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FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Oct IG 1913 111 2 105 Index Course Dist TimcTckOdds Wt St Ji 4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish MANGANESE b g R 111 By Lithos Regea H W Plant 42255 Lex ton 34 114 fast 14 ll 4 3 G1 910 II Thurbcrl2 Capt Burns JohnJr Nobleman 41927 Havana 5J f l06fast 75 110 1 5 5U 3zi E Hileman 8 AVcyGirl LitNephcw Drillield 418W Havana G8 59fast 2 115 1 3 4 3t 2J E Hileman 8 Sister Susie Call Shot Encore 11S25 Havana 34 l12fast 2J 115 4 111 1 J Frach 8 Senator James Sky Man Lola 41803 Havana 34 114 good 85 113 2 3 4 32 3 = H Thurber S SenJames FEmbry Kick Kid 117GS Havana 5J f l06fast 4 104 3 3 2 2 I1 A Pickens 7 Premium Aiolct Sister Susie Susieo 417jn Havana 6i f l06fast 7 102 4 o 2 2 2J L Fator 1 SisSusje HighGear EdGrrison 410 i5 Havana 34 113 fast Si 114 2 7 8 5 i R Ball 8 Diadij Phcdoden Drif field SANDMAN II b e S 111 By Broomstick Sandria E B McLean 1 3 Chuniri 31 114 mucl 18510311 11 11 10s 8 II Lunsfdll BBJohiison Circulate SJames 42315 Churehl 34 l13fast 6 10311 11 9 7 4 = i H LunsfUll John Jr King Belle Sen James 40 98 Bowie 1 116 l53hvy 7 116 3 4 4 3 61 5 R Sharp 7 Goldcrest Boy Ind Chant Kebo j Pimlico 1 116 l4Sfast 22 116111110 10 81 7 H Lunsfdl2 Polroma Hose Bellringer 40228 Laurel 1 116 147 fast 910116151110 7 5 1 H LunsfdlS Dr Cpbell Arbitrator OEagle OEagle4020S 4020S Laurel 34 l13SSfast 44 11510 10 8 7l H H LunsfdlS Blazeaway BBay CAC iskey iskey400S8 400S8 Laurel 34 111 fast 2J 11712 11 10 9 8 1 AV Knapp 13 lua Kay Sturdee Zouave 399S4 Laurel 34 l13fast 6 118 11 10 S 7t 62J AV J OBnlS Subahdar Bellringer Onico OnicoAMELITA AMELITA b f 4 104 By Sempronius Bashford Belle J C Ferriss 42383 Churchl 34 l14 imud 2S in S 9 S G3 5i AV AVright 11 BBJuhnsou Circulate SJames 41384 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 2 106 5 5 3 3 3 3 G Molesth 6 Prunes Dolina Scrap btanv Sand art 411G5PGnds Im70y 147slow 8 108 8 6 4 2 2i 4i M Buxton 11 Dioscorde Lottery Lib 41133 FGnda Im70y l54hvy 75 107 1 1 1 2 1J 1i G Moleslb 8 KSlmplex Gleipncr Ixouredain HARRY D ch e 5 By Barnesdale Turnaway A N Holter 42442 Church 1 34 l15hvy 91 9141S7S f ior i 1 2 5 i C Brown 12 Blaise Marse John ThistGreen 41S7S Oaklwn 5J f l09mud K K417G2 0 no i 2 2t 11 J Mclntyrell BandStars ScarpialL MKrutcr 417G2 Oaklwn 51 f l10hvy 1 112 2 2o 1 Il 11 L Gentry 9 Langden Ettalie Ermitana 41684 Oaklwn 5i f l07fast 31 o 112 s 2 21 3J L Gentry 9 Eulogy Bob A Bars and Stars 32412 Tijuana 34 113 fast 4 40 102 7 7 7 7 J Dawson 7 Maud Bacon Mab AVaremore 32362 Tijuana 31 114 fast Sf 20 108 8 8Bl 8 71 711 A Pickens 9 Sat Belle Ponce de Leon Mab 2158 Tijuana Bl f 113 hvy B B3I9SS 112 6 66i 8 61 in AV Kelsay 8 Treowen Meegone F Monroe 3I9SS Tijuana 6i t l09slow 2 25 111 8 8e 4 3J 52 C Gross 9 Lazy Lou Cruces Lady Rowena RowenaBy YORKVILLE b e 9 111 By Yorkshire Lad Susie Bush E L Fitzgerald 42224 Lexton 34 l13good 6 108 4 7 61 8ls T Murray 11 II Burgoyne MTrask CBurns 42154 Lexton 34 l13fast 8 109 3 9 10 91 T Murray 12 BillieB KateAdams BigSmokc 41881 Havana 34 l13fast G G5 106 2 1 1 1 1 T Murray 10 Miss Gove Diadi Cheinung 41766 Havana 34 l13fast 1 108 1 1 I5 I2 T Murray 7 Zim Miss Jazbo First Ballot 41303 Havana Bl f l10good 5 52 108 4 3 6l 6 1 H Jeftcott 8 Bonnie Tess Brizz StormBound 41236 Havana 5i f l10mud 2 10G1 2 2 2 2 H Jeffcott 8 Blazeaway MWright JamesG 41110 Havana 34 l13fast 2 108 1 3 31 6s H Jeffcott 8 Sparkler Premium Lytle 40482 Latonia Bl f lOSgood 7 7GOLD 710 114 4 4GOLD 3 2s 32 H Lunsfd 8 Premium OldMCrit DRoberts DRobertsBy GOLD STONE b e 3 96 By Golden Maxim Brighstone W F Knebelkamp 42442 Church 1 34 l15hvy 1 10 102 7 3 91 91S H Thurberl2 Blaise Marse John ThistGreen 42363 Church 1 34 l13fast 9 92 101 5 3 2i 21 H Thurberl2 Lancelot LadyRachel Sarasota 39793 Lexton F C 111 fast 65 6510 112 8 3 SI 611 H Shilling 12 Mnictrist Pstoureau Bncrana 39730 Lexton 5i f l10hvy 2 20 100 6 7 81 9 J Gruber 12 Cmfleur Exmpted AAxander 38995 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 1 13S901 11 1031 9 93S901 2 Fell H Simpsonll Madge P Orenzo Camoufleur 3S901 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 1 15 100 7 6 2H I1 J Gruber 8 AAander BMlean Stimental 38753 Latonia Bl f lllmud 7 738C60 111 4 438C60 2 31 3 D Connlly C Linden BroMaclean JChurchill 38C60 Latonia 58 l01fast 4 101 2 2SANDY 4 4J 41 E Sande 8 Bonstelle Bro Maclean Byrne ByrneBy SANDY LAD b g 5 106 By Sandringham Belle of Memphis J B Dumestre 42416 Church 1 34 l13fast 86 11410 10 8l 811 M Garner 12 Star Baby BillieB SisterSusie 42330 Churchl 34 l13fast 72f 101 10 8 71 7 AV Ridenr 11 PortLight BParadise Squeeler 41595 Jefson 34 l16slow 4 109 6 4 6 6 1 G PreeceJr 6 Romeo Toddler Valerie West 41574 Jefson 34 116 fast 10 104 4 6 65ffl 610 S Sndman 7 Onico John Jr Billie B 41321 FGnds 51 f l09good 13 121 6 5 8 8 J Metcalf 8 Sabretash Squeeler Blaise 41195 FGnda Bi f lOSmud 7 113 5 4 6 6J 693 C Robson 7 Gallant Lad Blaise Tom Goosa 41060 FGnds 1 116 l51mud 8 111 3 3 3 4 6 5 M Buxton 7 Baby Lynch Jiffy Prunes 41017 FGnds Bi f l10hvy 5 113 4 4 4 3f in c Robson 8 GalLad BHensley PortLight DANCER b e 6 6S8904 111 By Isidor Danoscara 0 Johnson S8904 Latonia 1116 l45fast 8 102 5 2 4 4 71 7 F Smith 12 Prcious BeanSpiller Day Dream Dream3S674 3S674 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 6 111 2 1 1 2 2 5 3 J McCabe 10 Pit Elizabeth H Mud Sill 38573 Douglas 1 116 l45fast 29 107 12 8 10 11 II2 11 J Metcalf 12 Redmon Dr Carmen Fly Home 38510 Douglas 1 18 l52good 85 98 1 1 1 2 6n 6i O Willis S BeautGirl LitBigger Nashville Nashville3S403 3S403 Douglas 1 18 llfast 21 106 1 1 1 1 2l 21 O Willis 9 SafFIrst HighHorse LitBigger 38325 Churchl Im70yl44fast 21 105 5 3 3 3 34 3 1 R Simpson 7 TBloom Liberator SndstoncII 38289 Churchl 1 116 l49mud 6 110 3 2 2 4 71 6Z2 O Willis 10 OldBen BBroom MRose II II3S226 3S226 Churchl 1 116 l4Sfast 2910 116 2 1 1 1 6 6Ti J Gruber C Old Broom High Horse JHurie JHurieMcVEX McVEX b s 3 98 By McGee Spiteful J Allgeyer 42363 Churchl 34 l13fast 42f 107 3 67 71 89i C Brown 12 Lancelot Gold Stone L Rachel 40523 Latonia 34 l17V l17Vimud imud IS 108 3 67 7 S2 R Simpson 8 Camoufleur Legal Adelia AV 40331 Latonia 51 f l07fast S 106 3 8 5 71 6 i J Gruber 12 Iwinlwin Dixie Carroll Helina Helina40C42 40C42 Churchl 5i f l07fast 110 109 2 3 3 31 1 J Gruber 12 Stockwell Serbian Bugle Call 39023 Latonia 58 l01fast 25 103 2 9 6 11 II1 J Howard 11 ODowns Cacambo AAlexander AAlexander3S9SO 3S9SO Latonia 5S l01fast 7 107 10 7 7 72 7 3 J Gruber 12 Larry B ChurchillDowns Byrne 28942 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 41f 100 9 10 9 31 321 J Gruber 12 Orenzo Buncrana Lucky Pearl PearlBATHILDE BATHILDE b f 4 109 B Astronomer Helen OC G V Crippen 42021 Oaklwn 51 f l08fast 30 99 S S419S1 8 8 S S10 M Cruise 9 MBThurman Sybil Sp Queen Queen419S1 419S1 Oaklwn 61 f l07fast 7 111 11 11 11 101 H28 J Mclntyrel2 Myrtle A Sybil Paul Connelly 41896 Oaklwn 34 116 hvy 10 111 3 24 4Z 412 M Andsn 10 NSimplex AAlexandr EKate 41750 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 31 106 7 7 7 7 7 E AVhtley 7 This Green BobA KirstiesCub 41706 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 8 110 2 21 3 1 E Whtley 10 H 0 Basch Jack K ElJzMarie 41478 FGnds 51 f l09hvy 710 105 1 3 3 H J Burke S G Grass Ringleader SCondult 41439 FGnds Bl f 109 hvy 10 103 4 615 6 ° i H J Burke S Kil Boy Sabretash Korfhage 41392 FGnds 51 f l10mud 165 107 1 1WATERFORD 1 1i R Pauley 10 Laggard Langden Ermitana WATERFORD b g 5 111 By AVaterboy Midrica Ross Looney 42422 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 26 109 11 11 11 12 12 12 = H J Burkel2 CaptBurns GoldGlow Chillum 42286 Lexton 1 18 l58mud 21 108 1 1 1 2 26 M Garner 5 Woodthrush Sasenta DRoberts 42228 Lexton 34 l13fast 22 110 9 7 32 22 M Garner 11 Circulate L Mexican K Worth 42196 Lexton 34 l17hvy 33 110 10 9 42 431 D Connllyll Hasty Cora Circulate Mustard 41613 Havana 34 l14fast 3 100 11 8 gj 733 T Murray 11 Encore LadyJGrey Miss Jazbo 41536 Havana 1 l3Sfast 12 104 8 8 6 7s 6l ° J Pitz 8 High Low James Tippo Sahib 41500 Havana 51 f l09slow 7i 75 106 6 4 4i50y 22 3li C Howard 7 Petlar Leoma Hops 41435 Havana ImSOy i50y l4 l4fast fast 5 114 6 7 4 3 31 D Boland 7 Corydon Sen James RLOwen RLOwenBy ASSIGN b g 4 By Superman Award G Siilly 40017 Jamaica 1 116 l49fast 2 2S99S1 5 45 A Schusr 7 Lively Wild Thyme Kcbo S99S1 Jamaica 34 l14slow 31 21 in T Rice 15 B Angel BillMcCloy PtoPoint 39903 Aqduct 1 l42good 5 5397S3 32 2k T Rice 17 Bar One Grouse Wingold 397S3 Aqduct 34 115 slop 8 83914S 3 1 31 T Rice 15 Nolawn Phalaris Bright Angel 3914S Empire Ab34 l09fast 25 253S057 7 G11 T Rowan 7 Hamilton A Mid Sun Currency 3S057 Pimlico 1 l42good 27 115 11 9 8 91 103 S McGrawlS Arrah Go On Johren Onward 012 HdeGce 34 l13fast 4 103 9 3 5 67 S McGrawll Blazry PButfly CAComkej 37932 HdeGco 34 115 hvy 10 110 8 85 S J S McGrawlS DofDevhire Johren JpfSpadci Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched SERVICE FLAG b c 3 M 104 By Ben Trovato Royal Child Pastime Stable 42403 Churchl 34 l25slow 166 lOGilO lOGilONAPTHALIUS 9 10 10 10 M Garner 10 TopCoat MadGiugham ilijlux NAPTHALIUS b g 3 M 101 By Lorenzo Napthalia J V Schorr First start DIMITRI ch g 8 111 By Peter Quince Vly C Howard 41930 Havana 34 l12fast 2 107 2 3 1 21 41 L Fator 7 Blondel Sparkler Encore 41884 Havana 5 f 107 fast 5 108 1 2 2 2l in A Finley 7 Sw Alyssuni Blondel Spnrkhr 41667 Havana Im20y 140 fast G 106 3 1 1 1 I3 1 AV Lang 7 High Gear James Fritz Ernst 41536 Havana 1 l3Sfast S5 115 3 1 1 3 4i 45 C Howard S High Low James Tippo Sahib 4144S Havana 51 f 1OC fast 5 111 3 3 4 2 3l C Howard 8 Premium ApWiske WalMack 41348 Havana 51 f lOSslow 31 112 1 1 1 31 32 C Howard S MabelTrask FtBliss Bettertoa 41205 Havana 1 l39fast 10 107 3 1 1 1 Il 11 C Howard C Woodtlirush Soldier Lytlc LytlcBy SANS PEUR II b g 3 By Ethelbert Sandwich F J Kelley 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 6 1001 1 4 3 SQ 4 AV AVright 12 Discussion Impressive Huf faker 423G3 Churchl 34 l13fast 13 110 9 9 9 81 74i R Troise 12 Lancelot Gold Stone L Rachel 42320 Churchl ImTOyl 45f ast 3310 109 1 1 1 1 23 2J M Garner 9 Brimful Leap Frog Parking 42307 Churchl 1 l43hvy 9 98 3 3F 2 3 4 481 C Robsonll TheColBawn MisIolly Redtnn 42182 Lexton F C l12hvy 10 110 4 4F 2 2 23 2 J D Connllyll Lancelot Discussion Hopeful 42140 Lexton F C l10fast 3 1101 4 4 4 21 I1 D Connlly 10 Allah Dancing Spray Loys 40417 Latonia 1 l44hvy 72 99 8 7 7 81 7 3 J Mooney 10 Dtlico Cirrus Linden 40357 Latonia 51 f lOSslop 9f 112 11 9 8 81 611 C Kschml2 Sitv Light GenHaig Emanale HAPPY GO LUCKY br c 4 By Hamburg AVonder J Marino 34 116 mud 156 107 3 10 8 8 Sl AV Brown 10 BBlohnson L ncelot BHohsly 34 l15slow 109 10S 6 3 3 51 o N Barrett 10 TopCoat MadGingham Piillux 34 l13fast 72f 112 8 8 7 61 61S W Crump 11 PortLight BParadise Squeeler 34 l13fast 21 113 4 7 7 7 7 N Barrett 7 Jago H Burgoyne Bon Tromp 34 l13fast 14f 102 6 4 4 3nk 6 A Collins 8 Startling Hank ODay TCaddy 34 l12fast 16 118 5 5 5 41 4 E Haynes 0 WarCloud J Hare Jr MatIdoI 34 l15hvy 8 125 4 5 6 71 15 C Peak 18 Sun Briar Papp Sycamoor 34 l13fast 5 109 1 1 1 I1 I1 F Robsonl2 Mat Idol JackHareJr Kashmir KashmirBy HASTY CORA b m 5 By Hastings Northnmbria J J Troxler 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 10 10G 4 2 2 6 S17 S Boyle 12 Discussion Impressive Huffakcr 423S3 Churchl 34 l14 imud 34 102 4 3 1 31 7 i S Boyle 11 BBJohnson Circulate SJames 42196 Lexton 34 l17hvy 16 100 4 4F 1 1 1s 11 T Murray 11 Circulate Mustard AVaterforrt 42126 Lexton F C l10fast 43f 108 2 3 3 61 83i T Murray 12 Nepe LadyRachel TliistGreen 42046 Oaklwn 58 l02fast 15 104 6 7 7 10 10 J MclntyrelO Sureget Doe Zab Thirty Seven 41129 FGnds 51 f 113 hvy 41 112 6 Pulled up R Troxler C ParBoy MarTom WHBkner 41097 FGnda 51 f 111 hvy 21 108 4 3 3 51 7 J Metcalf 9 Ermitana Parlor Boy Trusty