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HARLEM STAKES TO AIR MAN • Scores an Easy Victory in Fast Time Over Heavy Track. ♦ Mud Runners Find Going to Their Liking — Nutmeg a Good Steeplechaser. ♦ New York. June 11. — Dull overnight mills ruined all chance if Helmont Hark Ii.m viutr :i fast Irak for todays good card and the scratch man !-«-•: i- -. ••! I lie program liv more than half. The feature, the Harlem Stakes, had the smallest field of the after n and pr.ivi-d quite easy for C. P. Winfreys Air Man. which took tlie lead when his rider was ready ami only cantered the remainder of the race. Inlook.-d for op;w»sitioii was eii-o!!i!lere«l iu 8. W. tilts Arrali ; On. whicli displayed the most sp-ed from 1 1:« start. but could not maintain his advantage after the stretch was reached. W. K rr. who rode ihe left candidate. was alert when the harrier was sprung and raced liis mount into a long lead iu the first half. Knsor was dtitiiit to wait until the pacemaker tired, then came on to win as it phased. The Harlem Stakes was first run in MM; its interesting history in condensed form since 1!»07 being h«r presented: Year. Winner. A.Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. ltmT dapple ,"i Ill J. Martin. ..1*5 1 ::;!•• , BWUraaato ."• Ill Shaw S.OM 1 ::i»-. IMBI Arasoo 4 103 Class l.LIW 1 r.ttf-, l.Mtl H.lkelov « lit! K. Dug.: II.. I.til 1 :.: » : 11113 IVilhshirc .". 100 Hutwcll C75 1 :: s ••- lit 11 Tarts 4 UU II. Sumter. MS 1:41 Ill-. Montr, s-.r .1JH»W. I ral «7."i 1:41 MM Mae Thistle 7 11". A. Schutger Hi 1:41 JWI7 iioomy tins 3 m If. Tn.jse... 1 .MMI 1 :4 H , MM Air Man .". 1113 L. Knsor... MM VJM% •Juggler first ln:t disqualified. No raving in 1911 and 1»1"J. Poacher found the- peine to his iiking in the opening race and hd I y a wide trap throughout. Ual Iarrs Viral came in for substantial backing in this ra-c. I ml did not seem to run freely in Ongoing ;;u,i was dropping ba.-k at the end. «:. 1 Wideuers -olors were carried to victory iu t!n- steeplechase by his promising jumper Nutmeg. Il was ;, keenly cot.t. sted struggle from start to finish. Myers kept Nutmeg in a good forward assfttsa f,,r the early running and. when called on in the I.-ist quarter. Ike Widcncr representative passed Ormcs Head and then held Square Dealer safe in the final drive. Ill- mile clash for three -yi ar-olds proved easy for ■j .-.ii.ioor. which drew away from Cucland in the last sixteenth, after lieiug momentarily passed by the latter iu the stretch. Hen Gear, the favorite might have won. but for running out at the head uf the stretch when in tee j. :. i. The splendid tide Frank Robinson gave Tims. K. MeMahon was in a gr.-at measure due to that e«dls success, in the fifth nee, wi.icli was for two ye;irold maidens. The winner was entirely overlooked by the oral speculators. Uobiusou kept Mai dose up to the leaders and. when lie called on him ill the stretch. t:, colt responded iu game fashion and outstayed Imbala iu a hard drive. The defeat of J. K. I.. Koss* Cadillac in the last rai-c. was a hard blow to the taleut. who figured that he was mmh the licst iu the big field that contested the ra«i. I!, quickly rushed into the lead right at the st;rt and flattered his backers until Well iu the sir. teh. where he suddenly quit badly and iu a twinkling dropped back from a two lengths lead to finish a poor third. The winner was King fisher, which uador a hard drive, outlasted the last closing Waterproof. J. B. JOELS PATRIOTIC ACT. Iu commenting on the fact that Mr. Joel, the Kuglish breeder and turfman, had refused an offer of SH.Ti.IKm for his great horse Jester. lieciuse the animal was n.-. ,1, I to impr-iV" the brood in Kngland. A. K. M:. comber remarked today: "Mr. Joel showed his patriotism by his action and he has set an example for sportsmen iu other countries." The Hcl.-noiit Coaching Club Cup and otner pieces of plate displayed on the lawn during the after-luioii, wire linn h admired by the occupants of the club house enclosure. It is such trophies as those which help to keep sentiment alive for racing. They mean more than the money equivalent and if a trophy accompanied every stake race on the program of the various associations, it is safe to say that there probably would bo a keener interest in the thoroughbred than exists at present. J. J. Halleiihcek, who is racing under the name of the Meadow brook Stock Farm, of which F. M. Taylor is iraia. -r. bxlay donated to the Hrocding Hurcaii of the Jockev Club, the three vear-old stal lion Huttcnihorio. by HeliotrolM — Huttous System. This j ;; ,ig. fine «-o!t of the finest English lineage Bad his breeder, YV. S. Heather, who was at Itelliiont l.-.rk today, said he should improve the horse pro.nioi j,, Maryland, whither he is to be sent. to th- farm of Senator Johnson of Laurel. The Keen.- Memorial Stakes, with a guaranteed value of S.-,.tMiii. is the main attraction of a splendid program tor tomorrows sport. The Keene Memorial i- a two year-old siako. established in MIS, in memory of the late James II. Keene. One hun drcd and fifty juvenilis were named for this years running, w li.-h will bring the gross value of tie race alM . s7.ikh». Kighi fleet youngsters are carded to start and a good race is hi pros|»ect. The stewards of the meeting have instructed Mars Cassiiiy. lite st. it-tor. to despatch the fields in chute racs fi,,,,, ti„. j,,-d, . instead of the outside, as has been done previously. The horse drawing number en. position, will iti the future start from the oulside rail. Albert Simons will ship H. I". Whitneys John n to I.-.itouia on Moiidav next to run in the Katoiiia p-rliy. It is also probable Mai Hirsch will send Cum Sah for the same event. Beary .M«li.,ni.l has decided not to start Sun Briar in the Belmont Stakes next Saturday. "lie will not start again before Saratoga." said his trainer. "There is nothing the matter with him. But he just does not seem to be himself." Trainer Henry Mcllauiel has returned from a visit trt Sun Briar "iirt at itinghamtoti. N. V. He re ports the presence there of twenty-one foals, the nicst striking of whicli is a brother to Luke Me-l.ul.e. by ! Itimits Midge. Kmil Hera claimed Matin for Jsl.lMMI. Ibrt Willi-l ins claim, d Iigeon for .!!55. S. Lewis claimed Veiimd for .«10. 1». J. Leary claimed loacher after his victory for *1. E». U. W. ioriuan was uu arrival from lialtiuiorc.