Wolf Ranges of the United States, Daily Racing Form, 1919-02-03


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WOLF RANGES OF THE UNITED STATES The map and reports of the United States Biological Suivey, i department of agriculture, shows the distribution of wolves in the United States. In compiling tills map E. W. Nelson stated at the time 1018: "We have not been able in every case to secure information which is strictly up to date, but it is believed to approximate closely the facts at the present time." East of the Mississippi River wolves are Indicated in a small section in southwestern Maine, southwestern Pennsylvania, the Appalachian range of mountains in a narrow strip touching West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, on the southern border of Georgia and extending slightly over the Florida line, central Florida, northwestern Alabama, northeastern Louisiana, northern section of Arkansas, extending almost across the state, and the northeastern corners of Minnesota and Wisconsin. West of the Mississippi River, western Washington and Oregon, northern and eastern Idaho, nearly all of Utah and Arizona, wolves are found extending eastward, including Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, nearly all of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, the "western corner of Oklahoma and the northwestern part of Texas, extending almost to central Texas. A

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919020301/drf1919020301_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1919020301_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800