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THIRTY LEADING MONEY WINNING HORSES TO TODATE DATE IN THE RACING CAMPAIGN OF OFTHE THE PRESENT YEAR ses of 1919 to date brings the thereflection reflection that mighty few of them will figure in the corresponding list that will be made up at the close of the big campaign over the New York Kentucky and Maryland tracks next fall Still there are some fleetfooted racers in the list which will add importantly to their present total of earnings Right now Pat Dunnes Under Fire is the leader and whether he wins the Kentucky Derby or not this dependable colt will surely win his share of money if free from disabling accidents Another of which the same tiling can be said with confidence is the Groentree Stables Hying filly Red Reil Rose the only twoyear old figuring in the present list Greater and most certain of all is the grand gelding Billy Kelly which has started his threeyearold canter in a way that leaves nothing to be desired Hamilton A Court ¬ ship Pickwick Holster and Iwiu are others which can be relied upon to hold their own worthily in good company The records of the present leaders are Horse Col Sex Pedigree PedigreeBy Owner Sts StsP 2d 3d Unp Amt Imler Fire b c By Swynford Startling P Dunne 13 13W 3 1 2 5054 Hamilton A br g Toddington Ilollybush W E ApplegateKi 1 4 5 4553 Courtship h Phoenix Courtisane G A Marshall 8 311 4135 Pickwick g Garry Henmaim Zoola W C Clancy 8 8T 211 3815 Holster c g 1 Marco Permia T Francis 11 Douglass S h Sir Hiion Victoria H 11 S Koppin lit Wisi Man c h Giganteum Magnetine Armonia Stable 10 10T Cobalt Lass f King Cobalt Lady Rosalie T Arthur 10 10H Broom Peddler I g gCleek Sweep Whisk Broom H S Koppin IS Cleek 1 g gQueen Yankee Gutta Perclia M Lowenstein 9 9S Queen Apple ch in inBondage King James Lady Appleby S Louis 12 12T Bondage cl h hBelle Ogden Fair Atalanla T Arthur Belle Roberts cl f fSleeth Master Robert Chestnut Belle BelleDeutscliland F D Weir 9 9P Sleeth 1 g gHarvest Deutscliland Merida P J Sullivan 1 1J Harvest King cl g Sea King Mum J M Goode 10 10Greentree Red Red Rose cl f fTrusty Whisk Broom II Cardamine Greentree Stable G GW Trusty 1 g gIwin Broomstick Loyal W M Cain 14 14E Iwin b f fDon Dr Leggo Bremerhafen E R Bradley 11 11W Don Dodge 1 g gKorbly Toddingtou Miss Oertel W Walker 20 20G Korbly 1 c cLuther Martinet Lady Irma G V Barnes 5 Luther 1 g gChar Oddfellow Commena N Freeman 14 14J Char Leydecker c Jack Atkin Polly 1 J Arthur 13 13M Barney Shannon cl g gWar LlasigihbyrPrineess Sterling M Iowensteiii 10 10I War Mask 1 c cHilly Star Shoot Miss Kearney I Dundee 10 10I Hilly Kelly 1 g gTctley Dick Welles Glena I K L Ross 2 2F 0 0 0 Tctley 1 c cLord nnoiulae Tea Enough F D Weir 11 11T 2 I 4 Lord Herbert 1 g gRefugee Fitz Herbert Manzanita T Francis 14 14W Refugee 1 g g4isterSHjKJBli Hamburg First Flight W Fenwick 7 4isterSHjKJBli in Galveston Sweet Lavender 11 Coons 10 Deckmate b g Hastings Dragnet Williams Bros 10