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LATONIA FORM CriART COVINGTON KY WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 1919 Laionit Thirteenth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 28 days Weather clear temperature 85 ° Stewards Clias F Price S C Nnckols Jr and S Goodpaster Placing Judges W II Shelley Edward Jasper and N II McClelland Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile June 27 1811 111 5 116 Purse 1300 3yearolds Fillies Claiming Net value to wiauer 1000 second 200 third 100 luder Horsea JLWtPPSt 54Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42549 = FIFI II W 105 3 1 1 J IJ 1 J 1 = C Robsion M Goldblatt 42742 = LADY FAIR PLAYw 110 G 2 2i 2 25 2s T Murray W L Lewis 42787 VISION w 115 9 G G1 41 3 = 3l E Pool M J Rooncy 2315100 231510040404BULlLDOZE 40404BULlLDOZE w 105 24 5 5 51 4 S Boyle E R Bradley GS5100 42832 LUCINDA w 110 47 81 81 7 = 5l C Dishmn Williams Bros 4610100 461010042791SRETTA 42791SRETTA B WK 110 11 10 7S 6J 6J GJ J Groth G J Long 1595100 42834 THIRD WITCH w 110 12 5 4i SJ 45 7 H Thurber W Showalter 11700100 1170010042271LA 42271LA FOUDRE w 105 8 11 12 12 9 S1 It Canfield O Vest t5500100 42758 SAY WHEN w 115 5 8 91 7 = SJ 9s II Lunsfd ICohn Schulten C200100 42787 ANN S wn 109 7 12 10l Ifli 10 = 102 G Brown D Cornell t t42589WILLIGAN 42589WILLIGAN w 105 10 9 llJll1 11 = H3 R Davies J Li Paul t 42754 HELMA w 105 13 3i 9J 12 12 W Wright T P Hayes 15210100 15210100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 niutiiels paid FiQ II 470 straight 270 place 270 show Lady Fair Play 280 place 200 show Vision 400 show Equivalent booking odds Fifi II 135 to 100 straigiit 35 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Lady Fair Play 40 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Vision 130 t 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Plaudit Handzarra trained by J S Hawkins bred by Mr John H Morris MorrisWent Went to post at 212 At iwst 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing FIFI II away well and showing the most speed set a fast pace and drew away from LADY FAIR PLAY in the last sixteenth to win easing up LADY FAIR PLAY raced in closest pursuit from the start but lost ninch ground on the stretch turn by coming wide VISION was hard ridden through the last quarter and finished fast after closing a gap BULLDOZE came with a rush near the end LU ¬ CINDA was in a jam several times RETTA B was outrun from tin stirt stirtScratched Scratched 10413 Dixie Girl 105 Bevo 110 42024 Lillian G 110 42032Mary Josephine 110 42032 Discord 110 41004 Malva 110 110Overweights Overweights Ann S 4 pounds SECOND RACE 1 11G Miles Oct 7 191C 143 3 122 Purse 1400 3year olds and upward Maidens Allowances Net valus to winner 1100 second 200 Index Horses AWtPPSt J2 7iStrFin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strl 42028 PARIS MAID w 3 105 S 5 fi SI 2s 1 = I1 H J Burke S K Nichols 42754 = STBVKNSON w 4 115 272 = 21 lit 2J 2t c Robson W T Young 42C25 REDSTART w 4 115 4 1 41 31 3X 3l at Davies 1 Bryant 42754 SAUHH w 4 115 9 S S1 1 4 45 43 L Gentry T G Morris MorrisW 42705 HURRY UP W 3 10S 12 12 7i SJ C1 f J 5 = C VanDun J II Woodford 42625 DAYMON wn 3 10S 11 9 9 l Ci E Pool 42792 COMMANDER WB 3 10S 3 10 12 12 11 = SJ 7i W War on J C Maycs 42804 3THE GALLANT w 3 10S 5 2 3 Ci 5 = C1 fit N Barrett J G Calm 1840100 42754 FIRST TROOP wn 4 115 G 4 Gt 311 SJ 9 9l T Murray J T Buckley t 42813 MATHER 4 115 10 11 10 10 = 10J 101 10i H Lunsfd W C Covington t 42754 THISTLES BEAUWB 4 115 7 3 1 = n 7l 11 11 J Pitz M Doyle ST90100 42787 UAIBY BONDS w 3 10S 1 C II1 liu 12 12 12 T Buckles G C Pope H12100 H12100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 235J 47S l13 i 139 S 146 Track fast 2 iniituels paid Paris Maid 430 straight 310 place 280 show Stevenson 410 place 350 show Redstart Held 510 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Paris Maid 115 to 100 straigiit 55 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Stevenson 105 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Redstart Held 155 to 100 show showWinner Winner IS f by Transvaal Milibmt trained by A linker bred by Mr Tamos Butler ButlerWent Went to post at 242 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PARIS MAID was away slowly and had to race wide until reaching the stretch where slui raced into the lead and won easing up STEVENSON also away slowly raced in closest pursuit but tired iu the stretch REDSTART ran well and held on gamely SAUER closed a gap but swerved repeatedly HURRY UP closed a gap while racing wide THE GALLANT tired THISTLES BEAU set the pace to the stretch and quit quitScratched Scratched 12M 1 Haiidhlue 10S 42810 Kingozi 115 42S04 Bee Line liO42CS2 Tom Brooks 103 42553 Ijidy Wahleck 103 42S04 Judge David IDS IDSOvurweights Ovurweights Paris Maid 2 pounds Raby Bonds 3 THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlonss Juno 10 1919 52 2 107 Purse 1300 2ycar olds Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 42801 = MISS MIXKS wn 109 G 2 2428rt2sPOP 1 = 1i I3 1 Groth 1 SI Goode GoodeW G90100 428rt2sPOP KYES w 117 10 8 G1 4it 2 O Willis W F Knebelkamp KnebelkampJi 295100 29510042T100 4278 J = CAXCION w 10T 11 7 3 = 2 31 H Lunsfd Ji F Coppage 42T100 4278 VIOLA GAFFXEY wn 109 4 4 r1 5 = 4 II Simpson O A Bianchi 4930100 RASTER FLOWBR w 101 7 12 l Gi 5 C Robson D Lchan Lchan2i 2220100 42789 AXN A JACKSON w 105 3 1 2i 3i G E Pool J J Quinlan QuinlanS 2220100G15100 G15100 G15100t4170100 42010 ETLA T 103 2 G G4278R S 7 71 J Mooncy J W Tate Tate10i t4170100 4278R PERFECT LADY wr lOtt i 10 10i 9 Si J Kederis J B Rcspcss Rcspcss4i 2135100 42788 PEGGY C wn 101 8 9 942743MIDLY 4i Si 9 = R Davies J L Paul 42743MIDLY w 9S 1 3 3POPPY 7 10 = 10 = L Canriehl Gallaher Bros 1155100 POPPY RED w 103 12 11 12 11 = 11s J Mclntyre J W McClelland t 42802 42802S1STER S1STER HELENS w 10G 5 5 5tMutuel 11 = 12 12 T Murray W E Applegate G15100 G15100tMutuel tMutuel field Tim Time 23 J 47 54 Track fast 2imutiiels paid Miss Minks 1400 straight 050 place 410 show Pop Eyes 530 place 3SO show Cnncion 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Jliss Minks fiOO to 100 straight 225 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Pop Eyes 105 to 100 place 00 to 100 show Caucion S 0 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Jim Gaffney Elliu Patou trained by J M Goode bred by Messrs A E Hundley Son SonWent Went to post at 315 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MISS MINKS rared into a good lead at once and holding on in game style held the others safe anil after rounding into the stretch drew away and won in a canter POP EYES was away slowly but gained fast and steadily getting up in the last stride for second place CIOX had ho mishaps and ran n good race VIOLA GAFFNEY closed n gap in the last quarter ANNA JACKSON tired after going a half mile MIDIA was forced back soon after the start startScratched Scratched 42S14Snisse IDS 42743 Spencer I ady 98 42S2I5 Alula 111 111Overweights Overweights Caucion 1 pound Poppy Red 2 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Nov 14 1918 137 4 105 Purse 1700 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1300 second 250 third 150 Index Hones AWtPPStVi lJs viStrFiu Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strl 42800 MADGE F wit 3 100 2 1 2 3 2 I1 I1 C Robson Ogden Stable 42805 LIVELY w fi 112 5 3 lii 1i 1i 2 2 J Dursch J L Solomon 42803 TEXAS SPEClALwsu C J03 4 S 51 5 5s 4l 3J J Kederis A L Rogers 4277C3JOE STAHR wn 3 102 S 7 4 2h 3J 35 4 II Thurber M Quinn 415100 42804 L MARCHNT II wn 5 106 3487 GJ 5 J 5 = C VanDun J H Woodforcl 8200100 42740DLMITRI 820010042740DLMITRI w 8112 7 G 3h 41 4 G = G = C Howard W F Poison I2M100 42804 THIRTEEN WSB 3 30 G 5 G = fft 70 710 710 s Koyle 71 H Hewitt 4070100 4070100PLUMCOT PLUMCOT w 3 101 1 2 71 8 88 8 T Murray G J Lone G5301CO G5301COTime Time 24 48VS 113 139 Track fast 2 miituels paid Madge F 530 straigiit 300 place 250 show Lively 390 place 290 show Texas Special 310 show Equivalent booking odds Madge F 105 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Lively 95 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Texas Special 55 to 100 siiow siiowWinner Winner B f by Voorhees Salvatrix trained by S M Henderson bred by Mr Adolph B Sprock ¬ ets i Went to post at 348 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MADGE F well ridden morcd up with a rush on the stretch turn and challenging LIVELY in the stretch outstayed him at the end LIVELY suddenly improved set a fast pace and made a game finish TEXAS SPECIAL came with a rush in the stretch JOB STAHR showed speed but tired in the stretch DIMITRI ipiit ipiitOverweights Overweights Texas Special 4 pounds Plumcot 5 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Juno 22 1910 59 2 109 Thirty seventh Running CLIP SETTA STAKES 4000 Added 2ycarolds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner4505 second 800 third 350 fourth 115 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vj StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42815MISS JEAIIMA w 121 2 1 1 IJ l IU L Gentry C E Rowe Rowe42788LUNETTA 42788LUNETTA w 107 1 3 3l 3 3 2 = G liobsoh Waldeck Stable 12 1100 110042802MARJOR1E 42802MARJOR1E HYNESw 110 32 22 23 21 32 J Groth C C Van Meter 220100 22010042078MARTHA 42078MARTHA LUCKTwn 107 4 4 4 4 4 4 II Thurber J W Parrish 820100 Time 23 47 59 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Miss Jemima 350 straight 270 place Lunetta 540 place no show mutupls sold soldEquivalent Equivalent placeWinner booking odds Miss Jemima 75 to 100 straight 35 to 100 place Lunetta 170 to 100 place BradleyWent Winner Ur f by Black Toney Vaila trained by C E Rowu bred by Mr Edward R Bradley Went to post at 410 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MISS JEMIMA is an exceptionally good Ully set a fast pace and was under restraint all the way LUNETTA also a good filly came fast and gamely in the stretch MARJORIE 1IYNES had enough after following MISS JEMIMA for a half mile MARTHA LUCKETT was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 42802 = Arrow Point 107 42S19 Viola Park 107 42810 Zaza 103 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Nov 14 1918 137 4 105 Purse 1700 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1300 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42805LEGAL w 3 105 3 3 4 T 3i 1 J J Mooncy Williams Bros 70100 42805 JIEDMON wn 4 112 44 2i 2J 2l 2U 2 E Pool S K Nichols 2G45100 42834 CARRIE MpdRE w 3 07 2 1 11 15 I1 2J 3 L Canflclil C T Worthington G0451CO 42805 M1NT CAT w 3 105 7 G 5 Gl f 4i 4 = H LunsfM J F Schorr 955100 42755 BARN SHANNON w 5 109 5 5 G = f 45 r r N TSarrctt M J Lowenstein 215100 42588 WAVE w 3 96 1 2 3t 4 5J Gl G = S Boylfi J Livingston 1765100 42790 SPEARLENE w 4 109 8 7 7l 73 75 7 710 T Murray J Livingston t 42532 DIOSCORlDE wn 4 112 G 8 8 S 8 S S J Harour Marshall Bros 44CO100 44CO100tCoupled tCoupled in betting as J Livingston cntrj Time 24 48 113 138 Track fast 2 mltucls paid Legal 340 straigiit 200 place 200 show Redmon 1110 piato iL40 showr Carrie jfoore 1010 show i Equivalent lxoking odds Legal 70 to 100 straight 45 to 100 place 30 to 100 shoe Rudmon 455 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Carrie Moore 405 to 100 show showVinncr Vinncr H c by Hilarious Responsful trained by R D Williams bred by MCSSM Williams Bros BrosWent Went to post at 448 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second anil third driv ¬ ing LEGAL close up from the start drew out in the stretch to win as his rider pleased REDMON well ridden was kept dost up all the way and made a game finish CARRIE MOORE also hard ridden set a fast pace to the stretch and tired MINT CAT rah well and finished close up BARNEY SHAN ¬ NON ran fairly well i SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles June 20 1914 l50l5 3 105 Purse 1600 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1200 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 42721 = S OF PLEASREwis G 109 4 5 4 = 31 3 2 = 1 C Robson J M Goode 42800 = DICK WILLIAMS w G 114 2 G 2 iu ji 14 2 J Hanover W C Weant 4280 MISTRS POLLY wn 4 107 1377 G3 3l 32 T Murray II Ncusteter 4 2805 SUN GOD wu G 110 3 2 IJ 2J 2J 41 4 = G Urown R L Rogers 42810 DR SAMUEL wsit S 110 G 4 5 = F i R Simpson W Perkins 4281G2ROOKERY w 4 107 57 G1 G 7 Gi K II Thurber P Dunno 42759 WISE MAN w G 113 7 1 31 4t 4 7 7 S Boylo II Perkins 75 100 Time 24 48 113 139 151 J Track fast fast2mutuels 2mutuels paid Sands of Pleasure 2300 straight 0jO place 450 show Dick Williams 190 place 440 show Mistress Polly 1030 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sands of Pleasure 1050 to 100 straight 230 to 100 placo 125 to 100 show Dick Williams 145 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Mistress Polly 415 to 100 show Winner 15 g by Fair Play Golden Sand trained by J M Goode bred by Mr August Bolmont BolmontWent Went to post at 521 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SANDS OF PLEASURE finished gamely and got up to win in the last stride DICK WILLIAMS ran well and was unlucky to lose MISTRESS POLLY closed a gap and finished gamely Boyle was un ¬ able to control WISE MAN properly and he ran all over tho track trackScratched Scratched 127783Cheer Leader 113