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SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles 4ycarolds and upward Claiming June 20 1914 l Oi 3 105 LUCKY H b 6 103 BT Box Margaret Kent J McFherson 42731 Latonia 1 l39fnst 4710 110 S 8 7 7 G4 5 D Connlly 11 Eulogy Bandymo Retta B 325 FGnda Im70y l4GRood 1G5 102 4 4 4 3 1 Il C Brown G Tom Goose Dolina Medusa 41232 FGnds Im20y l43hvy 1 109 6 5 4 3 1 Il D Connlly 7 Margery Sosius G Washington 41167 FGnds 1116150 slow G 104 6 G 6 1 21 2s G Moles this Indolence Scourgeman Regreso LCottageCHICK 410S5 Regreso410S5 FGnds 1 116 l S hvy 31 104 2 4 4 4 G G F Smith 7 Seafarer Don Dodge LCottage CHICK BARKLEY b c 4 113 By Toddimrton Mary Le Bus J L Knight 42S1S Knight42S1S Latonla 1 316 200 fast 3G IOC 2 2 3 4 4s 4 L CanficldlO Brynliniali Quito Gord Russell 42716 Latonia 1 116 l4Gslow 16 100 S 9 9 9 9 = 8 C Kobsonl2 Cnpt Burns Aztec Gor Russell 42708 Latonia 1 1S Iri2 fast 56 115 3 2 4 G 9 91T II Thurber 9 lolite Sandman II Quito 42590 Churchl 1 12 233 fast 11 103 1 3 4 2 3 3 L Canfield 7 El Rey Quito Brickley 42132 Churchl 1 110 l47fast 29 115 9 9 9 S G G3 E Pool 12 Dioscoride SenJames Circulate 42148 Churchl 1 110 l43Vfhvy 49 110 C 7 7 6 6 G J Hanover 7 TCBawn Erncstlt II c Basch 423S9 Basch423S9 Churchl 1 116 l49mud 23 110 5 10 9 10 10 10 M Garner 11 High Low Munokln Raider 42334 Churchl 1 1S l52fast 7f 111 10 8 G 4 41 7IS J Hanoverll Fair Orient Parr Snngold 422S5 Snngold422S5 Lcxton 1 18 l58mud 710103 411 1 1 11 S Boylo G Kingozi Paula V Almino 42230 Lexton 1 18 l52fast 6 110 2 1 1 2 32 31 E Pool 5 B McDawcll FOricut LStrlne 42188 Lcxton 1 116 l51hvy 7 1111 122 2 31 4 J S Wolstmll LitString Irregular C Uiirkley 40127 Latonia 1 1IG l52mud 7 109 6 8 7 6 6 624 J Hanover S Bourbon Lad Jiffy Rolmou RolmouKILKENNY KILKENNY ch g 5 109 By Celt Fairy Sprite M J Lowenstein Lowenstein427SO 427SO Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 48 106 G 4 4 4 4 3S1 G Stack 12 ThisCreen DrSamuel PiuliV 42GS2 PiuliV42GS2 Latonia 1 1IG l40fast 55 WS 10 10 11 H ipou G Stock 12 Dancer Sunflash Cliilliini SS215 Churchl 1 116 l48fast 18 108 11 9 8 7 10 II22 D Connllyll Parr Sandstone II Schemer 37673 Oaklwn Im70y l46Rood 5 108 8 8 G 9 12 12 D Connllyl2 Rhymer Ben Levy King K 37610 Oaklwn 1 1IG l4Sfaat 31 1101111 7 8 91 10 D ConnIlyl2 BoauMorn Slumberpr AHeiuza 36201 Latonla Im70y l44fast 43 107 S 10 9 10 9 72 II Steams 11 Jack Snipe Clare Rhymer 35991 Latonla 1 116 146KOO1 31 10711 S G 4 7 7 D Connllyll Jovial Dr Tuck Jack Snipe 35S77 Snipe35S77 Churchl 1 1IG l4UKOod 185 109111 63 2 94 9 J Williams Jessie C Jovial Nashville 35631 Douglas 1 116 l47fast 30 101 822 1 32 2 II Stearns 12 Lucile P Rhymer Gainer GainerKINGFISHER KINGFISHER ch 6 109 By Sea King Ida B T E Crist Crist4S8 4S8 Latonia 1 116 l47Rood 44 110 S 7 7 S S1 S H Davios 11 Deckmate Emannlo Obolnq Obolnq427SO 427SO Latonia 1 110 l46Vfast 8 109 9 10 10 7 91 91D U Davies 12 Ill Green DrSamuel Kilkenny 42123 HdcGce 118150 Rood 45 IOC 8 7 C 4 42 34 L Fator U Luther Sleeth Royat 42097 H HdeGQe eGce Im70yl45fast G 103 10 8 5 5 5S 3i S Wlda 12 Inil Chant Simonlurp AlmaB 12057 H eGCelm70yl51 hvy 6 107 81010 8 52 3 S Wida 11 Comacho Vir Yell G M Miller Jl a Havana 1 14 206 fast 4 113 332 2 22 1s A Finley 8 John W Klein Bae Diadi Diadi41UOI 41UOI Havana 1 140 fast 1 110 3 6 5 4 41 21 II Thurber 7 FostKmbry Vocabulary Ietlar 41826 Vlcalmlary417S3 Ha ana ImDOy l43 fast 75 107 7 7 8 6 I2 2 S Wlda 9 Dalrose KkingKid Vlcalmlary 417S3 Ha ana ImGOy 151 slop 65 IOC 133 2 2 1 S Wida 7 Arbitrator An Edgar S Heart 41735 Ha ana 1 14 205 fast 2J 110 C 4 G 4 G 4 J Pitz S Lytle Fritz Ernst Solid Rock EXHORTEH b g 5 M 109 10942S04 By Sunder Persuasion O X BTenorio 42S04 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 32 110 3 C 3 3399S9 4 4 = 4 T Murray 12 Contestant Starkry T Gallant 399S9 Churchl 1 11C l47fast 32 114 4 4 3 3 3 33 L Mink 10 Glasstoi HBrcivpgol Gt Gull 39914 Douglas 1 11C l47fast 85 103 3 4 4 4S9SC9 C 4 4J H Lunsfd 11 MRoselL PaulaV FlofStecl S9SC9 Douglas Im70yl455sfast 3 115 4 3 3 3C9027 2 2J 2J L Mink 12 Amulet te LuekyUay CptHodge C9027 Latonia 1 116 l45 fast 10 105 2 4 4 4SS905 4 4s 3S J Mooney 10 Repton Paula V Rochester SS905 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 21 106 7 3 3 3S8743 3 31 2l E Sande 11 Pcrugino Gor Russell TLouise S8743 Latonia 1 116 l4G fast 4 105 9 6 4 4 22 2 H Lunsfd 11 Dr Carmen DayDreara LByron 38716 Latonia 1 18 l52fafic 165 103 043 4 3 = 3 H Lnnsfd 7 JWKlein Queen Apple Pit 28557 Dnuclns 1 l39fast 75 112 12 8 C CWATERPROOF 4 2 2 ° H LunstdlU Reeal Lodge Leixlip LuckyDiy LuckyDiyBy WATERPROOF cl g 7 114 By Cunard Tinker Turcan Smith 42272 Lcxton 1 1S l5Gmud 1910 IOC C 5 4 4 42 4s ttt Garner 8 Honilo Bogart Bonnie Tess 42216 Lexton 1 18 l5Shvy 105100 C C C 4 4s 4 J Vf Crump 0 Tito Flapper Bajazet 41972 Oaklwn 1 316 203mud 3 108 4 7 5 1 1J 1s A Schugr 9 Tiiinksgiving Aztec LitString 41839 Oaklwn 1 316 201 fast 4 108 8 5 3 5 5 G M Garner 10 BofPhenix Willdo Tksgiving 417C4 Oaklwn 1 18 ItW hvy 1320 113 A 4 4 3 21 2 M Garner 7 Ellison Aztec Thanksgiing 41741 Oaklwn 1 316 2K last 41 108 877 5 2l 21 M Garner 8 Grumpy Bajazct Thanksgiving 41707 Oaklwh 1 l4lfast 8 103 6 C C 5 2 21 M Garner C Bogart Medusa Tito 41662 Oaklwn 1 11 fi 149 slow 7 112 5 6 6 6 Gi C5 = N Uarrelt S Grumpy Honolulu J5oy Rajnzet 41589 Jefson 1 116 l50fslow 4 102 466 5 4 4 Q P recce 0 Itallnd nolinn Uoxer 41166 FGnds 1 116 l49slow 7 111 8 8 7 7DR 8 9 9 J Rodgez 9 Willdo Foxy GrifT Don DodRC DodRCBy DR SHAFER b g 4 114 By Toddington Martha Palmer C E Bakor 42818 Latonii 1 ilfi 20n fast 13 111 fi 9 0 040U12 9 9 = N Jarrctt 1 Itrynlimiih Quito Gord Uussell 40U12 Churchl 1116147 fast 21 103 S 6 2 1 U 1 N Uarrett 9 WPDalmy Hope Prince Igor 39891 Douglas 1 116 l4Gfast 38 101 S S S S29S34 S S 7ts N Harrett UrMcDawell Sungold Cnicow 29S34 Douglas 34 lllfast 79 102J 7 7 G G5 G N TCnrrott 7 Sedan Courtsliip Skiles Knob 38903 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 54 110101010 1101010103SSC4 9 91 9TJ N Barrett 10 Clairvoyant Msllcaii SNnmy 3SSC4 Latonia ImTOy l44fast 21 110 10 S 5 5 G1 Gi N Harrett 11 ElizIL Clirvoyant liubTjoiuler 38797 Latnnla 1 11C l45pood 97 IOU 6 u 6 63S717 5 Ch G N Harrett 11 SiiiartMoncy BFellow nLyncli 3S717 Latonia Im70y l43fast 77 10l 1 137 3 7 G C Gz N Barrett 8 nogLodge MFinlen WliirlDuu 37998 Lex ton 34 122 hvy 32 115 8 7 G G G R Goose 8 BMcDawell GGrass StarUaby StarUabyBy SIR OLIVER ch ff 6 114 By J H Houghton Lady Prospero W C Weant 42744 Latonia 1 l40 slow 710 111 784 4 CJ 4 = W War on 12 RMoMkin KMhinnlL SJamcs 42122 Churchl 1 116 l47 fasU3lor 109 1 1 S 3 8s SJ J Groth 12 GaptHurns GiddGlow Clulliun 42365 Churchl 34 l12sfast 67 110J C 6 r 51 4 J AV Waronll GrJrass BrofWar ILRitrcoyne C 4i 5i D Owens fi KdStoiip Bridesnum RufusUiley 41S76 Oakiwn 34 114 mu l 10 113 G 6 G G C J Groth Iaddy Lcgotal Lively 41797 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 10 114 5 5 541G97 5 4 4ci M Garner 8 St Isidore Bringlnirst Kama 41G97 Oaklwn 1 116 l4Gfast 7 103 4 1 1 1 3l 4s C Brown 4 D Williams Tliinker B Lynch 41317 KGnds 1 116 l47fast 115 1081 555 5 4 Si J Bell 7 Sayonarra Lib Sands Sleeth 41298 FCnds ImOy l45fast 10 109 8 4 3 1 1s I5 J Bfill Orderly Aldebarnn Mary Belle 41279 FGnils 1 116 l49fast G 107 6 4 1 1AZTEC 1 11 1 O W Car 113 Benefactor Willdo Baby Cal CalBy AZTEC br B 109 1094iSlS By Garry Herrmann Hiss C H Field 4iSlS Latonia 1 316 200 fast 15 111 9 S 7 7 Gi G Go = o E Pool 10 Brynlimali Quito Gord Russell 42716 Latonia 1 115 l46slow te 10911 S 5 G 2 23 II HiurberlJ CaptBiinis GorRusscll Thrills 42591 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 99 10S 7 5 3 3424C2 4 5s 05 E Pool 12 Baudymo Tanlac Bonnie Tess 424C2 Church I 1 18 lGSmud 47 107 10 9 7 9 9 8 = O Willis 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 42037 Oaklwn 1 116 IMSHslow 10 j 10 8 9 9 9 8s Sle G W Carl S SGatewood Parrish LitString 41972 Oaklwn 1 316 203mud 10 107 3 2 2 241S39 2 3s 3 O Willis 9 Wrproof TnksKiving LStriug 41S39 Oaklwn 1 316 201 fast 12 107 7 8 8 8417G4 8 10 101 N Barrett 10 Boflhenis Willdo Tksgivint 417G4 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 4i 107 3 1 1 141G85 2 3 = 3 II J Burke 7 Ellison Werproof Tnksgiving 41G85 Oaklwn 1 31G 200 fast 7 IOC 663 2 31 31 II J Burke 7 Ilono Boy Bajazet Sliimberer 41648 Qaklwn 1 11G l49T4good 6 107 C 3 2 2GORDON 2 2s 2s H J Burke 7 Hishllorse Gleipucr LitString LitStringBv GORDON RUSSELL b h 9 114 11442S1S Bv Marchmont H Tokalon H W Plant 42S1S Latonia 1 31G 200ffast 16 111 411 2 3 310 1 Groth 10 Brynlimali Quito dhickBarkley 4 746 Lutonla 1 116 l16slow 17f 110 5 31 3 ° J Groth 12 Captain Burns Aztec Thrills 42677 I atonia 34 ll lifast fast act lie 7 G 7 C1 05J J IIanovcrl2 HGoLucky B Joe Impressive 41SS4 Havana 51 11 f 107 fast 8 lit 4 7 7r0y 7 7 77i W Gargan 7 Dimttri Sv Alyssnm Bloiidel r0y l43V fast 32 115 333 1 1 1 J II Burke 8 Austral JWKluIn Guide Post 41633 Havana 1 l40 IMOrifast fast 45 114 3 3 3 341C39 3 3 C5J A Pickens 9 Capital City Circulate Anlace 41C39 Havana 34 l12fast 3 105 4 4 4 31 2k A Pickens 8 SSusie CtMclimont QTrovato 41519 Havana Im50y l41fast 7 10G 1 4 3 4 31 2k B Kopmn 8 Sasenta Breeze Apple WIske 41514 Havana 34 l12fast 8 116 2 G GSHADOW D 4 3 D Boland G Clark M Phedoden Sentiintal SentiintalBy SHADOW LAWN b g 5 114 By The Commoner Black Sleeves JHWoodford 42554 Churchl 1 1S l5Cmud G3 109 C 7 7 7 734 C VanDun 7 Brynlimali SiinGod FlIandley NIGHT OWli b r 6 Ii4 By Star Shoot White Owl W F Poison Poison4fil7 4fil7 Churchl 1 lSlElfast 21 109 4 G 7 7 7 7511 C Howard 8 Nominee Dockmate Bocart Bocart42K52 42K52 Churchl 1 1lfi l47fast 22f 111 2 f 4 G oj 4J C Howard 12 Dioscoride ScnJames Circulate 42462 Churchl 1 1S lrSmud 2S 111 2 2 3 4 GI 9s C Howard 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 42405 Churchl 1 18 l55slow GO 111 3 3 3 4 71 S1 C Howard 10 Bogart Flapper El Rey 42334 Churchl 1 18 l52fast S8 109 51010 10 C C1 C Howard 11 Fair Orient Parr Sungold 47 Churchl ll43yhvy 45 16911 85 7 71 S1 C Howard 11 The C Bou MistPolly Redmbn Redmbn4222S 4222S Lexton 34 l13fast 23 110 11 11 11 11 71 C Howard 11 Circulate Wtorford LMoxican 40377 Latonia 1 18 l56slop 4 102 7 6 5 5 4 3 n J Burko 9 Brynlimah ChickBrkley Aztec 40320 Latonia 1 116 l45faat 19 100J 8 89 9 12 121 II J Burkcl2 Diversion MRoscIL OBrkley OBrkleyAlso Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched scratchedWAUKEAG WAUKEAG br h 5 109 By Ogdcn Lady Vincent P J Sullivan Sullivan42SJS 42SJS Latonia 1 1lfi l47good 12f 110 11 11 11 11 7l 7 1 1 Hcupei 11 Deilunate Emanale Oholus Oholusjr jr 42 ir 5 r Plmllco imllf n 1 1 1S Irnc lDCnvy hw G 109 C 5 G G42Til G 7 7 E Kando 7 W Woodtmp odtmp Bondage NatBridge 42Til Pimlico 1 l10fart 2110 100 2 4 4 3 = 2 L Fator 0 Kilts II N 1C Beal Graphic 42312 Pimlico 1 18 lrG slow 2S 09 1 3 2 3 1 L Fator fi LHerbcrt NKUeal BPcddler 42028 Bowie 7S 123 fast 235 103 4 5 5 4 A Richcrk 5 Amnletto Hauberk Clean Gone 42003 Bowie 1 IMSfgood 5 107 2 4 5 5s 5 W Cbcrt Bolster Clean Gone ILBrvogel 41950 Bowie 78 l27fast 215 110 1 4 4V 4 W Mnders 5 H Brvogcl CobLass DBright 41615 Jefson Im70y 145 fast 10 102 1 1 1 141GOI 2 = IS W Obert 8 Jiffy Dan Bright Bolster 41GOI Jefson 1 l41KOod 5 105 3 C 5 541S81 4 TS G PreecoTr 7 Bolster Dan Bright War Mask 41S81 Jefson 1 148 mud 4 103 1 1 1 1IRREGULAR 1 2 J Heupel 4 Douglass S Warsaw Euiaiuilc EuiaiuilcBy IRREGULAR br h 6 114 11442T90 By Hastings Armilda F Dunne 42T90 Churchl 1 12 233 fast 17 IOC 7 7 7 7 T28 H J Burke 7 El Bey Quito ChicU Birkley 52T74 Churchl 1 18 l53hvy 7 115 7 7 7 742OS 5 fiJ B Sande S Raider Nominee Rhymer 42OS Churchl 1 14 212hvy 6J 107 7 7 0 5 C H J Burke 7 Flnpper Bajazot Baby Lynch 42425 Churohl 1 14 2llmud 125 105 C 5 G 3 3 II J Burke C SazyNamy El Bey Dr Samuel 42409 Churchl 118154 slow 26 107 777 7 51S C Brown 7 Pastoureau Mis Folly Redland 42321 Churchl 1 116 1 45fast 43 107121212 12 10 10s C Brown 12 Lively High Low Bogart 42244 Lexton 1 14 206fast 6 107 9 9 9 72 7 H J Burke 9 Bajnzet Buofactor DofJ 42202 Lexton 1 116 l52hvy 105107 887 G 5 G H J Burke 8 H C Basth Sungold Boi Boi421S8 421S8 Lexton 1 116 l51hvy 4310 1101010 9 9 53 2s H JBUrkell LltString Hondo CBark 42115 Lexton 1 l39 fast 1C 1W5 8 8 8 8 8 S C Robson 8 Cheer Leader Seafarer U ULOTTERY LOTTERY br g 6 114 By Garry Herrmann Dovecote Marshall Bros 4 ° Sil6 Latonia 1 316 l59faEt 45 111 10 G 7 9 72 75 J IIanoverl2 Goldrn Glow Rookery Ba 4707 Latonia 1 116 146 fast 15f 110 11 11 H II S fttl T Murray 12 Philistine Jack Hill S n n42T55 42T55 Churchl 1 1S lG6Mmud 12 109 2 4 5 G G 5 II Lunsfil 5 TippoSahib ErnestB Wi Wi424G2 424G2 Churchl 1 1S I58y5mud 15 106 768 8 8 C W Wright 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 42409 Churchl 118154 slow 3110 109 666 5 4l 4 O Willis 7 Pastoiirean Mis Polly Ri 42349 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 45 42 109 10 8 8 10 II2 II22 O Willis 12 Lively High Low Bogart I 4l530 KGnds 1 116 148 fast 15 112 8 81111 11 11 10 10 101 10 = R u Simpsonl4 HonBoy SHs STS Bridge uringe ynu Philistine 41412 RGnds 1 116 152 hvy 12 110 4 9 11 11 11 11 J Mooney 11 Lucky R Kebo Mary H PRUNES br c 4 113 By y Voorhees Prestene D S Fountain 4 ° S1C Latonia 1 316 lSOfast 13f 111 7 8 G G G 51 531 I Connllyl2 Golden Glow Rookery Bnj Bnjnzot 4 o Pimlico 1 116 153 hvy 5110 109 9 6 G C G G1 G E Sande 10 SdeVdun MothHour T Thrift 42214 Pm co 1116 l50slow 4310 110 877 5 4 ° 3 1 J A RichcrklO Kilts II IL SistEmblem Ah AhXl Alma B Xl Pimlico 1 116 l4Sfast 14 105 3 5 6 6 7 GJ A Richcrkll Polroma W Bedotte Misi MisiVV MissBryn VV Pimlico 1 116 l47ifast 4J 113 533 3 32 3 J Stapletnll Polroma Plenty Favour 4 5 II decree Irn70yl 45Afast 25 111 4 C 6 C G 4 i A Richcrk 9 B Peddler WBedotte JI JI4l JMount 4l H deGce 1 18 I5r4cood 145 108 2 2 2 1 1 I1 A Richcrk 9 PandCalls BHunley BU BUpson 42070 II deGce lm70yl4Sslow 75 109 1 3 1 1 3 42J L Stalker 7 WoodViilet Dolina WBr WBedotte 4 C H deGce 34 117 hvy 3 1127 G G G G1 G 3 C Taylor 9 Bronco Billy Ouico SisEn SisKmblein 42014 Bowie 61 f l21fast 41 109 5 C 6 3 2 A Richcrk 5 Trauby Romeo Tiger Ros Rose RoseBy STARKEY ch g 5 M 114 By Sunstar Merry Margot C E tenahan 4 04 Latonia 1 1S lwV lwVfast fast 17 110 C G 4 1 11 2X 1 C Brown 12 Contestant TGallant Ex Exhorter 39108 Empire 1 l42 faat 85 110101010 9 91 8 85S = s T Rice 14 Dragoon Sungold Thrift Thrift3S99 3S99 Aoduct 1 l39fast 30 110 1111 7 710 7 714 T Rice 9 Elmendorf Gueland P Dr Dr3SO8 Drapeau 3SO8 H dpGce 34 115 fast 25 115 10 8 G G2 42i J Kederis 10 WestMcath KingJohn Mil Millrace 34lVir hvy4310f 115 10 7 7 = J J Kederis 13 DofDushire Johren JofSpadei 37910 ILdeGce El f f bs f ast 3G2 110 9 9 9DUKE 9 911 J Kederis 10 Compadre Churchill Althea AltheaBy DUKE OF SHELBY blk e 8 114 114427SO By Stalwart Piseco W E MatthovrsJ 427SO I atonia 1 116 l4i ffast SO 111 12 12 12 124243r1 7i C 3 J Bell 11 Tli Green DrSamnel Kilkenny 4243r1 Churchl 1 14 2llmud 30 107 4 3 3 3424IW G Gs W Hoag 0 SizyNamy El Itey Irregular 424IW Churchl 118154 slow 75 109 5 G 5 61 6 J Bell 7 Pastonreau Mis Polly Redland Redland4H 42214 Lexton 1 14 2OGfast G2 1101 7 G G 4H 331 J Bell 9 Bsijazet Benefactor F Monroe 42075 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast HO 10S 7 C 7 75 7S J Bell 11 Mnfo Scourgeman Willdo 42034 Oaklwn 1 116 l49slow 10 110 C G 5 542iM7 6 5z J Bell F Monroe Yermak L Cochran 42iM7 Oaklwn Im70y l4Cfast 30 110 10 10 7 741X39 65 45J J Bell 11 Br Favorite Yennak Caraway 41X39 Oaklwn 1 31C 201 fast 30 109110 9 9 9417C4 81 7 L Stalker 10 BnfPlicnix Willdo Tksgiving 417C4 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 20 110 7 7 7 GJ N Burger 7 Ellison Waterproof Aztec