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HEAVY TRACK AT HAMILTON DETRACTS SOMFWIIAT FROM THE SPORT, BUT THE ATTENDANCE IS LARGE. Iron Crocs II. Proves a Surprise and Defeats Fruit Cake in the Hamilton Derby, While the Favorite Bondage Runs Unplaced. Hamilton. Out.. .June 28. Capt. W. .T. hf, Irish r«lt, Iron Oeaa II. sin, act his true f-riii this aft 111 Mill, when hi- galloped home an easy winner in Ihc i 1 .1 111 it I ii Derby. Be was ridden h.v Kstep. came from behind in UM stretch run anil beat mi! Cake out ■ couple of lengths. The lace was run aver a heavy track anil under :i diiz/.ling ram. In the early running Stirling nutted Fruit « " : 1 1 - - - iut the li ail ami held it in. til in the final eighth, where Iroa oaa II. caught ami passed in r. The latter eanae through m-xt to the rail win n entering the bone stretch, where he eared ground. Iroa Crooa II.. la man**** race, ■hawed that he was either an extra «« « 1 mml rnaner or that hia previous racea Aid not count. The Hamilton Derhj was instituted la 1888 ami haa in- n run each year since, the list of its winners ami other Aetaiu being here given: V. iir. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. UW7 Toareaae 117 Kaaa SI. 420 2:18% 1908 Carle Toby 114 N i -l 1,430 2:07% 1900 Detective . HOD. McCarthy 1,450 2 :08% 1910 Chief Kee 122 Mn grave . 1 ,900 -Mi ■ -.. 1811 Whist no i:. Dagaa.. 1,950 2*5 UilJ Froglega 117 llutwell ... 2.190 2:00% 1913 Buskin 119 It. Sinai!.. 2.290 :.:iC.-.. 1914 Sandbar 112 I-:. Ambrose :t,:!l i 2:88 191G The Finn 125 «. Byrne.. 3,630 2 :«6% I9M« nf 122 J. Metcalf. 3,7«0 2:00% 3117 Iron Cross II. . .ll.-i R. K. b p. . . 3 770 2:13 ».-. Despite most disagreeable weather, a tremendous gathering «as present to give the meeting a Rood tend -off. Bneculation was keea ami surprises were in order. Mack I.a.v made a l w a. affair of the Salisbury Handicap, in which he nut some of the beat -printers here. lie ahowad a groat tara of peed from the start ami was never in trouble. i fie opening race resulted in an easy victory for J. Lnurea gelding. Wow. which showed a liking for the going unit woa by five lengths. In the second race, which was at a HlDe OTCT the turf course. Cotaacho, at Ions odds, was an easy winner over I.r.vuliinah. which, as usual, began slowly and finished with :i rush. The beat finish of the afteraooa came with the running of t lit third race, the even money favorite, Statim. from the stall!. of .1. B. Seagram. getting up in tie stiide to beat topper King h.v a Bear. In tie- Birth race Swift Fox looked all over the victor when entering the stretch, hut tired badly in the hist eighth and Royal Interest, coming fast on the eatable, linishcd with a rush ami drew out to win in a ranter. Jockey rump rode a fine race on Statim in the third, when !., laaded the Seagram racer a winner l.y a small margin over Copper King.