Horse Show Program for 1919, Daily Racing Form, 1919-02-01


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o HORSE SHOW PROGRAM FOR 1919 The American Horse Show Associations program for the year, as drawn up and announced, includes twenty-eight shows, including the National in .Madison Square Garden, which will bo opened on November 10. The full list follows: Brooklvn. April Xew York Dnrlands, Anril 29-Mav 1; Philadelphia indoor. May 1-3; Wilmington, Del., May 15-17; Wynnewood, Pa., May 15 or 24; Washington. May 20-24; Devon. Pa.. May 29-31; Tuxedo, X. Y., June 0-7; White Plains, X. Y.. .lime 18-21; Chicago Country Club, June 20-28; Islip, L. I.. July 11; Long Branch. N. J., July 23-20; White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., August 8-9; Charleston, Va., August 13-14; Columbus. O.. August 25-29; Newport. It. I.. August 27-29; Wilmington. Del. State Fair, September 1-5; Rochester. N. Y., September 1-5; Rutland, Vt., September 1-5; Worcester, Mass., September 1-5; Syracuse, X. Y., September S-13; Springfield. Mass., September 15-20; Bryn Mawr. Pa., September 17-20; Mincola. L. I., September 24-27; Boston Readville, September 25-27; Piping Rock, L. I., September 27; Brockton, Mass.. September 30-Oetober 3; Xew York National, November 10-11.

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