80 straight. .68 place. ,.l0 show; Balgee. .20 place. .88 show: Lady Iiuioe ■me. .50 show. Winner 0. C. I.rentons b. g. S, by Stanhope II. — Lizzie Klliott trained by 0. C. Brenton. Went to post at 4:23. At post 2 minutes. Start g I and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 3321G Fifth Baca- About 5 -S Mile. Purse 00. 3-year obis and upward. Selling. Net value to winner. 25; second, 0: third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 33087 Shadra h 120 V W Dunkinson 33207 Tempy Duncan 111 2 O Jackson 33126Kinc Stalwart lo V H Alex 33102 Kleanor 112 4 J Gartner 33102- Unity lie V H Woods 33090 -Deviltry 120 « J Bauer Time. 1:01. Track fast. mutuels paid, Sbadracb. .90 straight. .50 place. 88.68 show; Tempy Duncan. .40 place. . SO show: King Stalwart, .10 show. Winner D. Shaws ch. g. 0. by Atkins — Omali Wood trained by W. Dauphin. Went to post at 4:59. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 33217 Sixth Race Alx.ut 0 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jock y. 33124 IHevelrv James lis li C Grand 33092 -Carlaverock 111 *• J Bauer 88164 Jacklet 118 8] H Woods 33092 Kails City ]lf •» h Dennler 33094 Hedge HS I 11 Alex Time. 1:24*4. Track fast. mutuels paid. Revelry James, 0.70 straight, .30 place, .70 show; Carlaverock, .40 place, .00 show; Jacklet. .10 show. Winner- B. Deems ch. g, 5, by Star Ruby — Lady Lindsey trained by R. Deem. Went to post at 5:34. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 3321S Seventh Race -About ti 12 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year -olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. Did. Horse. Wt. Fill. Jockey. 33130sLantana 97 l3 J Gartner 33128 Baby Cola 112 2- J Bauer BSlBBFarada Johnson 105 31 J Dennison 33884 s Little Cottage 100 4J W Dunkinson 33161 Arbitrator 102 5* C Jackson 33150Burbank 103 6° H Alex 33211 LAiglon 110 7 H Dennler Time. 1:23S. Track fast. mutuels paid. I.aiitana. .88 straight, .00 place. .00 show; Baby Cole. .70 place, .80 show; Freda Johnson. .30 show. Winmr — N. K. Oilpins ch. f, 3. by Dr. Leggo — The Peeress trained by M. Jordan. Went to post at 0:09. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second ami third driving.