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ARCHIBALD NOT PERMITTED TO RIDE. Berlin. June .,. Although Ceorge Archibald, the American jockey, received a special permit to ride in tin- Otaad Prix in Hamburg on Sunday, he was not in the race and race track patrons have lieen guessing why he did not mount Baron Von Op-penheims Dolman in tin- lIMktMX mark event. The Kleine Journal of Rerliu yesterday announced that the commander of the Ninth Army Corps vetoed the appearance of the American. Archibald has been barred from riding on Cerman tracks since the break in relations. I*-ist Thursday he received a special dispensation to ride Dolman, which promptly liocaiuo favorite in the betting. From certain quarters in which the American Jockey has been stigmatized as "the evil spirit of German ra ii.g," there was launched at the last minute a protest which resulted in the substitution of a icrman jockey. Dolman was a poor fourth in the race, which was won by an outsider, with an apprentice on top. Archibald has been a prime favorite with followers of running races, who invariably played his mounts liberally.