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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY The latest news from the west front is that General Ietain is giving the Germans on the westerly side of thu Marne salient little rest in their i ositioiis east of the forest of VillersCot terets Thursday night his troops again drove in on this front and made substantial progress The most tangible result reported from this latest fight ¬ ing is the capture of the Village of Ijongpont to the outskirts of which the French had pushed in their advance AVediiesday night A farm in this neighlwirhooi also was taken The French lines were likewise driven ahead in the Chavigny farm district north of IxmgiKiiit A forward push also was given the line in the area south of Longpont east of IVtverolIes The extension of the froat und r attack to the Faverolles region is noteworthy sis showing that the process of straightening out the line bitvecii the Ai ne and the Marne is being carried still farther south and is threatening the local salient held by the Germans between the Long jMint district and the American sector northwest of Chateau Thierry ThierryA A Dutch traveler from Germany declares the rumor has spread all over Germany that Field Marshal von llindenburg is ill and is unable to participate in the work at the army headquarters The military duties there have been taken over entirely by First QuartermasterGeneral Ludeiidorf German newspapers the traveler says are not per ¬ mitted to mention the rumor rumorV V serious mutiny among the Austrian troops in one of the occupied districts of Serbia is announced ly the Serbian nrcss bureau The garrison of Kraguyevatz the former Serbian arsenal broke into rebellion because of bad food the statement de ¬ clares and many of the officers were killed killedM M Tehernoff a leader of the IttiRsian social revolutionists Is marching wn Moscow at the head f numerous bauds of unarmed iwasants says a Dispatch from Stockholm to the Paris Matin Part if bis force has arrived in the outskirts of the Approximately 5000 men in the draft age were seized in Chicago Tliurbday evening in a great Federal drive for slackers All but a few hundred were turned loose after they had satisfied the au ¬ thorities that they were properly registered and classified classifiedSpanish Spanish grip continues to spread rapidly in Switzerland The miltary autlioritics announced yes ¬ terday that on July 9 there were iSOO cases in the Swiss army and among interned troops The death rate so far has been comparatively small smallAn An American naval launch after aiding a French destroyer in towing a disabled American seaplane to safety was sunfe by German shore batteries losing two of its crew probably drowned and two taken prisoner by the enemy enemyReports Reports from Switzerland are to the effect that the socalled American invasion of Europe and the great aid rendered by tho Americans to the Allies is causing much anxiety at German army lieadtjuiirters lieadtjuiirtersOwing Owing to the serious shortage in food cholera is on the increase in Petrograd and huhdrcds of Itersons are daily falling victims to it sitys a Russian wireless dispatch received at London yes ¬ terday terdayGen Gen Muruvieff commander of the Bolshevik forces operating against the CzechoSlovaks has committed suicide according to an official Russian wireless dispatch received at London yesterday yesterdayGreat Great Britain was granted an additional credit of 175000000 by the Treasury Department making the total loans to her to date 3345000000 and the total credit to the allies G2UG590000 G2UG590000President President Wilson yesterday vetoed the annual agricultural appropriation bill containing an amend ¬ ment increasing the price of wheat to 240 per bushel bushelIouniaiiias Iouniaiiias peasant population is in a morn pre ¬ carious condition from lack of food and clothing than at any time since Roumania entered the war warOne One of the murderers of Gen Count von Mirbach German ambassador to Russia has been arrested arrestedBerlin Berlin has reported the capture of five American airplanes