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THIRD RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens and Winners of One Race Claiming Sept 9 1912 59 2 109 109PLENTY PLENTY b g 3 115 By St Amant Hearts Desire J 0 Talbott 41682 Oaklwn 34 115 fast 45 112 1 11 I3 1 jo E n Troxler 9 Itayonnant Vernal QofTSpa 40604 Shady39S1G Jefson 5J f l09goed 10 114 2 12 12 II5 II11 F Robsonl2 Toddler Minawand Shady 39S1G HdeGce 34 l13Jfefast 76 112 6 66 6 6 3 B Denny 7 Sweeplet Trmphant Pvaricate PvaricateUNWISE UNWISE CHILD br f 3 110 By Madrigalian or His Majesty Fanchctte Casco CascoStable CascoStable Stable Stable401SG 401SG Empire 55 f l07fast CO in c 2 1 1 = 1 = L McAtee 12 Loyal Peter Goaler Hurricane 40174 Empire 55 f l07fast SO 110 9 5 3 G1 10 10IS L jVTcAtee 13 Pluviada Stiletto Lady Mary 39557 Belmont 5Jf st lOGfast 30 107 7 G 6 63 6 6IS C Hanscn 8 His Sister Pluviada Dahinda 39348 Saratoga 58 59fast 0 107 12 12 135 H10 J Wesslcr 14 CharThorley LeBalafre Resist I 3930S Saratoga 5J f l07fast 20 103 8 8 92 O15 G Walls 13 Wdcrman Ceramic Melancholia 39282 Saratoga 58 103 slop 10 101 9 4 4 9 H Lunsfdl2 DCarnival Lamention Vllour 38947 Aqduct 58 G9fast 0 102 7 G 5l 5 = i R Denyse 17 Tippler Lackawanna Wdermau 38857 Aqduct 58 l00fast 40 98 17 19 193S666 15 16 R Denyse 20 St Qucntiu Gath Sylvano 3S666 Jamaica 58 l01fast SO 103 10 10i 103 C Hanscn 15 Crys Ford D Carnival Dr Run 38264 Jamaica 58 l02fast 20 107 8 5 5DANCING 51 en B Taplin 11 Purling Nolle Yorkc DCarnival DCarnivalBy DANCING CARNIVAL ch f 3 105 10539S05 By Star Shoot Decoy W T Owens 39S05 Aqduct 58 l00hvy 41 107 7 7 73 C7J E Taplin 8 Marmite SsShdow NelleYorke 39282 Saratoga 58 103 slop 165 lot 2 1 1J I2 S McGrawl2 Lamentation VcspHour Resist 39260 Saratoga DJ f lOSslow 12 102 5 2 2S9120 2s G S McGrawlO StQuntin Plureuzi Mlancholia S9120 Empire 5S I0iy3fast 10 107 4 3 33S692 55 6l = S McGraw S Clen Ryan Keen Jane Flyaway 3S692 Jamaica C8 l01fast 4 107 9 93S6G5 51 G11 J Boll 9 Flyaway Polygon Sweeplet 3S6G5 Jamaica 58 l01fast 6 103 5 5SS6L7 21 2l G Walls 15 Crystal Ford Dr Rao Sweeplet SS6L7 Belmont D8 st l00fRood 41 107 3 35 2l J Bell 11 Syrdarya Jack Leary Toddler 38606 Belmont 4if st C3 hvy 12 107 1 1SS4Q4 2J 5 = 5 H Ericksnlu TFMcMahon Umbala Younccd SS4Q4 Belmont 4Jf st 52fast 4 107 2 4 31 L Lyke 19 Sherman A Osgood Gilder 38335 Jamaica 5S l03good G 109 1 8 83S264 135 1315 M Buxton 10 Fairy Prince Milda Sherman A 3S264 Jamaica 5S l02 fast 20 109 u 1 1MACKENZIE 2s 3i L Lyko 11 Purling Nello Yorke Sweeplet SweepletBy MACKENZIE ch g 4 118 By Mcelick Gay and Festive M Williams 41987 Bowie 55 f lOSfast 25 115 1 1 15 11 G Burns 11 Vilante American TBgianll 41935 Bowie 34 I16good2710f 115 1 1 25 4J G Burns 13 Loyal Peter Vigilante Mohican 40029 Jamaica Im70yl4rfast 6 114 f 4 4 64 G F Robson 8 Bet Point to Point Santiago 39977 Jamaica Im70yl46slow 20 102 2 6 6 4s 412 G Preece Jr Piedra Broom Peddler Bolster 39903 Aqduct 1 l42good 25 115 11 10 11 71 6 i M Rowan 17 Bar One Assign Grouse 39188 Empire 55 f lOSislow 12 112 7 2 2S91GS 35 12 = R Troxler 12 ODnovan GWington Sntiago S91GS Empire AbU4 110 fast 30 109 8 D 9i 78i W Kelsay 14 Onico Heredity Klrsties Cub 88871 Aqduct 58 l01mud 30 110 17 19 19SS759 19 19 W Mclnre20 Debadou Wigstonc Daedalus SS759 Aqduct 1 l9Vffast 60 104 7 6 8 8 8 = W Roth 8 Empress CLeydeckcr ComI aw 38436 Belmont 34 st l105good 15 110 12 10 10OUR 91 II21 C KummerlO Polymelian Jauliout Wigstone WigstoneBy OUR NEPHEW b g 4 113 By Dr Lcggo Georgia Girl J Garson 40201 Empire Ab54 l09sfast S PS 4 3 C3 2 II Myers li Turf Paddy Jane Mary 40171 Empire AbS4 l09fast S 110 3 2 Z B F Robsonl2 Alvord Adolc Mao Murray 38235 Jamaica 34114 fast 30 108 1 1 3s 4J N Huff 7 Royce Rools Thistle IMetlra 28012 HdeGce 34 l13fast 225 110 4 G 7 11 = H Ericksnll Blazry PButfly CAComkey 27911 HdeGce 34 l14fast 5 115 10 9 3 k 21 C Kummerl2 Coral Blazonry Ideal 37896 HdeGce 58 l01fast 5 104 4 2 1s 15 H EricksnlO Brocatelle Assign Blazonry 37832 Bowie 65 f l21fast 14 106 3 1 2 2l J McTagt 12 Tolerance GenevieveB JBurns 33774 Belmont 58 st IrtO good 3 115 3 31 6 A Schugrll Vocabulary GoldGlow Oriskany 33665 Belmont 5S st l00slow 20 108 6 6LEFT 5s 52 A Srhugr 8 Stitch in Time Thistle Schlgirl LEFT FIELDER b g 3 115 1151U214 By Garry Herrmann Navarres Hope C K Moore MooreIS 1U214 Laurel 34 lifast 45 11010 11 1139S5G IS 13 N Huff 13 Mnouvre DntyLady Clllters 39S5G ILdcGce 61 f l07fast 4 llil 10 10 9 = in = N Huff 12 Sylvano Jill Joan of Arc 39776 HdeGce 55 f lOShvy 12 112 4 4 3s 2 N Huff 9 Touimywaac Poultney Dr Rae 39674 HdeGce 51 t l07fast 37 107 7 G 7 7 3 N Hurt 7 Youneed Eliulmau StQueiitin 39361 Saratoga 55 f l06fast 12 109 3 3 3 1 1 N Huff 3 Earlocker Poultney 39231 Saratoga 51 f l10Vfeslop 30 108 11 11 11 II33 W Kelsay 11 Thistledon Wnderman Dahinda 39042 Aqduct 34 l15fast 30 101 5 4 4 5 J Bell St Quentin Sweeplet Umbala Umbala11s 35947 Aaduct C8 GSfast 20 112 14 12 11s 10 C Watson 17 Tipplur Lackawanna Wderinan LOYAL PETER b g 3 115 By Peter Pan Loyal E L Hodgson 11173 Howie 4 115 fast 9 110 222 = 2i K Troxlcr 7 TckLcary Vigilante 41935 Howie 3 I llOiKoodl310 IOS 2 1 I1 lll T nice l Vipiliintc Mohican Mackenzie 41S6S Howie 34 l14Hfast 51 110 3 2 21 24 T Rice 8 lack Lcary TigerKose Toddler 4161S Jefsou 34 11G fast 10 IOS 1 1 I2 31 G V Car113 Padua BlaekWing DniieingGirl 40891 FGndg 51 t l073good 15 114 2 2 2l II19 M Buxton 12 Ragnarok WMask PhinMaid 40534 Bowie 61 I 111 hvy 1310 114 3 3 2 ° 7 2 L McAtee 13 Tidal Hurricane Baby Girl 40474 Bowie 34 l15fast 7 IOS 1 1 1s 2 L McAtee 13 Prevaricate Sky Man Bl Devil 40206 Empire 51 f lOGfast 20 114 3 3 75 8 E Haynes 13 Drumraond War Cry Diff Eyes 4018C Empire 05 f l07fcfast 12 108 1 2 2J 22 M Buxton 12 UnwiseChild Coaler Hurricane 401G3 Empire El t 107 fast S 112 C C Sl 7 M Rowan 9 Roi Craig T Rose Hindoostan HindoostanBy RETREAT b f 3 M 104 By Out of Reach Little Queen N D Smith 42018 Bowie 34 115 fast 39f lOGJlt lOGJlt41H87 41H87 Bowie 51 f l08fast 53 103 9 9S3S2 S3S2 Jamaica 5S l01fast 30 109 C 28290 Jamaica 5S 102 good 20 111 10 10REYNOLDS REYNOLDS b c 3 M 109 109419SS By Bryn Mawr Miss Camden T Clyde 419SS Bowio 5J f l094ifast 32 109 3 3HURRICANE G 5 5 R Troxler 11 Lowtide LeotiFay LauraMiller LauraMillerBy HURRICANE TJ c 3 M 109 By Zeus Nunda M S Hoffman HoffmanG 40334 Bowie 51 f 111 hvy 12f 109 G u 41 22 H Myers 13 Tidal Baby Girl Blue Devil DevilS 40392 Bowie 34 l10hvy G 115 1 S 10 10 = 102C R McCrnnll K Plaudit Vigilante Little Ed 40330 Bowie 55 f l07fast 175 115 3 443 = 6 L McAtee 12 Belario Sea Way Court Gallant 401SC Empire 51 f l07fast 2 110 2 4 3 33 441 A Schusrl2 Un Child Loynl Peter Coaler 40132 Empire 51 f l06fast 4 115 1 1 1 42 5 A Schugr 8 TdHneur Delaware OThere 3910 Jamaica 34 l13 feslow 12 103 S SCi 7 S 8 715 A Schugr S WPnant LBghton SweepOn 39iOS Aaduct Ci f 121 hvy 95 11G C 1 1 11 2 A Schugr 9 Atoinette LStar TdHnneur TdHnneurBy VIVE McGEE ch f 3 M 99 99403SC By McGee Boony Doon C L Whitingr 403SC Bowie 51 f l07sfast 5f 112 10 10402VJ 12 12 S1 9t5 R Troxler 12 lielario Sea Way ourtGallant 402VJ Pimlico 51 f l07 = ifast lOf 113 7 7MELANCHOLIA G S 10 = 1218 R Troxler 12 Tnderstorm PliMaid MVoski MVoskiBy MELANCHOLIA b c 3 M 109 109294G4 By Dorando Solemn Silence E B McLean 294G4 Saratoga 5S l004fast G 112 7 73S30S 5 5 5l G42 H Lunsfd 9 VespHour Pluviadti PrecJewel 3S30S Saratoga 51 f l07fast 15 110 1 4 5 51 34i H LunsfdlS Wonderinnn Ceramic Wilfreda 9260 Saratoga 5J f lOSslow 12 10G 4 G 4 3i 3 = 1 II LunsfdlO St Quentiu Plurenzi MorElder 39234 Saratoga 51 f l10slop 10 110 4 4SG023 G G CJ 8 = ° H Lunsfdll Tliistledon Wnderman Daliinda SG023 Latonia 5S l01fast G 103 1 13S477 G 4 4s t ° 3 H Lunsfd 11 CDowns Cacambo AAlexander 3S477 Douglas 45 f 54 fast 6 112 4 3 31 3J W J OBnl2 Cacambo Silvery Light Bagpipe 38399 Douglas 41 f 63fast 15 113 8 C 8 7 TV J OBn 8 Legal Gold Stone Iwiniwin 2S237 Pimlico 58 102 fast 7 111 1 2 4 51 3J Tr J OBn 8 Poultney Lit Maudie JPowera 38126 Pimlico 4i f EGVfast 8 112 4 2 3 3l 3J W J OBnlO Littlecote Bagheera EMcBride 3805G Pimlico 12 49good 7 114 4 2 35 31 W J OBnlO LitMaudie Littlecote BGirl BGirlBy DISCOVERER b g 4 M 112 By Star Shoot Unseen R Parr 3G2 HdeGce Im70yl47 ifast 112 4 7 7 G G1 CIS C Mergler 7 Thrift Candidate II J Dawson SG2S9 Pimlico 34 l15slow 32 115 4 1 110G 2 33 341 J McTagt 9 Seafarer Onward Dairyman 3G244 laurel 34 l15 islow 329 IOC 1 15i G 5 5 = 5 2 TV Collins 11 Top Coat Gold Tassel Seafarer rS54 Laurel 5i f lOSfast 92 114 S S4J 7 74 12 1012 B AmbrselS Valerius Blazonry Kew ONeil 32909 Pimlico 4J f 55 fast SG5110 7 7 7 1 4 E Haynes 7 IrishKiss Bauteons BonTromp 22795 Pimlico 41 f 57 fast 21 112 S 7 7 63 57i 13 Ambrose 9 CLydecker Beauteous IrKiss 12747 Pimlico 41 f 57slow 11 115 1 3 6 7 ° 7C5 T McTagt 9 Wetoua Winsbmvera Kil Boy 22712 Pimlico 12 49J good 22 110 7 6 8 812 T McTagt 9 Mid Sun Or of Havana Trite TriteBy SOPHIE K b f 4 M 112 By King Olympian Maydine H Herron 4 HiSS Bowie 51 f lt9fast 11 110 2 241GOO 1 7 7 S10 J Metcalf 11 Lowtide LeotiFay LauraMiller 41GOO Jetson 34 116 good 95 102 4 4415S5 1 1 22 431 C Brown 10 General Sureget Theophile V 415S5 Jefson 34 l16slow 15 110 1 1415C4 Ill 513 S Wolstm 9 Tan II Speedster Padua 415C4 Jefson 51 f l09slow 30 IOS 3 34147S 3 G Cl G52 S Wolstmll Val West Approval Med Miss 4147S PGnds 51 f l09hvy 20 105 7 5 8 7 7 = C Brown 8 G Grass Ringleader Batliilde 41227 FGnds 51 f lHMhvy 20 108 2 2BEAUTY 676 52J G Moles th 8 Medusa Ettahe Kingling II IIBy BEAUTY SLEEP b f 3 M 99 By Sir Archibald Golden Slumbers J L Donahue 41974 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 2J 91 4 0 C C1 5C3 H Carswell 7 Kling II TBgianll Smouch 4193T Bowie 34 llGgood 12 9S 3 3 341S48 7 Gi C H Carswell 13 Loyal Peter Vigilante Mohican 41S48 Bowie Gi f l22fast 11 92 3 2 2 21 33 D Carswelll2 Transpero Gevievefl KPrince 40474 BoAVie 34 l15fast 22 1061 6 7 8 71 7 J McTagtlS Prevaricate I yPeter SkyMan 40075 Laurel 61 f l07fast 86 102 5 7 731W96 7 S R Moore 12 Bagheera Ceramic Sylvano 31W96 HdcGce 51 f lOSfast Sf 10G 5 3 339S17 7 9J 65 Q Preece 1C Mar Hollins Avion UncleJohn 39S17 HdeGce 51 f l07fast 19f 9C 7 4 4MS803 5 S1 5 i A Carsw1115 Pinard Equimau Abassadorlll MS803 Aqduct 41 f 52fast 100 114 9 93iG13 11 H2 ll T Davies 13 Polygon Stickling Marraite 3iG13 Belmont 58100 hvy 00 105 S SJOE 7 71 71S J Rodgez 8 FleeSheik Kerensky UnderFire UnderFireBy JOE JOE b c 3 M 109 By Rey Hindoo La Sinaloa T J Tault 40034 Jamaica 5 f 107 fast 40 115 9 10 103974S 10 10 = 10 F HopkinslL Look Up TdHnueur DifEyes 3974S Aqduct 5S lOOV slop 50 115 1C 14 14SUPERBA 12 12 13 = 3 T Rowan 10 Cirrus Hurricane T dHonneur dHonneurBy SUPERBA ch f 3 M 104 104279GO By Superman Rossair S Ross 279GO HdeGce 41 f 54fast 15 1101 2 S 10 10 981 R Troxler 10 Auntie Mormon Little Maudie 37929 HdeGce 41 f 55 hvy 11 109 8 83V901 5 6s 5 = 3 C Kummerll MKLdecker Pltney Bgheera 3V901 HdeGce 12 48 fast 5 112 S SJACK 5 5 68JC Mergler S Cresson Ormonda Madam Byng ByngBy JACK DAWSON ch S 5 M 112 112402SO By Roehampton Yodler G P Sherman 402SO Pimlico 34 l13fast llf 113 11 14 1439S9S 14 14 14 S Sndmanin ILadylL GeoClark CGallant 39S9S HdeGce Im70yl46fast 81 115 4 9 9 8 7s 7 3 D Stirling 13 Q Blonde Dramaturge Goblet 39777 HdeGce Im70yl50 hvy 8 109 G 4 15 5 5 5s 5 2 L Stalker 10 Candidate II Zinnia OMalley 39702 HdeGce 1 11G l49fast 14 115 10 11 L 12 1239G62 9 9s 9 L Stalker 13 Millrace WoodViolet JdeVales 39G62 HdeGce Im70yl47fast 25 117 2 1 LI 1 1 21 33 H Alex 7 Thrift Candidate II OMalley 38490 Prospct Ab53 l00fast 117 3 1 A Pickens 10 Miss Fussy Generous Arizona 9041 HdeGce 34 l14fast 16 110 2 8 S 8 8tB R C Watts 8 Royal Writ Saadi Past Master 32532 Bowie 51 f l07good 380 111 7 6 6 6 G31 R C TVatts 7 KingHrod Hyanuis Bon Witch 30173 Laurel 51 f 1OS fast fid 112 5 10 10CONSISTENCY 10 8l 91B R Troxler 11 Polly J Mae Murray Swoon SwoonBy CONSISTENCY br f 3 M 104 By King James Consistent Morris TValden S993 Latonia 58 l01fast 25 112 7 2 23S751 2 5l G8i II Alex 12 Woodpile L Manager Caraway 3S751 Latonia 5S l04mud 45 112 10 9 9 91 9 H Alex 12 War Music Madge P By Right