Imposts for Big English Handicaps: View of Englands Crack Handicap Horses and the Weights in Big Spring Races, Daily Racing Form, 1919-02-22

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i i I ; , 1 I 1 I , 1 , J i j 1 IMPOSTS FOR BIG ENGLISH ";H AN D I C A PS 1 - View of Englaad Crack Handicap Horesj,and the WeiMs in Big Spnni Baqesr" Weights for the greater English handicaps of the spring racing season wen made public January 30. Acceptances or declarations were due February 4. and by this time there is probably a lively antepost market on the Lineolshire Handicap and the Liverpool Grand National Steeplechase.. The weights in four of these big races are here published. They are interesting in affording a fair view of Kng-lands present resources in . the way of high-class handicap horses, and also of what the official han-dicappers think of their relative merit. It will be observed that Lord dAbernons splendid mare Diadem is handicapped to be about the best horse in Knglaud. Probably if Gainsborough had been entered in the City and .Suburban he would have been set to give her something more than her sex allowance. The weights assigned: in the four races selected were as follows: Lincolnshire Handicap, 1 mile; to be run March 2i: Horse. A.Wt. Horse. A.Wt. Hainault " 129 Brigadier General.. 5 DO Polyscope 4 123 Ambre II 7 -95 Grand Fleet 3 121 Verdun , i 95 Somme Kiss 4 120 Baroceo 4 93 The Vizer 7 120 Rich Gift 5 94 Itivershore 4 120 Hntleaf 4 91 Kariia ,...4 112 Arion -. 4 Sll Scatwell 4 110 Helion 4 91 Rocksavage 4 109 Somerville 4 9 Athdara 3 104 Tagrag 5 88 Royal Buck li 103 Old Gold 4 87 Roideur 4 101 Sally Crag 7 8 Golly-Eyes 5 98- Chieagp 4 80 Roker 4 90 Langdou Hills 4 80 Great Metropolitan Handicap, "two and one-tuarter miles; run April 29: Horse. A.Wt. Horse. A.Wt. Furore 1211 llaki 7 101 St. lvloi .7 122 Stainton 7 102 1 Jack Point 4 115 Flaming Fire 0 KM Greek Scholar 0 114 Silver. Bridge 4 98 Wildwood 3 113 Princess Nathalie..! 98 St. Tudwai ..5 113 Sheriffs Officer. ..4 90 Dionysos 4 111 Tarn o. Shanter . . .4 91 Aynsley C 109 Langdon Hills 4 91 Buckthorn 4 10S Grnndchester 4 91 Mont St. Eloi 4 108 Monazite 4 S4 Athdara 5 10S St. Mary 4 84 Seneschal 5 107 City and Suburban Handicap, one and one-ciuarter miles; run April 30: Horse. . AAVt. Horse. A.Wt. Dansellon 3 120 Jutland ...4 101 Diadem 5 123 Silver Bullet 4 100 By Jingo 5 119 Knight of Blyth...3 98 Polyscope 4 119 Thermogene 4 98 Itivershore 4 117 Royal Bucks 0 -97 The Vizier 7 117 Verdun ft 91 Somme Kiss 4 116 Helion 4 90 King John 4 110 Mintleaf 4 88 Herself .4 109 Sir,D6itglas 3 88 Scatwell A im Treasury Bill 4 88 Dionysos 4 100 Arion 4 SS Carados 4 105 Matruli 5 88 Polygnotus 3 103 Daphne 3 88 Sandmole 7 104 Koamer 3 8! Galloper Light 3 102 Langdon Hills 4 80 Mont St. Eloi 4 101 Alliance ..3 84 The Victoria Cup, seveureigiiths of a mile; run May 10: Horse. A.Wt. norse. A.Wt. Diadem 5 129 Athdara 5 100 Irish Elegance ....4 129 Quadrille 4 98 Hainault 3 121 Roker 4 97 Wilton 4 121 Best-"Born 4 90 Somme Kiss 4 113 Golly-Eves 3 94 Herself . ..4 110 Gipsy Lad 3 94 Sundari ..4 109 Baroceo 4 91 Carados .; 4 109 Ramboda 3 90 Kama 4 109 Arion ; 4 88 My Ronald 7 109 Kings Idler 3 83 Rocksavage 4 108 Chicago .4 84 Violinist 4 106 Sabiau 3 84 Viviaui 4 102 Sunny Rhyme 3 84

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