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FISHING AND HUNTING NOTES A I iiilou angler fishing at Deal England June 21 during tlic weekend caught 824 fish in sixteen hours He was only using one rod rodWhile While engaged in emi tying the WaTiwallopen dam which supplies the town of BIytheburue Pa1 with water William Garrison caught a trout which weighed tieven and threequarters pounds and measured twentythree inches The dam was found In be the home of hundreds of largesized trout and penli penliThe The fame fish of Ca alinu include yellowstone lilnefin ant yellowfin tn a alhaeore California Im iilto while sea liiiss in an Ixmito dolphin giant bliss iiiarlin NWonlfish ai I broailbiil swordfish The baits for the fi li incl ule Flyingfish sardines saurj barraiidn anchovies skipjack rock bass and it numlwr of urtlfMal lures designed to represent the natural flslr or attract the attention uf the