One More for Senor Diaz: Zululand Captures the Trinidad Handicap for Cuban Turfman, Daily Racing Form, 1919-02-20


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ONE MORE FOR SENOR DIAZ $ ZuluSand Captures the Trinidad Handicap for Cuban Turfman. Owner L. Brown and Jockey Q. Preece Win a Double Two for T. Nolan. HAVANA. Cuba. February 19. Senor A. II. Diaz furnisher the winner of todays feature at Oriental Iark, when the good four-year-old Zululand defeated a small but select hand of sprinters in the Trinidad Handicap. Zululand was ridden by jockey Nolan, came from behind in the stretch run and beat "leek in good fasliion by a length. Cleek set a fast pace from the start and in the early stages drew away into a commanding lead. He was well in hand the first fire-eighths, hut in the homestretch, when Zululand moved up with a determined challenge, Cleek weakened and the Diaz colt drew away. The mile and an eighth race, run as the fifth, provided a sensational duel between Sasenta and Ballad, the two furnishing a stirring struggle all through the last mile. Itnllad led to the far turn, where Sasenta moved to the front, and from there on to the finish it was the closest kind of a battle. .Sasenta, under a lwwerful ride on the part of I.unsford. drawing away right at the end. An even uozen platers of the cheaper grade, but well-matched, faced the .starter in the opening dasli and Servia, from the stable of O. Rice, was returned the winner after leading by a safe margin from start t finish. Callaway was second, a lialf length in advance of Lady Spendthrift, the two putting up a rousing finish for place honors. The old inure, Colle. won the second sifter :i thrilling finish, in which fhe came from behind, eaughtthe" leader in the stretch, and outgained him in the final strides. It looked like Encores race on the far turn, the gelding leading by two lengths after setting a fast pace from the start. He tired, however, when caught by Colle, and failed to resist the powerful closing rush of the mare. Nolans ener-g 5c ride on the winner contributed in no small lUtnsure to her success. J. Lofts Iickawanna was given the preference in a betting way in the third race, but while he ran well and finished n good second, he never had a chance to overtake the flying Weymouth Cirl, which, away to a good start, quickly opened 1 p a safe lead mid maintained it all the way to win by four lengths. Frank Weirs Karnes t failed t run to his best form and was a distant trailer. Jockey Nolan divided the riding honors of the day with Q. lreece, both boys riding two winners. After Breeze was beaten in the last race yesterday he was claimed by R. .1. Iarrish for ?70. I. Hertz purchased at private sale from II. 15. Dalley the three-year-old filly Ambassador III. I.. Brown scored a double victory when Weymouth Girl and Dierman won the third and sixth races. Both horses were ridden by Quentiu lreece. A party composed of prominent railroad officials, including W. Saunders of the I and O. Steamship Co. and Messrs. Kelly and Miller of the East Coast Railroad were guests of the stewards this i flernoon and witnessed the running of the races froiii the stewards stand.

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Local Identifier: drf1919022001_1_2
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