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Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Thursday March 27 27WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK SLOW The figures under the heading1 Rec In the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile 4yoarolds and upward Claiming Trad record April 2 2fnil 1018 112 7 115 Todays TodaysWt fnil Horse HorseI1070 Wt Rec AWtUan I1070 Hasty Mabel 112 115 4 1001725 II 154 Mary Estelle 113 117 103X720 I14i5 Royal Interest 109 114 1080710 58775 Louie Lissak 113 710 11599 Apple Jack 101 114 113X710 I1C70 Adeline L 99 114 103705 19524 Nasledovatl 112 l15Vr 118X705 H 94 Minnie F Miss Howell M104 l174f Rosanne M 90 115 Neg M 109 115 41fiS4 Bill Deitchman M 7 113 090 090Also Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched 32437 Examiner Ill l18tf 0 10S70 4HJ22 UntU Strickland 108 113 0 1081715 41748 Tom Caro 110 112 i 113X715 113X715Hasty Hasty Mabel should prove best here hereSecond Furlongs2yoarolds Second Race 3 12 Furlongs 2yoarolds Fillies Maidens Special Weights Track record March 25 1919 Jl 2 115 41705 Miss Minks Ill 42 42Ill 112X725 4170 Fun Ill 42 112 720 41717 Lady Pataud 1031 44 111 715 41735 Inquiry 103 43 lit 715 115 42 111X715 41581 Powder Flask 105 43Vh 111 1124iai4s 710 4iai4s Sister Ilclene 112 44 111 1114K5S1 705 4K5S1 Mamie 0 112 44 f 112 112tBenotIa 700 tBenotIa oh f by II o n o y wood Rosellii 112 112Orma Orma Heed b f by Duke of Or ¬ monde Anna Ueed 112 112Miss Miss Minks should prove slightly best bestThird Third Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record April 2 1918 112 7 1151 41752 Choir Master 104 112 4 lOO lOO4174S 4174S Silvey Shapiro 108 113 10 103 103X720 X X415Si 415Si Bracelet 104 115 4 111X 111X4H5SI5 111X715 4H5SI5 Onwa 115 112 5 113 113X715 X Diliward Roberts 102 113 5 115 715 Ind Horse AVt Ree AWtHan 39512 Oklahoma Irish 7 108 710 38847 Huffnker 110114 5 113710 41752 Sureset j 112 110 12115X710 41719 Little Princess 102113 4100X705 41700 Sol Gilsey 107 11373 5 113X705 41748 Theophilo V 110 l10s 4116X705 41710 ICeziab 103113 0113X700 0113X700Also Also eligible to start iu order named should any of the above bo scratched 41750 = Hob A M 113 l15s 510S715 41588 Pluto 109 114 5 108X710 41333 Spokane Queen 105 113 fi 108 715 Choir Master is fairly speedy and good now Fourth Race 34 Mile New Moody Hotel Purse 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Track record April 2 1918 112 7 115 40204 PASSING SHOWER 90 113 115X750 41709 Legotal 110113 107 740 41090 Iwin 90 113 107X740 41709 Minawand 110113 107X735 414943 Phantom Maid 105 113 107J730 40357 Zuleika M 103 725 725Passing Passing Shower is a highclass filly fillyFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 28 1918 145 5 122 41710 = Aldebaran 114 145 10 111X725 41542 Cain Spring 92 150 3 97X720 37555 Lady Little 105 150 5 105X715 105X71541738s 41738s Paula V 97 145 4 105X715 41508 I5ar of Phoenix 105147 5111X715 41750 Grumbling Ina M 3 92 710 41750 = Agnes Ueona M102 151 4 100 710 41710 Crankie 1041150 5101X710 41738 Sunflash 107 l49Vr 5 105X710 41710 Thirst 94147 5101X705 41710 Sea Urchin 112 147 0111X705 417150 Verna B M 4 105 700 700Also Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched 41074 No Manager 105140 81050700 41739 Opera Glass 112 145 5 111X710 111X7104KJ9S 4KJ9S Sinai 1081150 7 100X700 100X700Aldebaran Aldebaran is favored here hereSixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 11 1910 139 C1 118 41752 Lucius 113147 5110X725 41558 = Christie Hollers 3 59X720 41719 Kulogy 112141 5105X715 41530 Philistine 114144 5105X715 41722 = Baby Cal Ill 147 0 107X715 41722 5109X71541740s Hondo 105147 5109X715 41740s Maud Bacon 105140 5 1030710 41741 Pajazet 107 140 4 105710 41740 = Words o Wisdom 105 l55h 5 109X710 41071 W II Buckner 112140 4105X705 41741 King Neptune 115145 01070705 01070705Lucius Lucius is fast and in good form