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NEW GAME CODE OF ILLINOIS Under the new Game and Fish Code of Illinois acted by the legislature of that state which ad ¬ journed lust week the open seasons for taking game and game birds and the daily bag limits are as follows Cock pheasants October 1 to October 5 both dates inclusive Bag limit per day two birds Un ¬ lawful to have more than six pheasants in possession at any one time timePlovers Plovers Blackbreasted and golden greater and lesser yellowlegs September 16 to December 31 both dates inclusive Bag limit fifteen in one day Unlawful to have more than fifty in possession at one time timePrairie Prairie chickens October 20 to 31 both dates in ¬ clusive Bag limitthree birds per day Unlawful to have more than twelve birds in possession at one time timeQuail Quail Bob White November 10 to December 10 both dates inclusive Bag limit twelve birds per day Unlawful to have more than thirtysix in possession at same time Rails except coots September 1 to November 30 both dates inclusive Bag limit fifteen birds per day Unlawful to have more than sixty in possession at same time timeSnipe Snipe Wilson arid jack September 16 to De ¬ cember 31 both dates inclusive Unlawful to have more than fifty birds in possession at one time timeWaterfowl Waterfowl brants coots ducks geese Sep ¬ tember 1G to December 31 both dates inclusive Bag limit eight brant fifteen coot fifteen ducks eight geese Unlawful to have in possession at one time more than ten brants sixty coots sixty ducks ten geese geeseWood Wood ducks and eider ducks are protected abso ¬ lutely until September 16 1925 1925It It is unlawful to hunt any such waterfowl from any fixed or artificial ambush located beyond the lines of the natural covering of reedsi canes willows flags crooked brush wild rice or other vegetation above the open waters of any lake bayou or inlet or other water course within the jurisdic ¬ tion of the state To hunt or kill or attempt to hunt or kill any such waterf owl from an electric gas or steam launch sailboat or aerq or hydroplane To use a rifle swivel gun trap snare or net in hunting or killing or attempting to hunt or kill any such waterfowl To useta sneak boat sink box or other device for the purpose of concealment when hunting any such waterfowl To use a trap snare or net in attempting to take any of the game birds mentioned above To take or needlessly destroy the nests or eggs thereof To hunt or kill or attempt to hunt or kill any of such game birds before sun ¬ rise or after sunset To buy sell or barter or offer to buy sell or barter or for any commercial insti ¬ tution commission house restaurant or cafe keeper to have in possession any of the game birds men ¬ tioned above whether killed or taken within or without this state or lawfully or unlawfully killed or taken takenDeer Deer Unlawful to hunt deer until November 10 1923 1923Squirrels Squirrels August 1 to Deceml er 1 both dates inclusive Bag limit ten per day Unlawful to have more than twenty in possession at one time timeRaccoons Raccoons minks muskrats skunks opossums foxes and otters are protected except between No ¬ vember 1 and the following March 15 both dates in ¬ clusive clusiveIt It is unlawful to disturb mutilate or destroy the house or den of any fur bearing animal or to cut down or to cut into any tree containing the den of any fur bearing animal or to destroy or molest the house or den of any otter or muskrat except where such house or den obstructs d public or private ditch or water course and it is also unlawful to hunt kill take or destroy rabbits squirrels or any fur bearing animal with through the use of or by the aid of a ferret ferretIt It is also unlawful to hunt kill take or destroy or attempt to hunt kill take or destroy game birds rabbits squirrels or fur bearing animals from any automobile or vehicle of any kind pro ¬ pelled by mechanical power by tlie use of lights thereof or any light used from such vehicle