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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY BERLIN. Germany. January 11. via Copenhagen, January 11. There was another outbreak of street fighting here today. Storm troops are being rushed up to attack the Berliner Tageblatt building, where 300 strongly armed Spartacides are barricaded". Officials claim that the situation lias improved in favor of the government, but reports received from out of town indicate that the Bolshevist disorders are spreading. "WASHINGTON. D. C, January 11. President "Wilson today cabled from Paris to the National "War Labor Board to make an immediate investigation and an award in the New York harbor strike, promising that the Navy Department, the "War Department, the railroad administration and the slapping board will make the award effective, it was officially announced at the White House executive offices today. PARIS, France, January 11. President Wilsons plans for a league of nations is expected to be the first to be considered by the peace conference, although it was stated today that probably all of the allied nations represented would probably present different programs. LOS ANGELES. Cal., January 11. William G. McAdoo announced here today the appointment of Walker 1. Hines as his successor as director general of railways. Mr. Hines has Iteen assistant director general almost since the organization of the railway admiuitration. LONDON, England. .Tannary 11. Karl Liehknecht. chief leader of the German Spartacides, is reported to have boon killed in street fighting in Berlin on Thursday night, said an Exchange Telegraph dis-. patch from Copenhagen today.