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m FINE MEETING AT DOUGLAS PARK Indications Point to Season of Wonderful Racing Between Best Horses in the Country. Ijouisville, Ky.. May 10. — John Hachmeister, general manager of the I ouglas Park Jockey Club, was an arrival today from Cincinnati and opened his office at Douglas Park to complete preparations for the oiiening of the spring race meeting of fourteen days at that track beginning Monday. May 27. immediately following the close of the Churchill Downs meeting. Mr. Hachmeister expressed himself as much impressed with the keen interest which is being taken locally in the approaching racing season, and looks for a record-breaking meeting at Douglas Park. In discussing the pros|iects for the. meeting, lie said: "I aiu satisfied that we shall have quite the finest meeting at Douglas Park this spring ever held then-. We shall have the Ix-st horses in America to draw upon for our daily programs, and it will Is- the aim at all times to furnish sport of the highest type. "The people of Louisville and race-goers from distant points have Ih-oii showing a growing appreciation of our efforts to provide the best to lie had iu the way of high-class racing at Douglas Park and it is an incentive, of course, to renewed efforts in the same direction. Aside from the merit and attractiveness of the racing that will be provided, those who patronize our meetings at Douglas Park this soring will be patriotically contributing to the carrying on of the war. as practically all of our profits, and |s-rhaps more, will go into the Red Cross fund of 00.100 that the racing and breeding interests of Kentucky have pledged themselves to raise. In addition, the government will collect the usual war tax on all of our admissions." Frank J. Mruen. Mr. Hachmeisteis assistant and right hand man. accompanied him to I ouisville and will devote himself to details in connection with the approaching lewming. The general arrangements for the meeting will closely follow those of last season.