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SYNDICATE AFTER AQUEDUCT TRACK Revival of Report That Movement on Foot Given Partial Confirmation by Stockholder. New York. May tL— There is a revival of the re-IH-rt that a syndicate is being formed for the purchase of the Aqueduct race course. There was some talk of a syndicate of this kind last year, and the names ot a. K. MawaMMw and Joseph E. WHhcc were moi,tj,,ii.-d :ls |„-ing favorable to the enterprise, but Mr. Macoiuber declared he was in no way connected with it. It was later learned that an offer had been made by certain interests at a figure bo-low the sum that would Is- considered by the Aqueduct stockholders. The option ran out and the question of purchase was drop|»cd. Recently it |l;l i,,.,.,, rumored that another effort would Ik- made to form a syndicate for the purchase of this desirable properly, unquestionably the most profitable institution of its kind around New York. The rumor was given partial confirmation by one of the principal stockholders of the property, who said: "Yes. somoliody has been talking about a price In ing put on the olaee. but as yet nobody has made what I would call a sensible offer for my stock. At present I dont think there is much chance of the Aqueduct track changing hands, especially so since so mu-h money iia!, been spent last winter in renovation." , a