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OWNER MIEAN PROSPERING ♦ Takes the Clipsetta Stakes with His Filly Bon Jour. ! • * Then Wins a Fat Purse with The ] Porter — Escoba Beaten — Frank Robinson Hurt. i • l-itonia. Ky.. June 19. — The cerise gold spots of i I ■•iward is. Heir ir again figlin*d conspicuously in tin- L: tenia racing and wen* carried t« victory this I aft-riooii in the two principal contests, the old I established Clipsetta Stakes and a s]«*«-i;il purs. ;!l three-quarters. His Hon 4oi:r. :i chestnut filly I by Von Tromp — Jounlain. met and triumphed over the I -st of her ag. that t—M be mustered in I those parts, when she si-orod in easy fashion in i tin* stake raeo and his crack year-old The Por tor. regnnied iu these parts ;.s the host of his ag: 1 in this country, made a show of the opponents lie Hi t in the special race. Both horses were riihlen i in faultless fashion by jockey O1.rioii. who showed alertui-ss on Bon . ur and pur up a rousing finish to dispos- of stroiiK contention in the stretch. I There were « igit starters in the Clipsetta Stakes. in;i!.i*i*l it worth **:. I20 net to the winner, with ;.illi Card, a winner in her previous start at Luiis-vilh- and ridden by Frank Robinson the •hoice. ".••m lour being next favored and Hatter fake also hel.l in high esteem. The start found t.oni all in fairlj good alignment mid t»J.rie:i at once forced his in rat a; Mgfe speed into *oiitention ami w-ien a mi -.nit emu in the first sixteenth. Hon Jour flashetj into a ;:■ «! lead. Her advantage wa wrested from her by Regal", an eighth from the finish, hut OT.rieii. riding her vigorously, site again forged into the lead and at the finish was drawing clear. Hatter Cake, after it slow beginning, came with a grout ru-li and overhauled Say When for third place. i; iU-Cur. "i beraaae involved in the inixun and it was rosp* nsible for the unseating; of Robinson. The latter was seven ly bruised about tile left side in additii u to receiving a bard shaking up and it will »*• several days before he is himself again. The Clipsetta Stak-s dates back to 18X3. and its interesting history iu condensed form since 1907 i- here presented: Year. Wimi-r. Wt. Jockev. Val. Time. ISSf Crande Itame ...110 J. Lee SI .640 1 01 Purs Crysial Maid UK Heidel 1.450 1:»1 ■- HOImw ■ 107 Heidel 1.720 1:01,:. ISM t.olden Hgg 107 Mountain ..1.150 1:04-. Hill Calisse 120 J. ;ias~ ... 1.440 1:00*- VB Star of iMkcNr. 11. Shilg. 1.0KO -BSi* mi Minda IK;. J. Loftus .. 2.970 1 :00 -. 1914 Brigs Sister 110 A. Xeykra.. 2.70.. 1*SS% 1915 Blood IM Mf I., ientrv.. 2.N45 1:01* IMC Auriga 110 L. Gentry. . 2.MS0 1 :or. . IM?Vhn America ...110 4. Hanover. 2. 760 1 :0: "-. MM Hon Jour low W J Ol.n. 3.020 IM% The Porter only had ! • lie kept at a strong gallop to boat those lie niet iu the sixth race. He indulged Korbly with the lead until just before reach ing the stretch tern, where lie r.i -ed into the lead with consummate ease and was hard held at the end. Quietude outstaying Korbly at the end for second place. While The Porters star was in the ascendency during tiie altorao m. that of Escoba. a popular idol with race-goers in Kentucky, was materially dimmed by his failure in the fourth race, a mil and an eighth dash, designed to give liiui and other pn»s|x*ctive Lalonia Derby candidates a preliminary trial for their start in Saturdays big race. Escoba was held to mtclass his opponents and received the confident sinqiort of the majority of those present. He flattcn-d extensively for three-quarters, when lie followed Heaverkill closely and seeming able to pass into the lead when called on. but after rounding into the stretch, and lieing put to a drive. Ksc-ohn failed badly and Heaverkill beat Mm to the fini h iu easy fashion. After their finish Escoba was galloped out an additional quar-ter. covering the full mile and three -eighths in 2:19- Annuo, which finished third, was also worked out an additional three-eighths and may Is* a start;*r in the Derby. LADIES DAY BEINGS OUT BIG CROWD. Ladies* day. the first of the present meeting, was rositonsible for an attendance that taxed the capacity of the spacious plant. In the big throng were many first-timer-, who had never been to a race course before, and they took a keen interest iu the racing and attending incidents. Secretary Campbells racing offering for the afternoon was excellent and it brought about entertaining sport and. in several instances, dose finishes, fader constant labor, the track showed vast improvement, he going was more firm and tin r ■ as a noticeable absence of dust. Hackers of favorites fared poorly, as with the exception of The Porter and Hringhurst. the others were all l.iatea. Selma tl. Ix-gali the overthrow when sin. won the initial race, for which Sentimental was tie- choice. Kriagliursl had a hard time of it to outstay the bad |s»-t acting Jipsey George. The latter was at liis worst this afternoon and lie was placed on the •schooling list by the starter, lllless he shows more tractat.ility at his next api»earaucc at the barrier he will b- barred. Mud Sill proved a dismal failure in the third, won by Pit. with Elizabeth H. in second place. Thur-Is-rs incompetency contributed to Mud Sills failure. The final race went to Parr, which won after a bard effort from Perugino and Alert. P. M. Wills Prevaricator sustained a bad injury this morning, which will probably cause his retirement from racing for g««id. Jockey Johii-m was suspended for two days by the starter t«r oi-h.dien.-e at the iKtst. The judges began an investigation of the mixup in the stak- race, but decided that it was due to unavoidable causes. Fell Sw.x.p had to Is- withdrawal! from the fourth ra -o on account of lameness. lilk - of Savoy «. ut amiss whil - Is-ing worked this morning and will not be- among the starters in the I .a Ionia IK-rby. Trainer Alls-rt Simons today announced that Joh-reli would lie shiplH-d back to New York Sunday. J oh re ii was worked a half mile this morning in 51 seconds. llollinger. which will carry the colors of I . Raymond of Montreal in the Derby Saturday, received his final work for the race Wednesday morning, when l.e vent a mile and a iiuarter in L:10:.. The bMrf |ii:.ri.-r ma run iu LM.-,. Trainer Albert Simons announced that .lohreu will Is- giv n his filial work for tie- Derby early Thursday morning, with jockey F. Uobiiisou up. Continued on second page. OWNER McLEAN PROSPERING Continued from first page. It was announced by General Manager Hach-meister that, beginning with todays racing, the intermission allowed between races would lie shortened by some five minutes and that in all probability the starting time for the opening ran would be advanced to 2:15. instead of 2:30, beginning with next Monday. This action is for a two-fold pur-jmisc that of iiemiitling patrons of the track to reach their homes at an earlier hour than under the present schedule, and likewise to improve the conditions under which the street railway employes are laboring in handling the heavy traffic resulting from the races. The street railway management lias been handi-c:i|i|km! by a lack of sufficient help to man its cars and is feeling the strain imposed by the lengthened schedules to such an extent that it might become difficult to maintain the standard of service, if the present schedule should be adhered to.