Jamaica Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-19


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JAMAICA FORM CHART JAMAICA t I N Y WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 1919 Sixth day Metropolitan Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 9 days Weather clear temperature 75 ° Steward to Represent Jockey Club AV S Vosbnrgh Presiding Judges E C Smith and C Coruehl sen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary W C Edwards Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and veiglitcarricd Vindicates apprentice iiHowance FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs May 19 1919 105 4 122 788 Added 2year oldsV 42865 Allowances Net value to winner 663 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P i 42822 LADY BRUMMEL wn IIS G 3 j Jj0ftus Brighton Stable 71011101 25 14 4279C = E RICKENDACHERw 112 4 1 42812 LOVELY w 106 72 3s 3s 3J 3 = G Walls Dosoris Stable 30 40 40 15 G G427993FEODOR 427993FEODOR w IOS 15 8 5 = G 4J J Collins R L Gerry 5 7 7 23 G5 42820 = IRELAND wr Ill 3 S G3 7 = G = 5s E AmbrseR Parr 787245 787245414333BLUE 414333BLUE AVRACK W 111 87 4 41 4t G T Nolan A H Diaz tG 8 8 3 75 7541433A2URITA 41433A2URITA w 108 2 4 5 CJ 7l 7J L AIcAtee A II Diaz G S S 3 75 754282GROSELAND 4282GROSELAND w 108 5 G 7 8 8 8 L Ensor R T Wilson 15 20 20 S 4 4tCoiipled tCoiipled in betting no separate place or show betting Tim6 23 47 100 106 Track fast Winner Ch f by Drummed Desirous trained by O rosthwait bred by Mr George W Smith Went to post at 241 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing LADY BRUMMEL followed the leader under restraint to the final eighth then took the lead to win easing up EDDIE RIOKENBACHER sot a fast pace and showed high speed but was doing his best at the end to outstay LOVELY The latter showed much speed and improvement FEODOR outrun early closed up some ground IRELAND a slow beginner dwelt at the start but was vigorously ridden throughout and finished resolutely BLUE WRACK showed speed The others had no mishaps i Scratched Sir Clarence 100 Overweights Eddie Rickenbacher 1 pound Lovely 3 Feodor 2 Rosoland 2 SECOND RACE 1 11C Miles June 18 1917 145 C 123 788 Added 3ycar olds and upward Sellinj Not value to winner G48 second 125 third 75 Index Horpes SiStrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 42841Q OF THE SEAwn 5 95 3 3 41 41 4s 2J 1 J Wessler G W Forman 4 42825MATINEE IDOL wn 4 104 5 4 3V 21 I1 15 2 k L Fntor Cleveland Stable 2 12511S910I3 42785 DADS CHOICEwn G 102 2 2 2J 3i 2l 3J 3 = S Wida E C Griffith 777 2 G5 42713POACHER w 4 108 1 1 I1 I1 31 45 41 T Nolan S C HHdreth 4 4 ISStAi 12 42828 GAME COCK wn 4 118 G 5 5s 58 53 55 515 G Walls H L Pratt 10 15 15 5 2A 42808 CERAMIC wn 3 101 4GG66GGM MounfnG A Shipman 5 G 6 2 45 Time 45Time 25 49 114 140 14GJJ Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch m by Sea King Cantaloupe trained by J M Collins bred by Mr William Garth GarthWent Went to post at 303 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving secoml and third the same QUEEN OF THE SEA after bcI ig cut olT 911 the first turn and again at the halfmill ground came on the outside of MATINEE IDOI when entering the stretch and drew away but was doing her host at the end MATINEIMDOL force 1 wido on the first turn moved up rapidly on the last turn but tired in the final eighth then respondc 1 again to punishment and would have won in another stride DADDYS CHOICE always prominent 1 st ground at the stretch entrance arid was running fastest at the end POACHER quit badly after si wing speed for threequarters GAME COCK had no mishaps CERAMIC was badly outpaced The wiJ icr entered for 1200 was bid up to 2000 and bought ill Scratched 1224 Twiford 102 102Overweights Overweights Game Cock 1 pound THIRD RACE 34 Mile Oct 13 1918 1111 3 12G Purse 788 3yearolds and upward Claiming Not value to winner 588 second 125 third 75 ndcx Horses AWtPPSt A Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C 42811 PEASANT 1 3 3 = 31 1J T Davies J Curb 15 20 20 8 4 42423SAPPLE JACK 3 I1 23 41 21 Q Preecc P S P Randolph 12 12 8 3 85 42809s ALOES w w5110 5 110 98 7l G1 GJ 2J 3 L Ensor R Gilmore 3 4 lS58r 1858545 4r sH420243HILL1E 42023 TITLE WB 3 101110 9 2J It li 4 = L McAtec J Shauglmossy 6873 sH 420243HILL1E B w 6 110 13 10 Si 71 1 5 = II Ham nU II Harvey 5 7 G C5 42038 JJISTWEBN US wri 7 110 8 7 5 = 5 = Gl C3 T Rico J Lumsden 10 15 15 G 12501 GRAiNDEE w 3 100 24 91 9l S1 7 k J CallahanE F Whitney 100 100 100 40 0 40515 SIR HELIO wn4 113 3 5 Gi 8J 9i Si E Haynus M Shea if 20 20 S 4 42440 = 1OAN OF ARC w 3 IOS 14 12 10 10 10 9t E AmbrswP Ulusanto 1 13 15 fi 427133COMMON LAAV w 4 110 G 11 4i IS i 10 J WillinmsJ AV ilay 4 G f 2 G5 42713 UNWISE CHILD wn 3 98 5 G 11 11 11 11 H EricksnCnsco Stable 15 0 0 K 4 42398 KEWESSA wn 9 112 11 14 13 13 13 12 J Btitwoll V 1 Oliver 1 1 7 73 42234SITPEUBA 7342234SITPEUBA w 3 95 4 13 12 12 12 13 J Wessler S Ross 15 20 15 G 3 40208 SINCERITY WB 4 105 1 2 11 11 14 14 A Collins E T Zollicoffer 30 40 40 r X Time 23 47 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by George Kessler Cottage Girl trained by J J Murphy bred by Mr John E Mad ¬ den Scratched 12427 Elizabeth R 80 42137 Airago 88 88Overweights Overweights Apple Jack II 2 pounds Title Joan of Arc 5 Kewessa ° f Q43Q FOURTH RACE 34 Milo Oct 13 1918 111 3 126 First Running OLYMPIC OOO SELLING STAKES Guaranteed Value 2000 3yearolds and upward Net vtio to winner 1450 second 300 third 200 AWtPPSt UStrFin Jockeys Owners O U c P 42810 = OUT THE AVAY wn 4 118 2 4 ink iJ 11 jit j jj0fttis S C Hildreth 12 o5 42075 AVHIMSY wn G 114 3 C C42708SAOUNEED C 4nt 2i 2 = J Hutwell Cleveland Stable 10 V r 1 73 73W 42708SAOUNEED W Wit 3 110 G 2 242711lfOI 3r 3 3J 31 T Rc s T Calclna 10 12 1 C Cw 42711lfOI CRAIG w v3107 3 107 4 5 5nk fiio 41 43 L Fltor C A Applegate G 8 s 45 45vn 42524 = UNCLE S LASSIEwi vn 3 95 7 7 74282X 4J 5l G 5 t j StapIfitnGrown Stable 15 5 217 3 4282X T1HSTW1I50N w wit3 3 102 1 3 777 G II Myers R T Wilson 15 25 7 T 42719 VAGUE w 5 107 5 1 2J 21 5 = 7 L McAteo HuntonValFrm 8 10 10 2 1 1Winner Time 23 4C 112 Track fast Winner Rr c by Peter Pan Sweepaway trained by S Hildreth bred by Mr James Rowe Went to post at 411 At post 2 minutes Start gooil and slow Won easily second and third driv ing OUT THE WAY raced VAGUE into defeat in the first Quarter and was easing up through the liiril forty yards WHIMSY began slowly but saved ground on the latst turn and finished gamely YOUNEED ran a gaijie race UNCLES LASSIE began slowly and raced well VAGUE iuit badly after forclut a fast early pIce The winner entered to be sold for SI SOU was bid up to 4000 and boucht iii Scrfitcliedr42841 Miss Bryn 100 Ovcnvelghts ThJsUedoii 2 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 Milo and 7G Yards Oct 11 1918 143 4 112 788 Added 3ycarolds Selling Net value to winner 653 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 TiStrFin Jockeys O H 0 P S 6882454280K 12794 COMME CI wn 115 1 1 3 4s 3k 33 1 T Rice Quincy Stable 688245 4280K ESQUIMAU wn 110 C 5 54 24 2 51 23 E AmbrseR Parr 2 11511535 out 42831 SYRDARYA WB 111 3 3 14 I3 I3 24 3J G Walls Dosoris Stable 15 20 20 6 21 42824 TWIFORD wn 110 5 G 6 C 6 4l 4 J Collins R L Gerry 15 15 15 5 2 42fi58 = STAR REALM wn 110 4 4 44 5 4 6 5 E Hayres R T McKecver 1 1 45 14 out 42821POULTNEY out42821POULTNEY WB 107 2 2 2s 3s 51 Ink G W Panel Erookside Stablcl5 15 15 5 2 Time 24 48 i 114 l40 5 145 J Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Astronomer Keep Still trained by J Fitzsimmous bred by Mr Sidney Bedford BedfordWent Went to post at 439 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving COMMI2 CI was outpaced in the early running but linished gamely and catching ESQUIMAU tiring in the final strides won going away The latter was badly outrun early but saved ground when uterine the stretch and finished fast SYRDARYA ran well but tired after setting the pace to the stretch STAB KKALM moved tip on the last turn but rail out when approaching the liual turn POULT NKY tired badly after going threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched 12800 Ceramic 110 42711 Chasseur 105 105Overweights Overweights Poultney 2 pounds SIXTH BACE 58 Mile May 19 1917 59 2 109 888 Added 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 698 second 125 third 85 Index Horses AWtPPSt tt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 4278 = HD OVER HEELS w 118 51 I3 I5 1 = I3 J Loftus J W May S10G5 1 25 14 42844 BLAZES w 115 23 S3 3 = 3 2 = E Haynes R Parr G G 5 21 42607 ALIAS w 115 62 23 21 23 33 W Kclsay G AV Loft G 8 4 85 45 REMAINDER OP CHART DELAYED IJV TRANSMISSION 42812 Feather 112 42790IIIcadinan 115 42C13 Simpleton 115 42344 Doughboy 115 42799 San Marcus 115 and War Map 115 also ran ranTime Time 100 Track fast Winner Ch f by Celt Belle Flcur trained by J W Miy bred by Mr A B Hancock Scratched 42805 Feodor 115 42805 Hoselaud 115 Lady Lucille 112

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919061901/drf1919061901_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1919061901_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800