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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. KY., TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917.— Fourteenth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 21 days. We ather clear. Stewards. Charles F. Price and T. J. Clay. Judges, W. H. Shelley and J. 15. Campbell. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, J. P. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. QJ1W7 FIRST RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7, HOB— 1:05%— 3—03. SBBB Added. 2-year-O O *_/ O I "his. Maidens. Delta and Geldings. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second, 30; third, 4. Index Horses AWtlISt j jfc" % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.piiv. Odds Strt 3S343»DRAGON RUCK w 112 11 2 2 i 2i 2i 1* J Hanover W F Poison 42 100 23340 LUCKY B. w 112 7 I 4i H :!i 2* C DtahanoaG A Hianehi EM-MO 33910 CLAIRVOYANT ws 10* ." t B*l V 41 3- C Hunt WW Harden BIO MO 33007 W. W. HASTINGS wa 100 11 li 1*1 li 4 L Gentry A Ii Rogers 51 f 100 FOX R1DGK wb 112 2 5 » 1 V Ej C Tudor J S Ward fttM Ml 33833 BENEFACTOR w 100 10 7 8i 8 PI ti1 G W Car*llT C McDowell MOO-MO 33330 XUNAR w 112 8 4 3l 4l 7i 71 W AiidivssGalluhcr Pros 4o5-100 33803 GREAT GLLL w 112 4 10 KiMO" Sl X1 K Lapel— f J C Itodgera t 33832 NTB wsb 112 I I 6i- 6i 91 01 F Judy J W Bda rr 1005-100 DR. BLAIR w 112 11 11 IP II* 10= 10- R Goose A W Young 5730-100 33353 PAR ONE WB 112 1_ 12 It ll1 11- H Shilling H R Bradley 5220-100 POCKET CHANGE w 109 I it 7l 9 12 12 W Kete ar S Weiaenbach t tMutuid field. Time. 24, 483i, 1:01%, 1:08%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Dragon Rock, 0.50 straight, .80 place, .00 show; Lucky P., .70 place, .40 show; Clairvovant, .00 show. Bqarralent booking adds Pragoa Rock. 425 to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Lucky P., 1S5 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Clairvoyant, 150 to 100 show. Winner — Pr. c, by Trap Rock — Consuolo II. trained fear W. Perkins: bred by Mr. John Sanford. Went to post at 2:20. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driving. DRAGON ROCK, well ridden and away forwardly, drew out in the last eighth and won in a canter. Ll CRY P. showed a good order of speed and held on well in the final drive. CLAIRVOYANT finished fast and gamely. W. W. HASTINGS set u good pace, but tired in the last eighth. UNAR quit in the stretch. Sera telic— 33040 Quito. 112. l| jJ *J SECOND RACK— 3-4 Mile. June 27. 1914— 1:11— 5— 110. 00 Added. 3-year-olds.* 3»» OtJ-*~ Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh00: second. 30; .third. 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt % V* % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Odds Strt 33 o» -SUDAN w 112 11 j 1- 1* l l.J K LapailleWilliams Pros 70-100 33363 TRUSTY wb 106 10 t 21 2" 2J. 2- K Graves W Perkins 800-108 33889"SIST13R EMBLEM w 107 G 1 4- 4C 4" 3" F htarpMy G W J BtaasU 595-100 33032 JAMES G. wb 104 12 5 3" 31 3i 4« C DishmonWoodman Pros 3840-100 S3800*ED GARRISON W 104 9 4 51J 51 5= 51 N Barrett W Feuchter |6510-100 :s3887 DENTAL WB 102 4 6 7" 7 6= 6» C Tudor W V Walsh 4060-100 32218*THE BARONESS w 97 8 7 8" 8« 71 71 O Price J Livingston 15226-100 80015 VAGABOND WB 109 7 12 6 Gl 8= S- L Gentry W G King-Dodds 7625-100 i3854 FASHION GIRL w 102 I 11 9 9 S» t F Judy C Benjamin f i.3046 KEN WARD WB Ul 3 10 Fell. R Goose G J Long 1O06-10Q 33888 -MAB w 102 2 8 Fell. F Stevens H T Batchler 1755-100 5*3527 LEONELDIA W 106 1 0 Fell. J Hanover I White t tMuttiel field. Time. 23%, 47%. 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid. Redan, .40 straight, .10 place, .40 show; Trustv, .90 plaee, .00 show; Sister Emblem. .90 show. .™ K,iuivalent booking odds- Sedan. 70 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Trusty, 143 to 100 plaee. M to 100 show: Sister battle*. 45 to 100 show. Winner— 15. g, by Jim Uaffney— Kitty Belle Brooks trained by K. D. Williams; bred by Mr. W. F. Selmlte. Went to post at 2:5S. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv: seeoml and third driving. SEDAN, showing tlie most speed, rated into a long lead at once and held TBIKTY Safe in the final drive. TUCSTY meed in elosest pursuit all the way and finished gamclr. SISTER KM 151. KM outgamed .IAMKS G. Uiroajrh the last sixteentli. .1AMKS Q. tired. KKNWAKD was crowded and fell in the first eighth. LEONELDIA and MAI! falling over him. mi all kid IBS0S Tom Andors.m. 108; SSSSS Sleeper. 101; 33*34 Immense, 100; 33941 » J. Rufus. IK!; 33SS7 t|;m,ls.l, 102; 33SS7 Mat A.. 100. OOQttO TH1ED KACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7. MSB— 1:85%— 3— 03. Purse 00. 2-ycar- O Q / O *J olls. Claiming. Net value fo winner 50; seeoml. KI: third. 0. Index 1 lorses AWtPPSt j j ■., Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 33*40 BUTCHER ROY wb KM 7 fi :v :: 1 1- K LapaUleRoss * Loom* Bw-MC 33907 LITTLE HOLLO wins l i ] !• s | 5s 9* F Murpliv K L» Alexander 7M-MB 33907 Kook wool « MB fi :: v i . p ::. C Hunt J K Ward 148B-MB 33907 AMBUSCADE will:, 2 s" r. 4 4 w AadreaaQallalKr Bros SBBS-MB 53738* EAST. PRINCESS w loo 4 7 4» 4" ::■. :.- c DiabmonG W .1 Btaaell XlO-lOB S3T33 QUARTETTE W los 2 5 7- V fi- fi F Fu.Tst .1 F Schorr UBS-MB 33001 WALTER DANT w 109111 y fi S" g" 7i L Gentry J B Ooodmaa ME MS .43662 BLUE PARADISE a !: 10C, f, 4 2«t 2«. 71 B II Shilling E H Bradley S75-M8 John HYNEB w 100 1: 11 11 in- 10= :« C Ross n J Seldeneck t73i:.-li» 33886 To.M TIT wi M|M S f 7 !» It* AV BTehttty CC Van Meter 7435-1M WARHORSE w loo | M B* 11 II* 11= G AV CartlB P Brooks + 3388.»l:i:iOKK DAWN WB • . y U 11 12 12 12 J Durs.-h Knebelkamp and Howerton 7 t.Mutu.1 tiehl. Time. 24-,. 48 »•„ 1:02. 1:08%. Track fast. mutuels iaid, Butcher l.«y. .MI straight. .10 plaee. .40 show; Kittle Rollo. .70 place. S4.00 show; Soskweed, .50 show. Equivalent bonking adds Batcher Bar, SM •• KK straight. MS to 100 place. 70 to loo show; Little Kollo. SSS to Iimi plaee, MS t - Iihi show: Boeku 1. 27:. to utii show. Winner- lh. c, by Hurst Park— Lady Charles trained by K. Paul; bred by Messrs. Hagvard and Shannon I. Went 1.. ]M.vt :tt 3:20. At post | minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. BUTCHKB BOY moved up fast in the stretch and drew away in the last sixteenth ta win in a canter. LITTLE BOLLO was shullled back in the first quarter and dosed a big gap. ROOKWOOD set a pace, but tired ia the hi t eighth. AMBUSCADE closed a gap, but tired and swerved repeatedly. BLUB PARADISE qait in the stretch. Seratehed SSSSS La Daiae, loo; SS7SS Pastime, 106; 3S7S8 Dr. NickeR, MS. Batcher Bay, 1 pound; Ambuscade. 4 : Walter Dant, 1.; Tom Tit, 3.; Before Dawn, 3: Bin- Paradise. 1. __ 3000 " KTU KAr,: 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7. ISM 1:13-.. 3 122. Purse o. ~ year-_ O »./ *3 J ..Ms and upward. Claiming. Net value to wiiue r 50j second. SUM; third. 0. Index Baraea AWtPPSt 4 -• "4 Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 33940 QUEEN APPLE w 1 M ti 2 2= 2 I1. I* 1- I! Shilling II Webb M -!«1 :«3!»4« OOL. IIARCHMONTW 9 110 I !i H !t 7- 4= ■:■ C Vanllun.l AV Fuller MB-1M SSSSt* BATCHLER snr. IM E I 5* 11 ::- 21 ::-• F Sterena 11 T Batchler 510100 S38S1 THORN WOOD w f MS 7 I :: » B* V. 4 C Tudor H J Seldeneck 4: Km 1SSSS HARRY UARDN*Rwa 4 MS 4 1 B* 8 «« P 5 J C.rulxr W Covington B1SS-MM SS1?7*ALM. LAWRENCE 6 KS :: 1; ?•■ 7 :• 7i J1 H LunsfrdW B PhilUpa 2C70-M0 33911 FASCINATING WB 6 111 9 4 lil l1 2". B« 7 T Henry .lliii.ns.tter li;.-lui SS7SS DICK WEST WB 4 MB 1 7 ■]• 31 # 8 S] C DfadunonH It Varwls 2810-1M 33891 SPADIX w 4 lot! S s V V Bl J ! AV Kehmy Keystone .Stable !i:;:;n-100 Time. 24;,. 484.,. 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:48. Track last. .S2 mutmls paid. Queen Apple, .70 straiulit, . 2..H» place, .40 show; Col. Marchmont. 8S.SS pi. ice, $...."1 show: Batchler, 83.30 show. K-iiiivaieiit booklag odds Qaeea Apple, sr. t.. MS stralaht, 45 to KM place, 20 to 100 show; Col. Marchaioat, 343 to 100 place. 17." to 100 shew; Babbler. 85 to KM show. Winner Ch. f. by King James Lady Appleby trained by II. bred by Mr. II. T. Oxnard. Went to post at :!:•"..".. At post 1 minute, k I and slow. Won easily; secaad Mnd third driv ing. QUKKN APPLE 1111 in closest pursuit to the last turn and .line away in the stretch to win as her rider pleased. K. MARCHMONT closed a big gap and finished fastest of all. BATCHLER tired in the- last sixteenth. THORN WOOD ran well. FASCINATING quit badly. ova-weights .hi. .11 Apple. •_• pounds; Thernwood, 1. OOOO I IH HI KACK 3-4 Mile. Jane 27, MM 1:11 S US. Western Hills Purse. Purse O O *jf Cr X ftl.SM. S-year-elas. rUttea, Allowances. Net value to winner 7.".; stcpa, Sl-iil; third. .S7.".. Index Daracs AWtPPgt % ■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 33833 = K INC. |:K I .!.[; m: 1117 5 2 1 1 1- Ji C. W a rlTTflirrTToTis IM-MB 33704 ROSEWOOD we. MB 7 I :; ::- 2* V K Murphy J V Banish 1820-MB SSSSSLICHTFOOT vv 107 1 1 4- •» ::.. 3* II ThnrberKeyatone Stable M7and-1M 38S89 FAN O. w 112 :: 1 V B« • 1 K LapaUleC B Howe 0411 MB 3: 8:;v mi kadi ANNE wb 107 6 fi 6 ;- ;■ pi C Hunt K Spence 10U0-1M SZ989 AUKH5A vv:: 112 I E 21 21 .".- 6» K Gentry K S.-ball. r MB-MB 33890 SI NFLASH w 101 17 7 7 7 7 1 Conn, llv Pastime Stable 1M6-1M Time. 23. 46%. 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid. King Belle. .60 straight. .So. 70 place. X1 show; Rosewood. 0. CO place. S5.S8 show: Uajhtfoot, 5.50 -how. Kqiiivaleiil bookinfE odds King Belle. 1 Si |a 100 straight. S.A to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Rosewood. 4o0 to ISO plaee, ISO to UN show: Kii:l.t foot . 17.". to 100 show. Winner Ch. f. by King Olympian— UBdins Belte Itrained by IK 1". Braaka; bred by Air. AV. W Bchalte. Went to l«.st at 4:25. At post 4 minutes. Start raed and stow. AVon driving: second and bird the same. MM; BELLE showed high speed, set a good pace and. tinder a coed ride, just lasted long enough to win. ROSEWOOD gained steadily and was going fastest at the end. L1GHTFOOT ran well and lin-hthed gamely, pan t;. came fast iii the streteh. AURIGA quit. 30QQi,h SIXTH BACK 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7. ISIS -1:43% :: I22T1 Purse . 4~v:e";T7- tJ*y*J£l .-Id- and upward, claiining. Net Talae to winaer SS5S; nrrnad. S10S; third. SSS. IiiiH-x Horses AAVtPPSt U .!• -i Str Fin Jockeys Owners KguivToddsstrt 33891-MAKi;m;"i:t B. WB 4 103 7 8 7- V- :,- V I* C Hunt N F Dorti-h U85-M8 I3S13 Sil.lD ROCK W 1MB I I s. v 4] 3] * I" Murphy J Kivingsfon 2012-100 SSSS1:GRASMERE wit la Ho 3 1 11, |i| ji i| ;;. sj Uapaill. Williams Bros MB-1O0 SSSS2-LINDKNTHAL wsb S IM I 7 B" 4 2l. i I1 D Conn.llvW Perkins 7SB-MB 3S8S4*HOWDY I lOWDYws b MB «; fi 1J :. 7 :.- :•■ N Barrett Gnllaher Bros 22B-MB SS454I " WtlM I B I :» :i 7- 6* H Shilling C W Hall BMB-100 33908 M.I.AN ;ol.I we. 0 IIP. 5 E fi1! 8s 81 S- 7" V" W Tb.rll Davis 11910-106 S3SSS CORA LANE wsa 4 109 1 3 :•- 2". ::■ El B« C Tudor R Gatewood 3000 100 S3SSS SIR WILLIAM was 5 110 1 4 :: i 21 61 :• :i L Gentry .1 Klananan 7510-100 Time. 14%, 49. 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:48.. Track fast. •S2 mutuels paid, Margaret 1:., 141.70 straight. 812.90 place, B4.70 show; Solid Rack, Sic. 00 place. $." .sn show; Orasmere, .00 show. Kqiiivabul Ntokiag adds Margaret K . W T, to 100 straight. 545 to 100 place. US to 100 show; Solid Back, 71". to MS place, 190 t . Kni show: Grajanere, :: i to ISO show. Wieii.-r Ph. f. by Cyclades Diphnaacy trained by II. Louden; bred by Mr. N. F. Derteh. Weal to post it i:.-.:,. At post 1 uiiniite Start g.»..| and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. UAROARET E. moved 111. steadily under good riding and came away fast in the last sixteenth SOLID ROCK -1. ller,. 1 from iaterfereuee oa the first turn and closed an immense gap. GRASMERE s.q a goad pa.e. bet tired fast |g the stretch drive. KINDKN THAI, dropped out of contention in the last eighth. HOWDY HOWDY retired alter going three quarters. Scratch! d :;.; :.: Biddy, 104. OrerweigkiB Margaret 1;.. 1 pound; ARaa GoM, 1,.. O0|l«3 BBVENTH RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. Oct 7. MIS -1:43% -3 122. Pane SS. S-year- O O * J * y O olls and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner Si;.".l; second. SlINI; third. $.". . Index Horses AWtPPSt., 2 % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Kguiv. OddTstrt SSSISFLY HOME " wales i 7 S Bl C 0 1- D ConnellyC f WorUUnstoa 830-101 :k:k.VI BEAUTY SHOP WB4M2 1 1 r l- I1 2* 21 K Mwrpny Bills A Koerner 1009-100 SSSOdlMILES FLNLEN w3 .12 2 2 l1 2 ;.; 31 I | V Judy , .1 K Redjaoa 3680-100 33S13*JOHN HURIE WB 7 Mfi 4 B B» 8* 7 6 4» AV Kelsay L F Alarshall 1475-100 :i:S!l ; ZIM WB 9 let: E : V iS B* B» H Shilling T S Parker 3775-MB 33888 •HIGH. LASSIE w3 92 0 3 ::■ :-M 31 4 » R WingfldJ B Itosprim 7SO-100 ;KS.-»X MISS FANNIE WB 5 112 .S :i 9 I S1 7! .TIC Hunt N F Dortch 1369-1M 3SS4S -INTo.m: wbSIM ". 4 f»l ««| « s- V C DlasunonBosn A Looney am loo 33S4S1 JULIA K. w 4 MS 7 « PJTl •» •• B K LapnIUeJ Kivingslon 135-108 Tune. 24. 484. l:14/5. l:40f,. 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid, Fly Home. 4.00 straight. 86.00 phtce, .70 show; I.eauty Shop. .30 place. SO 10 show: .Miles l-inlen. 830.30 show. Kquivalent bonking odds- Kly Home. SM to ISO straight. 23S to 1H place, 135 to 100 show; Beauty Shop. 385 to mo place, iir, t- UN b!iow; Miles Finbn. .iir. to loo slew. Winner Ph. g. by Armeath II. La France trained by W. Perkins; bred by Airs. K. A. Livingston. AV. i.t to |m.sI at :.::.".. At post I minutes, start good and slow. Won easilv; seeoml and third driving. FKV HOME began slowly ami had to race wide BMSt of the way. but closed a big gap and drew away in the last, eighth. BEAUTY SHOP h-lped set the pa.e. but tiled and was lmkv to be sr mad MILES KINLEN ran away an eighth before the start and BBdCT a stronger rider Would probably have been second. JULIA K. ran a bad race. HIGHLAND LASSIE failed to stay. - 33889Clare, 102; £:: 11 Douglass S., 107: 33834 Cuiieo, 97; 33SS5 Prince S.. 113; .•.:i912 Surpassin ; pit.