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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF James Arthur is counting on Woodstono to make it interesting for the best he may meet at Havre de Omm, Matthew Allen, the official timer of the Jockey Club, is ill at iiis home in Brooklyn, suffering from a seven- cold. The first steeplechase race of the year is scheduled for decision at Havre de Grace today. Nine gooil juui|iei-s ar.- carded to start. J. o. Tallnitts good campaigner Prince Henry, which has not started since last fall, when he suffered a temporary breakdown, is reported to lie in training again and may be given a race at Havre de Gra ■. J. W. McClellands The Wanderer, which cost £lo.OOO as a yearling, is rejiorted to be in splendid condition and appears highly promising. Sinee arriving at Havre de Grace The Wanderer has worked a • luailer in 231.-,. The Talbot t stable at Havre de Grace, in charge of traiicr Cloptou. includes lYince Henry. Icarus. Happy Go Lucky. Blazonry. Scotch Kiss. Beautiful Mom. Say. Kentucky Boy, Sid C. Keener and three or four others. Thomas Hitchcock. Jr.. s n of the well known turfman and Jockey Club member of that name, is a prisoner in a Oermaii detention camp. He had nor lieen heard from sinee his machine fell hack of the German line- about a month ago. V. A. Purttschell expects to have Highland Lad ready for a race in the near future. This colt showed to good advantage in Maryland last tall and reiwirts from Havre de Grace say that he is taking his work in a way to suggest thai he will soon round into racing condition. Jas. T. « lark and Jay Bird, the pair of colts that John W. 8« horr named for the Oerbv. are other iM-wcomers to Douglas Park, where their training is in charge of Louis Tauher. The first named is the liett r fancied of the pair, and if he continues to train on in a satisfactory manner this fine son of Dick Fimiell ami Paradise Won will surely carry tie- Memphis turfmans colors hi the Derby. The c.lts most recent track work was three -quarters in 1:17. wnich he performed without much effort.