Oaklawn Park Jockey Percentages., Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-30

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OAKLAWX PARK JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1 1O1S to ararcli 2G 1019 Inclusive Under Jockey Wt Mts 2d 3d JockeyWarren Warren G 112 20 3 0 Schuttinger A 10G 322 48 29 Cassity H 100 289 30 39 Crump W WStalker 108 180 28 24 Stalker L 111 349 45 47 Burke H J 104 272 30 32 Garner M 100 452 SO 09 Erickson H HGroth 92 402 43 51 Groth J 107 150 31 10 Haynes E 110 108 19 10 Preece G Jr JrMclntyre 105 179 14 23 Mclntyre J 105 122 18 15 Connelly D DGentry 110 702 104 101 Gentry L 111 CIO 09 58 Troxler II IILeeds 111 237 31 29 Leeds G 105 75 18 14 149G Johnson A 108 G15 9G 88 Rice T 113 411 49 70 Brown C 104 299 27 40 Barrett N 106 291 48 32 Matthews M 107 97 13 10 Stevens F 104 101 Buel T 102 27 Kirschbauin C 110 90 At or Under Jockey PO Wt Mts 1st Wheatley E 10 101 21 Willis O 09 104 419 3 Qallahan J 09 98 251 24 Rowan M 09 108 231 20 Molesworth G 08 105 389 30 Borel C 03 114 52 4 Donovan J 07 108 70 5 Carroll G W 00 105 197 11 Bell J 00 109 103 9 Stearns II 05 99 123 0 Hamilton H 05 97 74 4 Wright W 05 100 20 1 Schwartz M 105 85 21 1 Burger N 04 103 70 3 Boyle S 04 88 78 3 Anderson R M MCruise 04 99 53 2 Cruise M 04 100 25 1 Gregory I 02 99 13G 3 OMahoncy C 01 109 73 1 Merimec F Coltiletti F lUdeuour W 100 14 Garner H 101 2 Maddox C

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919033001/drf1919033001_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1919033001_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800