Jamaica Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, May 22., Daily Racing Form, 1918-05-22


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Jamaica Entries and Fast Performances for Wednesday, May 22. WEATHER WET. TRACK MUDDY. Racing starts at 2:20 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. 0 Sii|Mii..r mud runner. X Good mud runner. .: Pair in tid runner. M maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. Track record: May 19, 1917— .19%— 2— 109.1 Todays In.l. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.WMIan. IS8231 Ddtie Vaml-veer. .110 l:02"f. BI9X725 282S1 1 Nan Kiiik l:r 119 1 AKlh. l»r- -720 SK24HI* IVnnise 94.. 715 :ts2.Vi= Aunt Dinah 1419 1:01 £ 109.. 715 :is231- Sylv.uio M 112 1:418 h. 108. .710 :«h-_«:7 I.iltle:-.de HOl:02r. 90. .711 .•5s:::.l Mine S»v.e|Mr M.H2 1:413% 97..705 SS240 Slierin.iii A. Ml.. 110. .705 S8M2 Irua B..v Ml 102. .700 244221 Hairy M. Stevens Ml 112 1:03% 1O41..700 Fnikels II.. b. f. I.y Mar:ijax— Row K...V..I 101 Prini-e Direet. b. c, I.y R.j Hindoo - Din.ta 102 l..ttie Vandeveer is a capital filly. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Traek ni-..rd: May 19, 191ft 1:12 4 -118. 2K2Kl:t WiMHllhmsli 110 1:14"-. 3 105. .725 3S235t WiiipjKM.rwill 95 1:14% 3 105x720 2442M* J Bag 1I2I.1:14% 3 95X715 28277 3 i:iderken Ml 1«1:15-- 3 110.. 715 :i79tw.» Kills K»s l:18 g 4 1870718 37925* T..leranee 97 1:13% 3 110x711 2K98H Harry Rurguyoe ...KO 1:13 3 110.. 711 28BSS** Julia I MB 1:12% B 112X710 :t«;514 R.sistil.le M8 1:15% I 147X710 .-SX! ;..ldiiig M 114 1:14-. 3 95. .700 3M17 Sur|.rising 114 1:14-. 7 117X7IKI 3M4I. Wi.ndi -rlanil MI...115 1:15% « 112. .700 tB. T. Wilson entry. WoimI thrush is in jj.kmI form. Third Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Tr.uk nerd: June is. 1917— 1 :4.V%— ft — 123. ■BSP Stn.icht ForwanL.llI 1:4.".% 4 114:-:750 36454 It Bally 1415 1:47% 4 11C.X74:. 882211 liimroveh 117 1:45-. 5 1150745 SK238I II..- Purtacaese ... 2 MS. .735 82835 : RaBM MS 1:47.:. 4 1120731 2MS7: Flint r.dd Ins 1:44-. 7 111x725 MMS4 l»..i.:.s 1111:41 5 14K.X71I tJ. Bntlir inlry. ■tnigfM K.r«:ird will In- hard to lieat here. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Newtown Selling Stakes. Guaranteed Value ,000. 3 year-olds and upward. Track record: May 19, 191ft— 1:12— 4— IIS. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 282881 COM PADRE 99 1:13% 3 105x750 3NIS.Y- He Will US 1:12 ft 109x740 3S2T9I* Startling .....118 1:12% ■ 120..74O 87482 Milkman 117 1:13 4 113.. 740 88354 Whimsy 102 1:12% B 115*7:15 BUM Wise Man 105 1:12 B 118X7SB 3M79 Philippic 115 1:13 4 12SX7J8 3K209 Kin* Worth 114 1:11% 7 1150730 30339 Seafarer 110 1:13% 3 1050730 88838 Etruscan Ill 1:12/-. ft 188%T2B 88282 Peep Sight 104 1:13% 5 110x710 B82B8 Bit M 105 1:17% 3 105.. 700 Compndro is gifted with groat Sliced. Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-rear-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Oct. 20, 1904— 1:43% -3— 10S. 34342- Barberry Candle. ..US 1:44 7 1020750 28128 Priscilla Mullens. .112 1:44 4 1120745 845S71 Achilles 110 1:45% 4 107x740 88288 Trompe La Molt.. 3 105x730 3M03 Lady Dorothy 3 100.. 7341 88881 Cruinpsall 105 1:44% 4 loo.. 725 B.-iylx-rry Candle seems decidedly nest. Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3 year-olds and uoward. Maidens. S|iecial Weights Track record: June 19, 1917— 1:05%— 7— 128.1 3S253- Common Law 3 105.. 725 SBSBSt Turf 10S 1:07% 3 110. .720 S824S Xelsweep 8 U8..7M 355IUI Pusameua 3 105.. 715 88277 lepper 3 110. . 715 3X127 Sungold 102 1:07% 3 110. .710 3S-25.1t Rio 3 11I..7K 88258 Magnetite 115 1:0.S. 3 110. .705 30522 Rose Finn 102 1:10% 4 110X700 3X254 Diamond Rock ...112 1:09 4 115.. 700 8K25S Frank Waters 3 110. .700 88258 Prince Ronero 3 111.. 700 32525 Slmnballymore 3 110.. 700 Wigstone. I . c. by B.iyardo — ■ Blue Tit 3 110 Fuglelad. b. c, by Fugleman — La- veuse 4 115 OHoiiovan. eh. g. bv Jaeger— Kosey Donovan 3 no If. Butler enlry. Common Law is fairly speedy.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918052201/drf1918052201_4_3
Local Identifier: drf1918052201_4_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800