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NEW FISH LAWS OF ILLINOIS ILLINOISJust Just before its adjournment last week the Legis ¬ lature of the State of Illinois enacted a new fish and game code The following is a condensed sum ¬ mary of the regulations affecting game fish fishBlackbass Blackbass Unlawful to take except with hook and lines Cannot be sold or bartered whether caught within or without the state Unlawful for commission house retaurant or cafe keeper or fish dealer to have in possession possessionBass Bass rock white or striped buffalo bullhead cat carp catfish crappies perch white perch yellow or ringed and sunfish Unlawful to catch fish of less than the following lengths except by hook and lines Rockbass six inches white or striped bass eight inches buffalo fifteen inches bullhead cat dressed seven inches bullhead cat undressed eight inches carp fifteen inches cat ¬ fish thirteen inches catfish blue or channel fifteen inches crappies eight inches perch white ten inches perch yellow or ringed seven inches suufish six inches Unlawful to buy sell or barter or offer to buy sell or barter or to ship or offer for shipment or receive for shipment or for any commercial institution commission house restaurant or cafe keeper or fish dealer to have in possession any of the abovementioned fish if the same are undersized or if taken from waters within the state between tlie first day of April and the first day of June both inclusive but this provision does not apply to fish placed in cold storage prior to the first day of April AprilBlackfins Blackfins chubs herring nd longjaws Unlawful to take with either gill nets dip nets or pound nets the meshes of which are either more or less than one and one quarter inches square squareLake Lake percli Unlawful to take fish less than seven inches in length except by hook and lines to buy sell or barter or offer to buy sell or barter or for any commercial institution commission house etc to have in possession undersized fish to catch or attempt to catch with gill nets dip nets or pound nets the meshes of which are less than one and onequarter inches square squarePickerel Pickerel pike and pike perch commonly known as walleyed pike jack or yellow salmon Unlawful to catch except by hook and line to buy sell or barter or offer to buy sell or barter or for any commercial institution commission house etc to have in possession if taken from waters within the jurisdiction of the state to buy sell or barter or offer to buy sell or barter or for any commercial institution commission house etc to have pick ¬ erel or pike of less than fifteen inches in length or pike perch of less than thirteen inches in length in possession if taken without the state stateLake Lake trout and whitefish Unlawful to take with gill nets or pound nets the meshes of which are less than two and onequarter inches square to catch or attempt to catch between the first day of No ¬ vember and the first day of December both in ¬ clusive by means of any device whatsoever to take lake trout or whitefish of less weight than one and onequarter pounds dressed provided that any single catch of these lish containing not in excess of ten per cent undersized fish shall not be un ¬ lawful but sucli undersized fish shall not be shipped but be disposed of upon the shore of the body of water from which taken to buy sell or barter for any commercial institution commission house etc to have in possession any lake trout or whitefish if the same are under weight except as above provided providedMinnows Minnows Unlawful to catch except for bait to catch by the use of minnow seines of more than twenty feet in length to take with minnow seines or traps the meshes of which are less than one quarter of an inch square for any person to buy sell or barter or have in possession for any purpose except for use as bait in ca telling minnows for bait all other fish of whatever size taken shall be returned to the water without unnecessary in ¬ jury juryNonresident Nonresident fishing licenses Unlawful for any male person over the age of eighteen years who is a nonresident of the state to fish witli hook and line or by any other means without obtaining a nonresident license the cost of same being 1 with a fee of twentyfive cents to the count city or village clerk issuing same