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SECOND BACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Syearrolds and upward Maidens Allowances May 27 1912 l42ys 3 97 V T TJORICE JORICE ch f 3 M 105 By Plaudit Abby C J S Hawkins 42329 Churchl 34 l13fast 35 1US 6 43 3 R Troise 12 War Idol Lucinda Mint Cat 38236 Jamaica 5S 101 last 112 S 57 7l 7 R Troise 13 Lion dOr Minuet DitferentKyes iM25 DitferentKyesiM25 HdeGce 44 f 54fast 115 112 1 1 1 2 23 R Troise 5 Aunt Dinah Green Mint Bnsu 37944 HdeGce l2 4Sfast 215 112 1 11 2n K Troise 0 Colinella Aunt Dinah Lovl Lovlady ady 37926 HdeGce 41 t 6nvy 32 107 1 o 3J 411 R Troise G JJrmonda Cresson Madum Byng EXHORTER 1 b h 5 M By Sunder Persuasion G M Hendrio 399S9 Churchl 1 116 Ii47fast 32 3 3 32 L Mink 10 Glasstoi HBreivogel Gt Gull 39914 Douglas 1 116 l47fast 85 85lm7Uyl45fast 0 4 = 4i H Lunsfd 11 MKosell PaulaV FlofSteel aySGJ Douglas lm7Uyl45fast 3 2 21 21 L Mink 12 Amalette LucUyDay CptliodKe 027 Latonia 1 1lti l45ffast 10 1U5 4 4s 3J J Mooney 10 Ueptou Paula V Rochester 3 905 Latonia 1 110 l4Bfast 2i 10G 7 3 31 2 E Sande 11 Perugino Gor Russell JLouise 3X743 Latonia 1 110 l46rast 4 1U5 9 4 2s 2 H Lunsfd 11 Dr Carmen DayDream LBynu 38716 Latonia 1 18 l52faac 165 103 0 4 3 = 3l H Lunsfd 7 JWKleiu Queen Apple Pit 38557 Douglas 1 l39fast 75 112 12 4 23 2l ° H Lunsfdl itegal Lodge Leixlip LuckyDay 38500 Douglaa 1 116 l46good 145 109 4 7 7 7 E Donhue 7 Sun God Dr Canueu JWKleiu 3S470 Douglas DouglasSAY 1 310 l58rast 145 107 3 3br 4 31 21 O Willis 11 Beautiful Girl Pit Parr ParrBy SAY WHEN 1 br f 3 M 105 By Sweep Flaming Flamingo Kohn Schulten SchultenC 390S8 Latonia 34 Il4good 5 109 S C 1 G H Lunsfd 11 AArxander Htermann MIvan 38835 Latonia 51 f l09hvy 12 104 6 66S 5 42 31U H Lunsfd 8 Jago Sam Heh Lancelot 08779 Latonia 6S l04hvy 10 TOO 7 6 4u 5li H Lunsfd 7 Jap Ciiristie Hollers Bulldoze 3S714 Latonia 58 l00fast 21 100 5 3 5l 57 H Lunsfd 7 CLivingston Regalo StBmard S8t 76 Latonia 58 l00fast 74 103 3 7 5i 4 H Lunsfd 8 Bon Jour Begulo Batter Cifce 3MJ33 Latonia 41 f 54fast 5 112 5 55S 8 12 12 = 2 D Connllyl2 Christie Hollers Madge F Loys 38596 Douglas 5S l00fast 6 105 3 2 3 21 H Lunsfd 5 GalliCurci Bellsolar HKberta 38543 Douglas DouglasHOPEFUL 68 l03hvy 4 1071 4 4B 2 21 31 D Conully 5 Bellsolar Loys Duch of Savoy SavoyBy HOPEFUL b B 3 M 107 By McGee Pink Rose B J Brannon 42224 Lexton 34 ll3good 11 U9i 2 2F 9 9l 713 H Stearns 11 HBurgoyne MTrask CapBurns 42182 Lexton F C l12hvy 15 108 5 6 41 4T1 E Pool 11 Lancelot SnsPeurll Dcussioii 42131 Lexton 1 39 ast 175 105 4 4l 1 21 3 = E Pool 7 Brimful Pustonreau Cantilever 34S Saratoga l 5S by lasL ID 115 2 2i 13 12 1414 L Lyke 14 CharTliorley LeBalafre Keaiat 200 Saratoga i 51 f l0islow 12 105 3 3i 9 10 10 E Sande 10 StQiintin Plurenzi Mlancliolia 39234 Saratoga i 5i f l10feslop 25 106 6 66S 5 71 4 R Troise 11 Thistledon Wnderman Dahiuuu 39075 Laionia 6S l01slow 22 112 6 8 81 8 W Lilley 11 Salvo Silvery Light Bob Baker 38584 Douglas 58 lOUfast 23 112 5 4 6 6 W Lilley 5 BlckMammy Lothair Gldijloiie 38545 Douglas 68 ll2hvy 20 llli 5 4 61 8 W Lilley 10 Ticklish SilveryLight Bouslelle 3X397 Douglas 41 f 63fast 24 1134 9 9 8s 8 W Lilley 10 Senn Park Cacauibo Vulcanite VulcaniteBy ROG ch g 4 M 113 1133UOSU By Blues Royal Nettie II A L Rogers 3UOSU Latonia 34 113 good 31 93 7 7 51 45i J Gruber 7 Blue Paradise Melus Nobleman 38781 Latonia 34 Itl4hvy 78 93 9 9 74 71 J Gruber 0 Petrovna BribVoter Impressive 38406 Douglas 11139fast 145109 4 43S344 3 4l 6 J Gruber 12 Melus War God Tim McGee 3S344 Churchl Im70yl46fast 2710 109 6 3 3 = 3 1 J Gruber 7 J Walker Lucky Day WBrady 36328 Latonia 34 l13Iast 8 109 8 4 3n 21 Z Shannonl2 BonTrmp DofSavoy RedlitaV 36298 Latonia 61 f lOShvy 185 110 8 6 61 33 Z ShannonlO Kling Postmaster Jack Hill 36265 Latonia 34 l16hvy 16f 107 3 3GOURMAND 8 71 93 Z Shannonll Misiolly Clairvoyant H Valley ValleyBy GOURMAND b g 3 M 107 By Braxted Festive Agnes Waldeck Stable 42271 Lexton 34 l16mud 4 99i 7 8 7 71 C Robson 12 Loiuu Lou Parking Sum Sigh 42212 Lexton Im70y l53hvy 8 104 1 2 3 = 21 C Robson 7 Cutilever Handblue Stevenson 42144 Lexton F C laO fast 8 109 6 8 7l 6IS J Mclntyre 9 Loyalist Lorena Moss LFPiuy 41836 Oaklwn 1 l42fadt 8 103 8 9 9 918 O Willis 12 Bryne B Shilling Stkebreaker 41789 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 7 1031 6 4 3a 4 = O Willis 12 Rookery Verua B Suuflash 41737 Oaklwn 34 l15fast 20 115 5 4 41 4 i O Willis 8 EdStoue Rayonnant Gonzalesll 41706 Oaklwn 34 l14fast M 10215 8 8 Slu O Willis 1J H C Basch Jack K BathilUe 41670 Oaklwn 34 l14 fast 15 1034 7 7 75 7 O Willis BouOtis SWJohnsou HMabel HMabelBy GIBBY br c 4 M 113 113385C7 LivingstonC By Llangibby Roundehiy J Livingston 385C7 Belmont 1 l41slbp 40 109 4 4384S4 C 6 6 = T Davies 0 Ben Gow Salvestra Princepis 384S4 Belmbnt 1 lMUslow 15 114 2 23S292 4 4 310 T Davies 4 Ldy Gertrude Nominee Bubettti 3S292 Jamaica Im70yl45good 20 1121 5 53S112 4 4 4 ° C Peak 7 Johren Snapdragonll JaiiBoiit 3S112 Plmlico linGUy 147 fast 2f 102 9 4 31 33 A Collins 15 Claquer Fencer Uncle Sand SandBy MAY BONERO b f 3 M 105 10512f By Tony Bonero May Orsini D F Swift 42329 Churchl 34 l13fa 12f 107 10 10 103 1015 O Willis 12 ar Idol Jorice Lucinda LucindaBy HANDBLUE ch g 3 M 107 By Handsel Merry Blue H Gardner 42329 Churchl 34 l13fast 12f 109 9 99 8 7 = R Simpsonl2 War Idol Jorice Lucinda 42212 Lexton Im70y l53hvy 8 104 4 3 3 3 21 3 = T Murray 7 Cntilever Gormand Stvenson 42182 Lexton F C l12hvy 105 10710 9 8 8 815 O Willis 11 Lancelot SnsPenrll Dcussiou 42131 Lexton 1 l39fast 28 100 5 3 2 4 61 6 T Murray 7 Brimful Pastoureau Hopeful 41623 Jefson Im20y l45fast 12 92 13 12 12 9 9 713 J StapletnlO Abuscade SMjorie Dundreary 41588 Jefson Im20y l46slow 105 7 6 7 6 7 7le H J Burke 8 Fr Monroe Bill Uunley Oruery 11568 Jelson Im70y l50slow 50 100 U 6 6 6 7 7T3 J Stapletnll SBroderick Handfull Uarwood 11492 FGnds 61 f lllhvy 30 11512 12 12 81 7 3 R Simpsonl2 Milda Nelle Yorke Vision 41454 FGnds 51 t 110 mud 30 113 S 8 8 7 73 R Simpson 9 Trusty Milda Uahinda 41320 FGnds 61 f l10good 40 115 12 12 12 12 11 D Connllyl2 Phantom Maid Warldol Larlut 41255 FGnds 61 f 109 good 30 109 9 999 7 R SlmpsonlO Ina Kay Padua Frank Shannon ShannonHURRY HURRY UP b g 3 M 107 By McGee Bobbie J H Woodford Woodford423S5 423S5 Churchl 34 114 mud S3f 105 9 999 9 C VanDun 9 Linden American ACP Mormon MormonFirst First start for the following followingCELTINA CELTINA ch f 3 M 105 By Celt Diamontini C E Rowe RoweTHE THE GALLANT br c 3 M 110 By Bourbon Beau Dividend DividendAlso Also eligible to start in prder named should any of the above be scratched scratchedNAN NAN ch f 3 M 105 By Textile Nantura H Crawford 42345 Churchl 34 113 fast 109 112 9 D 9 9 j W Lilley 9 Legotal Bellsolar Binding Tie 42174 Lexton Im70y l49hvy 16 104 7 7 7 7 7 5 G3U R Davies 8 Miss Gove Sasenta Azalea 42140 Lexton F C l10fast 13 107 9 9 9 10 1015 C Hunt 10 SansPeurll Allah DutuSpray 40428 Latonia 5 f l10yshvy 154 1041 9 9 9 S1 8 R Davies 9 JPnybaker ETtiter Otilever 39969 Churchl 51 f 108 fast 171 10712 12 12 ll 10 = C Brown 12 LBachel Retta B WatWillow 39770 Lexton 51 f l08fast 22f 112 4 56 II3 11 H Gray 12 Delico Flor Webber Brimful 29710 Lexton 58 104 slow 62f 112 7 11 9 71 1018 H Gray 12 WarStorics Lance LdeJuruette LdeJuruettePORTE PORTE DRAPEAU b c 4 M 116 By Sunstar Bright Cherry E R Bradley 42112 Lexton F C l09fast 23 112 2 23 41 4 L Gentry 5 Prince of Como Linden Basil 40345 Latonia 34 lllfast 3710 103 1 3 3 3 21 M Garner G Wai Hall CuiieKun Spearlene 4031S Spearlene4031S Latonia 34 lllfast 14 112 6 5 6 6l G L Gentry 7 Courtship A N Akin Basil 39468 Saratoga 1 l37fast 75 115 1 2 2 2 25 22 J Loftus 7 TehonsBon Wingold P to Point 39353 Saratoga 1 l37fast 1 115 1 2 2 2 21 23 M Buxton 7 LInfirmiere Wingold Bar One 39222 Saratoga 34 lllfast 21 115 2 2 2 2s 21 M Buxton 17 OtheWay Llnmiere BTrtonl 3b992 BTrtonl3b992 Aqduct 1 l39fast 21 103 3 6 3 2 8 = 31 M Buxton 9 Elmcndorf Gueland Valais 38S41 Valais38S41 Aqduct 1 l3Sfast 165 102 322 2 3 3 L Ensor 7 J au Bout Kashmir Nutcrapkei SS790 NutcrapkeiSS790 Aqduct 1139 fast 2 110 1 2 1 1 1 21 M Buxton 15 Klmendorf Dramaturge Noluwn 3SG32 Noluwn3SG32 Eelmont 1 l41igood 5 110 5 4 5 4 4 2 M Buxton 11 Priuceps J au Bout PaudCalU REDSTART ch g 4 fM 113 By St Volma Phoenix Rose W M Campbell 40045 Church 1 1 18 l54Vfast 36 101 5 5 5 53KIS9 5J fi l O AVillis 7 Allicna Diadi John W Klein 3KIS9 ChurchI 1 11G l47 fast 59 107 976 97639S69 10 10 L Gentry 10 Glusstoi ILBreivojiel Kxhorlor 39S69 Douglas Ini70yl45fist 34 107 S 8 102 103 J Hanovorl2 Amnletto Kxliortcr Lucky Day 39705 Lcxton 1 110 l47ifast rO IOC 10 10 10 1039G34 10 S J Howard 12 Sasenta GrcatGuIl CaptHodgc 39G34 Indpolis 1 l40fast M 6 C Miller 8 Grasmcre Sordcllo Schemer 39593 Indpolis 1 144 fast 101 21 J Mooney 5 F C Cole Sordello Nashville 39563 Indpolis 51 f l09fast 112 2 B Kopmn C 1astoureau Hand Rose DFace 29545 Indpolis 51 f l09slov 109 Gl B Kopmn G Kenward Robt Lee James G 37729 Oaklwn 1 l41fast 30 107 5 3 7 737C57 94 94 D Connllyl2 B Shilling Dinnthea Audrey K 37C57 Oaklwn 34 115 fast 50 10S 7 10 11s 11 D Connllyl2 Gilligan Dickie W Huseen 37590 Oaklwn 1 142 fast 50 102 4 6 10 10BUGLE Hi n F Stevens 12 Hickorynut Alexander Helmlck HelmlckBy BUGLE CALL b g 3 M 117 By Burgomaster Incognito Pastime Stable 42363 ChurohM 34 l12fast 22 101 7 7 Gl 6 J Kederis 11 GrGrass BrofWar IIBurgoyne 40042 ChurchI 5 t l07fast 85 109 12 10 6l 4 i D Connllyl2 McVer Stockwell Serbian 39949 ChurchI 5 f l07fast 1310 109 4 2 23i929 2l 21 D Connllyll WarPaiut Twiford S Pour II 3i929 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 95 309 2 1 li 2 D Connlly C Cerinus Silvery Light Serbian 39849 Douglas 51 f l06fast 145109 6 2 in 2 D Connllyl2 Iwiniwin GFloss UnnterPlatl 39750 Lexton Gi f l08good 85 111 5 2h 2 = k D Conhllyl2 Sway Ed Tranter HunterPlatt SS573 Douglas 59fast 64 107 11 11 81 8 D Connllyll Slark CLivingston StBrnard 38297 Douglas 41 f 63fast C 109 8 C4 61 C DishmnlO Senn Park Cacambo Vulcanite 38301 ChurchI 4J f 54fast 5 109 1 31 24 D Connllyl2 St Bernard Madrid Bonstelle 38257 ChurchI 41 I 55mud 115 109 5 61 51 D Connlly 9 Lancelot I win War Note 38214 ChurchI 41 f 54 fast 5 110 9 93S078 94 8 1 D Connllyll B Kelly CTaylor CLivingaton 3S078 Lex ton 41 t 55 fast 195 113 1 1JIM 31 21 D Connllyll MGarner Vulcanite BMGirli BMGirliBy JIM DUDLEY br g 3 M 107 By James Dockery Alice Dudley F W Staton 42329 ChurchI 34 l13fast 10 109 7 G 6 = 5 J Morys 12 War Idol Jorice Lucinda 42271 Lex ton 34 l16mud 81 104 S 7 S1 421 H J Burkel2 Louie Lou Parking Sum Sigh 41993 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 5 103 8 6 5 54195C 3 2 XI Schwtz 9 FoHi AlfVezina CalcadourlL 4195C Oaklwn 34 l14fast 7 105 3 1 2 2 H Cassity 12 Verity Elizabeth Marie FoHi 41787 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 15 109 G 6 62 53 J Dursch 8 Cacambo C Gallant Tantalus 41037 FGnda 61 f l09slow 30 110 6 11 11SS791 101 82 J Dursch 11 This Green HastyCora CRuth SS791 Latonla 51 f 109 good 16f 107 6 6 6 7 C Dishmnl2 Wyndover Cantilever C Rector 38753 Latonla 61 f lllmud 12 1061 5 6 G1 5 R Simpson 6 Linden Bro Maclean GoldStone 38346 ChurchI 5S l01fast 8 102 8 4 4FLUZEY Gii 6JJ R SlmpsonlO By Heck Ollie S JohnCliurchill JohnCliurchillBy FLUZEY ch f 3 M 105 105423S5 By Fair Play Stamps H Dots 423S5 ChurchI 34 114 mud 83f 69 7 7 7 G18 H Stearns 9 Linden American Ace Mormon 42329 ChurchI 34 l13sfast 12f 107 8 8 7 C = H Stearns 12 War Idol Jorice Lucinda