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OFFER OF 5,000 MADE FOR THE BROOK NEW YORK. N. Y., January 11. An offer of ".000 has lieen made for the star steeplechaser of last year, The Brook. It is not public property who made the offer, but it is known that Commander J. K. L. Ross last summer tried to buy the horse to run in tlie Red Cross Steeplechase decided at Saratoga. AVlien J. E. Griffith was informed of the wish of Commander Ross, he said as much as he would like to see tlie horse run in the Ross colors, he also had considerable satisfaction to see his own colors carried by a good horse. Last year Tlie Brook won 7,410 in stakes and purses and is now six years old. A. McL. Earlocker. racing secretary of the Westchester Racing Association, is confined to his home suffering from a heavy cold. The following committees have been chosen for the United Hunts Racing Association for 1919: Executive committee: Morton L. Schwartz, F. Ambrose Clark and II. L. Pratt. Guaranty fund committee: John Bowman, F Ambrose Clark and W. R. Coe. Race committee: Morton L.1 Schwartz. F. Ambrose Clark. Edward F. Whitney, Henry W. Sage and Frank J. Bryan. Membership committee: Morton L. Schwartz, John Bowman. II. A. Bourne, II. O. Tallmudge and Chiis. E. Mather. Committee, on course: F. Ambrose Clark and F. S. Vou Stade.