Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, March 29., Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-29


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Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Saturday March 29 WEATHEB OLEAB TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Hec In the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases whero record wai made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record March 20 1919 17 2 118 118Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Roc AWtHan 11717 Red Red Rose 115 47 118X700 417173 Rarar1 114 47 310X74r 417 r Castor 110 740 41719 Sctptcr and Staff StaffM M 113J 43s 305 7155 7155Lady Lady AVood cli f l v lloneywood Ididy Trinity 105 Red Red Rose should concede the weight weightSecond Second Race 34 Mile Mile3ynarolds 3ynarolds arid upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record April 2 1918 112 7 115 41721 = Bringhurst 115111 8118 730 41751 Kama 100111 0115X745 0115X74539SIH5 39SIH5 St Isidore 120112 J120X740 J120X74041C97 41C97 Sir Oliver 115113 5114X735 5114X73539S50 39S50 Arthur Middletou 108 l125 0115 735 41721 Salute 1031114 3 104 730 730417G3 417G3 Queen Blonde 113 115H 410S725 410S7253948S 3948S Scallywag 108114 9103X700 41721 Humma 110 lKi 4 105 GOO GOOBringlmrst Bringlmrst is in good form and best Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsArlington Arlington Hotel Purse Purse3yeaVolds 3yeaVolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record March 21 1907 100 3 97 40211 ETERNAL 1170800 1170800417G3 417G3 Docod 110 110 10SX775 Todays AWtHan Farmingdale M104 107 105 770 40537 = Drummoiul 114 100 10817 1081770 41775 Minawaiid lOfi 107 103X710 41709 Skye Ball 115109 108 7 7Eternal 703 Eternal should win easily easilyFourth Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Marquette Hotel Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record March 18 1919 143 1 108 94X75041080s 41710 Grey Eagle 108141 4 94X750 41080s Barry Shnnnon 100144 5 110 745 41072 = Slippery Klin 112113 G 114745 41720 Drastic 108 143 4 114X740 3 Revolcr 1031143 A 4 103X735 11 Jrey Kagle should win winFifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles MilesHainp Hainp AVilliams Handicap upwardTraik 3yearolds and upward Traik record March 27 1917 152 7 110 11041G973 41G973 Thinker 4 102 725 41097 Dick AVilliams 113152 G 1120720 41085 Honolulu Boy 107 155 4 100X715 412110 = Kewpie OXeil KM l57fsy 4 101715 101715417G52 417G52 Serenest 115 155 5 10HX715 10HX715417S9 417S9 Itingdove 5 S1X703 S1X703Should Should be close finish here hereSixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds ClaimingTrack 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 28 1918 1 145 45 5 5 122 4173S Medusa 102 147 4 99X725 41G98 Flash of Steel 99 145 If 5 105X720 41704 Ellison 133 140 G 110X720 Lucius 113 147 5 115X720 3 Liberty Star 4 304X735 41722 Little Strinc 109 14GV3 7 105X715 417413 Bajazet 103 l50s 4 109715 41530 Yermak 105 147 G 1100715 41753 Foxy Griff 101 140 7 1051710 41707 High Horse 108 147 110X710 41071 AV II Buckner 100 149 4 109X705 41023 F C Cole 110147 5 105 700 41770 Crankie 104il50 5 105X700 105X700Medusa Medusa is fast and in good hands

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919032901/drf1919032901_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1919032901_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800