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I - i 1 5 1 I 7 1 ; ; : i s d r I e a n NOW ON SALE The American Racing Manual for 1919 An Excellent and Low-Priced Book of 450 Pages It contains all the features that have created such demand for it in the past. It is simply a mine of records. One of the features of this book is a tabulated compilation of the great races of England, France and Australia, which covers the winners and other details fronV their institution. This is a feature that is more comprehensive than ever before attempted by any turf publication in the world. AMONG ITS FEATTJEES ARE: in.iniii T.oadlnxr Sires. Race Track Record of All tie iSffijgSSiSSSi. tor jg-k s..... American Stake Races of the Year Racine: of American Thoroughbreds 1918. in 1918. Bargain Yearlings and the Rererse. Racing Organizations and Their Rookmaking Percentage Table. OlHcials. Comparative Mile Speed. Racing Records of the American, Dead Heats of 1918. Australasian, Canadian and Eag- Disdualili cations of 1918. nh Turf. English Betting Rules. Records of Miles in 1:38 or Better. Grfw Xusfralaian rt1318"1 and anU Record Odds in the Pari-Mutuels. Eif-lish Turf? Remarkable Jockey Feats. Handicapping and Racing with Scales of Weights of the Canadian Examples. Racing Associations, Cnba-Amer- Hiirhest Priced Thoroughbreds of lean Jockey Club, English Jockey the American and European Tnrf. Club The Jockey Club, Jockey Leading Winning Two-Year-Oldi. Club Juarez, Kentucky State Long-Priced Winners of 1918. ?an Commission and Pacific MuS8SFand JifeBa.SS SlrirofT-Year-Old Winner, of EaiSWXerbnch13 Thlghbred. That Died During gTKiflglcSgrS Trk8Record Speed. Thousand Guineas, Prix du Con- Twenty Leading American Sires of seil aiunlcipal, JPrix du President 1918. de la Rcpubliane, St. Legcr and Winners of Important American Two Thousand Guineas. Stakes. Necrology of the Turf in 1918. Yearling Sales of 191S in America. Pari-Mutuel Betting Explained. Etc., Etc. With this eminently handy book in his pocket any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing in the past. Its equal has never been .printed and, considering the topics it covers, it is an extremely low-priced book. PRICES By Mall: LEATHER BOUND . .10 PAPER BOUND . 85 Gents Full Purchase Price Must Accompany Each Order DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, HI. - 74 Exchange Street, Buffalo, N. T. , Boom 804, 1482 Broadway, New York N. Y. e 1 s e ; SHOULD DO IT TODAY. and ought to be a price. No. 761.. Book 394. Code of book 394; 25 cents everywhere, American Thoroughbred, Baltimore BIdg., Chicago. e ,. d DONT FAIL to get our Two Good Ones this com-1 ing Saturday. "We think we have two live ones at New Orleans. "Will le wired to you upon receipt of . Todays Form Special: No. 212 in Book 611. STANDARD TURF GUIDE, Boom 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. 11 3 EBMITANA, 7-1, WON; BEVELRY JAMES, 8-5, WON. See reported Book 73S of The Turf Iteporter. Only 25 cents everywhere. TODAYS SPECIAL: No. 144. Book 738. THE TURF REPORTER. B. 509 Baltimore BIdg., 22 W. quincy St., Chicago. 1 1 Subscribe for Daily Racina form THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks In North America during the month of JANUARY, will be on sale Saturday noon, February 1. PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y.