Jockey Sande Popular Young Rider: His Success in Saddle Remarkable-Will Ride at Latonia and Later at Saratoga., Daily Racing Form, 1918-06-13


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i , | • . . a i . j ! J I JOCKEY SANDE POPULAR YOUNG RIDER His Success in Saddle Remarkable— Will Ride at t Latonia and later at Saratoga. Louisville. Ky.. June 12.— There will be no dearth 1 of good rid. is at Latonia during the meeting : June 14. And the which will o|H-n there on Friday. chances are that none will be more popular with the raciK.,iiiK public at the Kenton County track c . than Hie young apprentice Karl Sande. who has lieen BMuUag bo«m1 from the day of his first appear ance in the saddle at the Fair Grounds in New I Orleans last Januarv. . ., , Sande appears to be what is descnl ed as a 1 natural In rseinan Born and reared on a farm 1 at Amen eaa Falls Idaho, his general experience with horses undoubtedly laid the foundation for the ■ wonderful progress lie has made ill the few monihs * he has he** almiit the race tracks. For it was not until last November that he took the initial 1 step by hiving his home and proceeding to New Oil -an- to eater the employ of J. B. Goodman as I an exercis.. |,„v. It did not take f.ooilman long , to decide after the bay began galloping his horses, that the l.i 1 1 had real riding ability and so. after • putting i:i a month or so at exercising work, he ■ gave him a chance to ride in races. His first t success was scored on Prince S. at the Fair Crnuiids ; in J B— ary. Itefore the o]K ning of the Hot Springs . meeting in March. Ren Levy, acting for W. 1*. . Johnson of fhicago and K. H- Kane of California, purchased his contract and it has beep mult * ■ Levys UMfOM* and tutelage that the boys . greatest success has In-cii scored. There is „,, jockev riding km in which the public Ins greater confidence than this comparative novice. He is sleadily winning his share of races and more, day by day. His record of winners for the rear now stands at seventy-one and represents the excellent percentage of .21. which is iuite — latirrablr for a beginner and better than 1 that ef :,iiV other American rider who has had any coiisider:i ble number of mounts, with the siafte exception of Lyke, who heads the jockey list for tile year to date Sande stands fourth in the winning li-t. taking all American racing into account, and has confidence enough in himself to believe that he will tic the leader before the year is over. From here he will go to Latonia and at the conclusion of the Kentucky season, he will lie take Saratoga. He was tied for first place in tlie winniag list at Churchill Downs and the chances are that lie will head the list for the Douglas l.,k i:i,eting. S.inde i~ M 19 years old and can ride at ninety seven p. amis. His success lias not turned his head and hi-, habits and disposition are exemplary. Several prominent stables have been negotiating for call upon his services for the Latonia meeting, but aa far none has Ix-cii given. One of tin- secrets of the Iki.vs success, according to Hen Levy, with whom In- makes his home at all timis. ,s that he studies the pcciilarit ies of tlie hoi-.,-s he is under t ngaceinent to ride, as re veale.l in past pi I fallal m Kvery evening he devotes considerable time to studying the charts of previous races in which his mounts for the succeeding day win- engaged. lie is an exceptional * Jwbe of pace f,,r one so new at the sjxirt :iid generally manages i,, ride his mounts so well that they have something lift at the end, with which to make the final bid for a race.

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Local Identifier: drf1918061301_2_5
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