Havana Entries and Past Performances for Friday, March 21., Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-21


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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Friday March 21 WEATHER OTKATt TBAOK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 200 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Jc Fair miid runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 24 1917 103 5 102 102Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan41G502 41G502 Owana 102103 G 109X723 41025 = Banyan 110107 5109X720 5109X72041GG43 41GG43 Callaway M 103J107 4 111 715 71540S39 40S39 Quin 104 105 5 114X715 114X71541GS9 41GS9 Sleeper 103J108 5114715 511471541G28 41G28 Daybreak M Ill 110 5 109X710 41030 Neither M 100 103 4 IOC 705 41222 Gallia M 100 107 4 108 705 705414Si 414Si Chief Orsbouru M112 110 4 108 700 41445 Assessor 107 110 9 111 700 70041C50 41C50 Tiger Jim 103103 13114X700 13114X700Owaua Owaua has a good chance chanceSecond Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 24 1917 103 5 102 10241G27 41G27 WheatCakes 100 105 4 103 725 72541G271 41G271 Blazeaway 117106 7114X720 41 78 = Eiuon 105107 7103X715 41430 = Call Shot 105 108 7 111 715 41398 Miss Wright 101 107 4 100 715 41014 Ague 109107 8100X710 8100X71041i77 41i77 BrownPrince 112107 7105X710 7105X71041G78 41G78 Colic 105 107 S 10GX710 10GX7104IG50 4IG50 Closer 115107 1010SX710 1010SX7104144i 4144i Rora 107110 4101X705 4101X70541G13 41G13 Al Hudson 108 1OG 5 108 705 70541G7S 41G7S Lindsey 104 107 4 104X700 104X700Wheat Wheat Cakes is fast and in light lightThird Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 28 1915 111 1 111 1114141X1 4141X1 = McLane 110 725 41030 = Minnie II Ill 115 105X720 41431 Louise Mack 107 113 105X715 105X7154KHIO 4KHIO Littlecote 103 114 111X715 41052 Snow Queen 101114 100 710 71041G773 41G773 Iron Boy 101113 111 710 41G7S Miss Ivan 101 lKlS 100i7f 41548 I m Post 110114 1057f 1057f41G38 41G38 Bagdadine 110 114 if 105X71 11 GIG Sunningdale 10G 114 1207C 1207C41G7G 41G7G Stiletto M 109 113 105X7C 41340 Quickstep 102121h 303X7C 303X7CMcLane McLane apinjars best here hereFourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3ycarolds ClaimingTrack 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 10 1918 138 5 121 12141GG4 41GG4 Phoneta 102143 4 107X7 41GS9 107X741GS9 Syrian 108 141 7 11G71 11G7141G913 41G913 Sevillian 105 140 G 113x71 4167S3 113x714167S3 Capt Marchmontl04 141 8 113 71 41G39 7141G39 Conscription 3 8GX7J 41091 Lytle 107140 5113X71 5113X7141G30 41G30 Aunt Flora 100143 3 S47C 41G913 S47C41G913 Jake Sclias 4 104 7 41077 Fascinating Ill 145 8 111X7 41G25 Rockport 95141 511G7 41691 Vocabulary 98 142 4 107X7 41GG83 107X741GG83 Sordello 102 140 8 113x7 41512 Quick 108142 9 113X71 113X71Phoiieta Phoiieta is extra good goodFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track ClaimingTrack record March G 1918 141 5 117 41515 IVRY 3 97x7 41G1G 97x741G1G Dragon Rock 105 143 4 104X71 41349 Marys Beau 103142 4108X71 414772 Corydou 105 142 4 101 71 415473 Kingfisher 103144 5102X71 41GSO 5102X7141GSO Bkrman 101143 5 1007 41G39 100741G39 Clark M 9 10SX7C 10SX7C41GSO 41GSO George Duncan 103143 4 101X7C Ivry is fast and stays well wellSixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 3 1918 144 3 92 41692 = Cork 4 104X725 416923 Queen Trovato 4 102X720 41608 = Beauty Shop 100 14G 6 101X715 4165G Little Buss 105 147 4 106 715 41G55 Sam Hill 108 147 4 114X715 41GG7 Mud Sill 104 140 11 116X715 41GG7 St Jude 102 149 4 105X710 41G67 Fritz Ernst 104 148 4 110 710 41677 Great Gull 107 147 4 110X703 Grey416GG 41GGS Lady Jane Grey 7 112705 416GG Artist 4 112X705 416G8 Xephthys 109 147 7 106X700 41G92 Tokalon March March41G33 111 143 510S700 41G33 Crystal Day 97 149 4 108X700 41476 El Plaudit 109 l54s 4 110X700 Cork is racing well

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919032101/drf1919032101_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1919032101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800