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HOW McKINLEY WAS BEATEN To what extent the victory of Mr W K Van derbilts Tchad in the French Derby was a fluk will never of course be determined Some people declare that but for an untoward happening in the race he would never have beaten his stable com ¬ panion McKinley others emphasize the fact that the latter never seemed to relish the hard going and did not run like the great horse he was expected to prove What proveWhat happened in the race was this From an excellent start Insensible belonging to Mr Jefferson Colin made the running from Bassam Jour de Gloire McKinley and Tchad and there was no alteration hillLess in this order descending the hill Less than a furlong from the bend Insensible swerved to the left and took out Bassam McKinley and Bambino Fortunately Tchad was not affected by the contretemps and G Bellhouse his English rider sent him to the front and he beat Hallc bardicr by a length and a half Master Good being third thirdAlthough Although he had lost irobably fifty lengths Mc ¬ Kinley nevertheless finished fourth Manchester Sporting Chronicle