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LARGE CROWD TO SEE LATONIA DERBY Manager Hachmcistcr Has Made Special Arrangements for Record Breaking Attendance. Cincinnati. O.. June 20. — Special arrangements are being made by General Manager John Hachmeister to take care of the enormous crowd that is expected at Latonia Saturday in connection with the thirty-sixth running of tlie Latonia I erby. The extensive improvements which were carried to completion last fall will iMTinit the accomodation of several thou sand more spectators than the large number which saw the Derby run last vcar. It was for just such occasions that Manager Hachmeister increased the facilities for handling a big crowd in comfort at Latonia. But, in view of the widespread interest which the approaching running of the Derby has aroused, it is exacted that the augmented accomodations will Is none too great for the tremendous crowd that will wend its way to Latonia on Saturday. Eugene Elrod. manager of the pari mutuel depart ment. has completed arrangements for the installation of additional facilities for the big volume of betting that is looked for on the Derby and the other high-class races that will make up the program for the days sport. In additional to the regular equipment*, sixteen extra machines will he provided for preliminary wagering on the Derby alone. These sixteen machines will be located in booths at the edge of the betting ring, adjoining the lawn and will be operated from 1:30 oclock until the time arrives f„r the opening of betting in the usual way on the race. Then they will l e closed and a tabulation of the transactions will be posted over the special 1 o»t lis for the information of the general public. The total of seventy one machines will represent a new record for Litonia. The Derbv will be run as the fifth race on Saturday. It will be immediately preceded by the run ning of the Cincinnati Club Handicap at three-quarters, designed to bring the best of the western sprinters into action and will be followed by the Hernial- Handicap, one mile and one-sixteenth. Both of these special races will have a value of ,000. An 00 allowance race for two-year-olds, an 00 claiming race at one mile and seventy-yards and two 00 races, one for maiden two-year olds and the other for selling platers at three-quarters, will make np the remainder of the Derby day card.