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DISCARDING BLINKERS HELPS CIRRUS CIRRUSThe The recent improvement displayed by II P Whitneys Tracery colt Cirrus is attributed chiefly to the discarding of the use of blinkers blinkersAccording According to Albert Simons who is now training Cirrus early in the year the colt was for sale at 5M0 but now will not be priced The change since we took the blinkers off him he said has made him look worth keeping Jockey Frank Robinson who has gone home to Cleveland to he examined for army service kept telling Rowe the colt would not run against the blinkers The next to the last day at Jamaica I decided as an experiment to start him without blinkers Tom llealey was going to start Thunderstorm and wanted Robinson to ride Rowe who was up from the farm said Let him have Robinson Put anybody you can get on our colt I got Huynes to ride Cirrus and Rowe and I bet on Ilealeys horse Cirrus won by himself and Ilealeys horse wasnt Placed Since then Cirrus has run twice without hlinkers and linn won twice which goes to show that Robinson was right The change from blinkers to a clean head has made the colt a horse worth keeping