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RAIN MARS AT LEXINGTON + But Big Attendance !s Present. Despite Unfavorable Weather. ■ — ♦ Bradleys Choice Makes a New Track Record — Everest Beaten by Seweli Combs with Ease. I, .ington. K.v.. April 23. Kentuckys racing soa-m»i was ushered iii this afternoon miller somewhat aafavorahfc conditions, a rati. steady rtWd Cm ino-t ••! lli - iftHMM serving as a drawback. The • ntlm-i-i-in of iii big throng which witnessed thiol" :img was ii it dani|K-u ■:!. however, ami seemed t" I the a keen interest ill th- sport ami attending | riM. ••iliiiKs. Despite the unfavorable conditions the «;i "Milaiiet- and volume of s|ie T.latiou was in execs-of m iv former opening day, auguring splendidly for thr s|«-it in this section and at the other Kentucky trarh* this year. Nearly every prominent turfman a" l sportsman in the Blue Crass State was present had x." weather lieen more propitious, the How plant would have he. i; taxed to eapaeity. Si -rotary Shelley provided an excellent opening •■aril, hill iinieh was detracted from liie s|H.rt by tin- changed track, it becoming more difficult as the Slflcruoon progressed. At the outset il was in fairly good condition, and l:.-:ailey"s Choice, the victor ill the initial ra -e. mm iiali.eil to cstahlish a new track record for lite Futurity fonrse. which lie covered in 1:119 "•■.-.. ,-,n ! whih was a full s-.-onl and two-fifths lietlei thai! Ks.tdia ran the course in his winning effon in the Itf-cders Futurity last fall. The race won liy Bradleys Choice was contested hy a crack baud of sirinters. including Solly, which landed in second place, mid Fruit take, which headed the others, in third place. V. F. Poison- colors were carried to victory in trntti of riii two ye::r-idd ra -es on the program. Jockey Simpson had the mount on both winners. In the dash that brought together colts and geldings. Billy Kelly got up in time to win from Colonel Livingston and Col. Taylor. The trio raced impressively and disputed every inch of ground in game style through the stretch. In the ra i- exclusively for fillies Exempted ran .;:- if she was much the In-st. at least in muddy going, for she .voii with ridiculous ease after displaying a high oi.ier of speed for the entire way. Kffio Randall landed in second place and the highly regarded urntm took third. Exempted owes her presence lodni on the turf to -I. I.. Dompscy. who rescued lor from going to the mountains last fall, when the Thoroughbred Horse Association iKillght her : Ming other culls with a view to dis|Kising of flaw without i e«iigr«e and barring them from racing. Dciupscy secured tli,- fillv for practically a son- ,.|M| sold her to her present own *r for ,100. ilaipsey had her named Exempted because of savins her from going to the "brush." The riiocnix Hotel Handicap proved an easy affaii for Oi.iMirtuuity. which mriH in the muddy going • :i I l"d for the «Ulire race. SEWELL COMBS QUALIFIES FOB DEKBY. Kewcll Combs, which beat a crack band of three-year-olds in the fifth race, earned his right to ■ oiisidcnitioii for Kentucky Derby honors by his ec»J!eiit effort, when he stood a drive resolutcl.i and shook off V. P. Da liny. J. X. Camden.-muciily herald d titml was regardetl with high favor in the race, but after going three-quarters, he retired from contention for first place, though he managed to retain third place. I Violet Bonnie again demonstrated her good class v hen she won from a speedy band of three-year -old : illies that included Gipsy Jaeea and Viva America. The closing race found Kedlnnd the best and victor over Harvest kiu after a hard drive. Notwithstanding the fact that twenty new boxes wore built by the Kentucky Association this year when the grandstand was enlarged, making a total of fifty-four available, it has been difficult to sup-lily the d maud, so jiopular has racing liecoine in these parts. That society enthusiastically sup|H rts the meeting at Lexington is shown by the li-t of Im»x holders, which we give herewith: Hon. and Mrs. .1. X. Camden. Air. and Mrs. c. H. Berrvinan Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McDowell, Misses Daiugei field. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Tliraves. Mr. and Mrs. Desha Breckinridge. Mr. and Mrs. Loui- bee Haggin. ||r. and Mrs. t Ureuee l.e Bus. Mrs. S. J. Roberts. Mrs. .lames P. Auisden. Mrs. W. S. Barnes, .Mrs. W. I. Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson. Mr ;lil,i Mrs. A. H. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Price t;elieral and Mrs Koger Williams. Mr. and j|,s Jet .n Altiiew. Mr. ami Mrs. T. C. Bradley. Mr ami Mrs. V. K. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. ;. f. Vaugiian Mr. and Mrs. .1. Will Stoll. Mr. ami Mrs. Davis Buckuer. Mr. and Mrs. William Veeaaai, Mr and Mrs. A. B. Calhthcr. Mr. and Mrs. J. • Milam Mr. and Mrs. u. I.. Kaker. Mr. and Mis. Catesl.v W salfonl. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krowcr. Mr end Mrs. J. W. Parrish, Mr. and Mis. T. P. Hayes, Mr. and Mr*. M. W. Ai«l-r-..ii. Mi. ,,iid Airs J " II Deed. Mr. and Mr-. V. H. Hawkins, sir. and Mrs. X-wtoti " ■»••-. Mr. and .Mr . E. II. l.adhv. Mr. and Mr-. Dan W Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Joiiu W Schorr. Mr. and Mrs. . jj Baker, Mr. and Mrs. .1. . May, Mr. and Mr-. Wallace Muir. Mr. and Mr». A. »•• Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Miles, Me— is. Carr and Piatt. .1. u. Keene. Seweli Combs, S. E. Dell and t "inbs I.un.U r Company. -A